9-11 Contradictions: The mysterious case of Barry Jennings:
brian | 07.07.2008 02:15 | Terror War | World
some time ago, Barry Jennings, Deputy Director, Emergency Services Department, New York City Housing Authority, as interviewed by Loose Change crew and reported dead bodies and explosions in WTC7. But recently, he has changed his tune. Why?
Here is the story:
Jennings speaks a year ago:
he clearly says(5.47 on)
'And the firefighter that took us down kept saying, do not look down:
And i kept saying : why?...and...stepping over people. And you know you can feel when you are stepping over people'
BUT on BBC site we have this:
'Did anyone die in the collapse of Tower 7?
There is no evidence that anyone died in Tower 7 on 9/11. However, conspiracy talk shows and websites seized on a recent interview for Loose Change with the crucial eyewitness Barry Jennings.
The writer and director of Loose Change, Dylan Avery, told The Conspiracy Files: "The amount of detail that Barry gave us in this interview was unreal. He says he was stepping over dead bodies in the lobby."
Barry Jennings himself disagrees with their interpretation of his words. Barry Jennings told the BBC: "I didn't like the way you know I was portrayed. They portrayed me as seeing dead bodies. I never saw dead bodies"
Dylan Avery is adamant that he didn't take anything out of context. He played The Conspiracy Files a recording of Barry Jennings words: "The fire fighter who took us down kept saying do not look down. And I kept saying why.
"He said do not look down. And we're stepping over people and you know you could feel when you're stepping over people."
However, Barry Jennings told the BBC: "I said it felt like I was stepping over them but I never saw any.
"And you know that's the way they portrayed me and I didn't appreciate that so I told them to pull my interview."
Why did Jennings change his mind. Because the above BBC account is not true. Jennings is lying, as we have the original account from 2007.(above)
This is just like an earlier recanter: Dr. Van D. Romero
The account of a year ago clearly has Jennings hearing explosions BEFORE he sees dead bodies. But he uses the word ' seeing'....the initial interview he doesnt use the word seeing, so this is straw man. But he is clear in knowing there were human bodies there.
So BBC, not surprisingly has him lying
Jennings needs to be confronted with his 9-11 Contradictions

Jennings speaks a year ago:

he clearly says(5.47 on)
'And the firefighter that took us down kept saying, do not look down:
And i kept saying : why?...and...stepping over people. And you know you can feel when you are stepping over people'
BUT on BBC site we have this:
'Did anyone die in the collapse of Tower 7?
There is no evidence that anyone died in Tower 7 on 9/11. However, conspiracy talk shows and websites seized on a recent interview for Loose Change with the crucial eyewitness Barry Jennings.
The writer and director of Loose Change, Dylan Avery, told The Conspiracy Files: "The amount of detail that Barry gave us in this interview was unreal. He says he was stepping over dead bodies in the lobby."
Barry Jennings himself disagrees with their interpretation of his words. Barry Jennings told the BBC: "I didn't like the way you know I was portrayed. They portrayed me as seeing dead bodies. I never saw dead bodies"
Dylan Avery is adamant that he didn't take anything out of context. He played The Conspiracy Files a recording of Barry Jennings words: "The fire fighter who took us down kept saying do not look down. And I kept saying why.
"He said do not look down. And we're stepping over people and you know you could feel when you're stepping over people."
However, Barry Jennings told the BBC: "I said it felt like I was stepping over them but I never saw any.
"And you know that's the way they portrayed me and I didn't appreciate that so I told them to pull my interview."

Why did Jennings change his mind. Because the above BBC account is not true. Jennings is lying, as we have the original account from 2007.(above)
This is just like an earlier recanter: Dr. Van D. Romero
The account of a year ago clearly has Jennings hearing explosions BEFORE he sees dead bodies. But he uses the word ' seeing'....the initial interview he doesnt use the word seeing, so this is straw man. But he is clear in knowing there were human bodies there.
So BBC, not surprisingly has him lying
Jennings needs to be confronted with his 9-11 Contradictions