Unity Care Keeps Asylum Seeking Children in Poverty
Former Employee | 04.07.2008 07:10 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles | Birmingham
Unity Care Services of Portland Road, Birmingham, who used to be called Principal Housing Care, are still profiteering from Local Government money to live Millionaire lifestyle, while they keep children in poverty conditions. While they live in mansions, and drive luxury cars, children live in run down properties with no support and very little money to exist.
Corrupt, Profiteering Social Landlord Uses Government Money to Live Millionaire’s Lifestyle
Principal Housing Care Ltd changed its name to Unity Care Services but still continues to abuse its position, and the local authorities are fully aware of it. Principal housing Care (now Unity Care Services of 9 Portland Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B16 9HN, Company No. 06437659, Tel 0121 454 8703), who house unaccompanied asylum seeking children on behalf of various social services including Birmingham, Solihull, Worcester Northampton, Sandwell and Telford, were investigated in the first quarter of 2007 for the shockingly poor standards of their accommodation and the extremely poor standards of care they were providing. They have now been shown to have been profiteering and employing dangerous people with no police checks in place, to look after very vulnerable unaccompanied asylum seeking children.
The directors live in millionaire mansions and drive Bentley sports cars, Aston Martin, Lamborghini, Luxury Mercedes and Luxury BMW cars, while they keep asylum seeking children in run-down, unfit, unmaintained houses in unsuitable dangerous neighbourhoods / areas.
The company charge local authorities exorbitant fees for housing and support of children (up to £280 per week per person) but consistently leave children in poverty conditions with damp unfit housing with no heating etc. and little or no support.
The company employed a practising insolvency practitioner to put together accounts that try to hide a million pounds profit a year, while these children get £35 per week to feed and clothe themselves.
The directors are using government money gained from profiteering to set up other companies that also con the tax authorities. They are directors of 22 other companies set using this money gained from profiteering government money, and these companies have not filed any accounts, and will then be put into liquidation.
The directors employed their family and paid them cash, so that they could remain on benefits, they also rent properties from family members but encourage that family member to illegally claim benefit from the rented house, thus stealing government money at two more different sources.
Using money gained from profiteering government contracts they set up companies that sell property off plan, these off plan deals had no planning permission and they conned all the people who reserved apartments off plan out of approx, £7500 per person, thus using government money to con unsuspecting victims (one of these companies was Willow Walk Ltd in Wolverhampton).
The company hostel in West Bromwich, after 5 years of operation still does not have a license for H.M.O. and sleeps up to 25 vulnerable young children at any one time, these children are new to the country, do not speak English and would not understand what to do in the event of a fire etc. even if the hostel was licensed.
They employ family with no experience no qualification and no police checks, 2 of the people that Principal Housing Care (Unity Care Services) used to and still do employ, and who are members of the directors family’s, are not suitable to work with young vulnerable children. One has now been police checked now, this is the husband of the Director and shareholder of Unity Care Services and is still employed by the company, who whilst working for the company was charged with a racially motivated violent aggravated assault, this is on top of his past history of criminal activity. This person has unsupervised access to children come to this country from such places as Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. and who is shown to be a practicing violent racist.
The other person is a brother of the other director who was a director of Principal Housing Care Ltd but who is not now I understand a director of Unity Care Services, This person was convicted of attempted murder of his brother’s wife and was sent to a secure hospital for the mentally ill. This person was employed by the company for a period of 6 months at the end of 2006 and the beginning of 2007, and had full access to the children in the hostel and at their houses, being made an authorised property inspector, with his own set of keys to each house.
The directors continue to profiteer from government money, live life’s of luxury, but continue to be negligent in the extreme, they have and continue to put very vulnerable children in potentially dangerous situations, giving unfit people unrestricted and unsupervised access to vulnerable children at all times. All with the knowledge of the local authorities.
Principal Housing Care Ltd changed its name to Unity Care Services but still continues to abuse its position, and the local authorities are fully aware of it. Principal housing Care (now Unity Care Services of 9 Portland Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B16 9HN, Company No. 06437659, Tel 0121 454 8703), who house unaccompanied asylum seeking children on behalf of various social services including Birmingham, Solihull, Worcester Northampton, Sandwell and Telford, were investigated in the first quarter of 2007 for the shockingly poor standards of their accommodation and the extremely poor standards of care they were providing. They have now been shown to have been profiteering and employing dangerous people with no police checks in place, to look after very vulnerable unaccompanied asylum seeking children.
The directors live in millionaire mansions and drive Bentley sports cars, Aston Martin, Lamborghini, Luxury Mercedes and Luxury BMW cars, while they keep asylum seeking children in run-down, unfit, unmaintained houses in unsuitable dangerous neighbourhoods / areas.
The company charge local authorities exorbitant fees for housing and support of children (up to £280 per week per person) but consistently leave children in poverty conditions with damp unfit housing with no heating etc. and little or no support.
The company employed a practising insolvency practitioner to put together accounts that try to hide a million pounds profit a year, while these children get £35 per week to feed and clothe themselves.
The directors are using government money gained from profiteering to set up other companies that also con the tax authorities. They are directors of 22 other companies set using this money gained from profiteering government money, and these companies have not filed any accounts, and will then be put into liquidation.
The directors employed their family and paid them cash, so that they could remain on benefits, they also rent properties from family members but encourage that family member to illegally claim benefit from the rented house, thus stealing government money at two more different sources.
