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Does the US mirror its mother country England - why its good not to be English

USVUKhistory | 07.07.2008 17:48

England probably explains why the US which was born out of genocide itself has expanded this role across the free world. England, which is the mother country, to which many refer has a history of colonial warmongering and genocide to gain economic advantage in the middle east, India, Africa and more recently under the illustrious leader Margaret Thatcher in Indonesia, Burma and Haiti. England has a despicable history matched only by the US, which is beginning to reveal the traits of its birth.

Colonial subjects in countries taken over by the English had to work as slaves and had to fight for basic rights, many of them were maltreated and even killed. The cultures of these people who were often referred to as savages was often superior but was systematically destroyed for some repressed Victorian Englishmen trying to make money and calling themselves gentleman (the meaning should be changed to hypocritical thug of English origin)

England still has a monarch where its subjects have not even made it to being citizens and they serve German monarchs who were too cowardly to reveal their original name. Just for the English so they know their own history these German Nazis who fled after it started to go wrong were called Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Hesse, Battenberg and Schleswig-Holstein. They are commonly called the Windsors by virtue of PR spin and the stupid English. The Queen of England (lets face it no one else would want this woman or any form of monarchy unless they had no self respect) is constantly greeting genocidal murderers such as Pinochet and Bush. She is favoured by the spy ridden BBC and the rest of the media have to endure them. The Queen is also related to Bush and I must say it shows in every way.

England's other great export is Adam Smith, the creator of free market libertarianism which has been roughly translated by what are perhaps ironically described as honorable in the UK as invade and cause a civil war and run with the loot, This is in fact capitalism and the birth of corporations a bit like Nike and GAP (Global Association of Plundering), BP (Blatant Plundering) are all about harming people and the environment, making lots of money and generally not caring and leaving you to clean up their mess. Some of these companies also hire mercenaries as with Shell and Thatchers son Mark also features trying to cause conflict in Equitorial New Guinea. Where there are resources, people or anything to exploit for wealth, you will find an English connection .. So whatof the UK, met some lovely Irish people who tell me how the Brits released prisoners into Ireland and these prisoners, they liked stealing, raping and behaving badly. Met some Scot people whose land has been ruled by English thugs for what seems like forever, when will they go? Can we start with Guy Ritchie. Guess what these people are very concerned about what is happening in Zimbabwe but less about their own banana republics via some very dodgy postal fraud.

The main interests of the English is military stuff be it reenactment, talking about exploits, invasions and England's position in the world (most other Europeans hate war but the English they love it and perhaps it is their penchant for killing and exploitation that shines). They also have an invented etiquette run at schools designed for the inbred stupids who need special schools paid for by people who need to hide their childrens poor intellect. English manners are curious as they are designed to hide the truth including their racism, they do not like to discuss serious or heated issues perhaps it exposes their simple minds and like their friends in the US - they quote cultural aspects of the French or the Italians to give themselves some self importance) bad food apart from fish and chips. Did you know their is no record of literature in England until the 12th century? The English did not bathe until the Romans and lets face it most cosmpolitans choose to live in London to get away from the inbred people who call themselves English.

The US and UK have a lot in common - support for NAFTA, GATTs ( it is where companies can take over your schools and hospitals under PFI schemes paid for by individuals) genetically modified foods, obesity, bad diets, lack of culture, Iraq, Afghanistan, killing, stealing land and the world's resources

At least the world has nothing to learn from the English with their monarchy, in a country that is owned and run by corporations that is inhabited by people who choose to call themselves subjects and have not even made it to being citizens but hey its probably what the England patriots deserve to have to love.

Viva Scotland, Ireland, Wales, other countries and peoples and anyone who never wants to be part of this descipable part of history that is the last refuge of the English scoundrel.



Display the following 6 comments

  1. Establishment of UK and US not people — peopleunite
  2. Adam Smith — wut
  3. Weak bnp trolling attempt — beowulf
  4. Shell? — MonkeyBot 5000
  5. Darkies will always have intelligence - Whitey racists remain stupid — nototwats
  6. to the moderators — adam smith