Using money gained from profiteering government contracts they set up companies that sell property off plan, these off plan deals had no planning permission and they conned all the people who reserved apartments off plan out of approx, £7500 per person, thus using government money to con unsuspecting victims (one of these companies was Willow Walk Ltd in Wolverhampton).
The company hostel in West Bromwich, after 5 years of operation still does not have a license for H.M.O. and sleeps up to 25 vulnerable young children at any one time, these children are new to the country, do not speak English and would not understand what to do in the event of a fire etc. even if the hostel was licensed.
They employ family with no experience no qualification and no police checks, 2 of the people that Principal Housing Care (Unity Care Services) used to and still do employ, and who are members of the directors family’s, are not suitable to work with young vulnerable children. One has now been police checked now, this is the husband of the Director and shareholder of Unity Care Services and is still employed by the company, who whilst working for the company was charged with a racially motivated violent aggravated assault, this is on top of his past history of criminal activity. This person has unsupervised access to children come to this country from such places as Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. and who is shown to be a practicing violent racist.
The other person is a brother of the other director who was a director of Principal Housing Care Ltd but who is not now I understand a director of Unity Care Services, This person was convicted of attempted murder of his brother’s wife and was sent to a secure hospital for the mentally ill. This person was employed by the company for a period of 6 months at the end of 2006 and the beginning of 2007, and had full access to the children in the hostel and at their houses, being made an authorised property inspector, with his own set of keys to each house.
The directors continue to profiteer from government money, live life’s of luxury, but continue to be negligent in the extreme, they have and continue to put very vulnerable children in potentially dangerous situations, giving unfit people unrestricted and unsupervised access to vulnerable children at all times. All with the knowledge of the local authorities.
Former Employee
Hide the following 29 comments
name and shame the scum
04.07.2008 09:52
scum bag shits. it's these kind of people who profit off of concentration camps.
10.07.2008 07:53
James Tomlin
Shame on you would you treat your own children like this
10.07.2008 16:25
Social Services Need to be shamed as well
12.07.2008 18:29
If this was British Children this would be front page news
12.07.2008 18:36
Back Handers
13.07.2008 08:56
Warning Con People
15.07.2008 18:01
They have many companies aimed at ripping people off
Dream World Devolopments is one of the big ones selling property of plan in morocco
Be warned if you get mixed up with them you will be coned !
Ripped off
Time to call it a day / Social services do something about it
15.07.2008 20:12
I believe there is a lot of inside trading within social services, also the back stabbing and competiveness of the providers is very wide spread. I recently had a conversation with a young person and I would sugest social services need to investigate a company called Greenways, that sounds like another horror story. They have large numbers of vulnerable young people.
The bottom line is the people that could make a difference just dont care about these young people enough, the people to blame for all this suffering is the people responsible for making the decisions of where young people are being placed. SHAME ON YOU.
16.07.2008 20:55
Well Well Well Unity Finally Respond
16.07.2008 23:23
Glass Houses.......
21.07.2008 16:13
There are many organisations out there willing to care for these children but are not given the opportunity. Social Services or Social Inclusion and Health (whatever they are calling themselves lately) have never had a great reputation with the community, mostly due to their lack of empathy, imcompetence and general disregard for anyone other than themselves but they have surpassed themselves this time. There is obviously some money being passed to someone under the table for this to go on for so long. But who is in charge? With Social Services/Social Inclusion and Health you can never tell and i doubt they really know themselves. Its wrong, it shouldn't happen but what is happening about it?? Which leads me back to my title....
Who started this off? A disgruntled employee? Ex Partner? Ex Director? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they brought this to light but what part did they play in Principle Housing Care? How do they know so much? What have they done to expose this sham of a company?
Last comment so true.
21.07.2008 21:18
Birmingham, Solihull, Worcester still have young people placed with principal knowing full well that this company may have changed there name but not there standard of care.
There are companies out there that deliver a good service thats evidenced and fully recorded, social services need to look at the alternatives to these old school profit only services. now is the time to look at providers that care. COME ON SOCIAL SERVICES GET SOMETHING RIGHT FOR ONCE.
mr sheen
24.07.2008 16:43
So it was true
25.07.2008 14:05
let me know if there is any new business adventures in the future
Ex employee
Whos to blame?
27.07.2008 15:00
Where were your comments at the time if you believed children were being abused?
Did you not swear to uphold the child's best interest at all times and work towards erradicating abuse!!
You are as much to blame as anyone-
The same goes for Local authorities who visited daily-
Unity are to Blame
29.07.2008 07:58
Sour Grapes and Rotton Apples
31.07.2008 16:37
Sour grapes! Ex employees, partners whoever you are, making these statements after you have left the company is cowardly, pointless and only proves that getting paid was your main priorty while you were employed/associated with Principle Housing Care and Unity Care. Whether you left on the grounds that you felt helpless with all the wrong-doing that was going on we will never know. Some of you that have left have done your own thing or tried to do your own thing. Those who have succeeded well done, move on, put it down as an educational experience, the "what not to do in business" part of your life. Those who have failed, ask yourselves why... Could it be that you have tried to run corrupt firms like those that you were expelled from? Working with the wrong people? Whatever it is, get over it. Move on. You won't win and thieves never prosper.
Rotton apples? All these comments prove that there are rotton apples out there that are making this industry damn hard for all the other organisations out there. It's very easy to sit behind a computer and slag these people off, especially when they respond so poorly, it just gives us more ammunition to shoot them down but why all the bad comments? I agree that what they have done is extremely bad and anyone with a few ounces of decency wouldn't have done it but if my suspicions are correct, the ex employees/partners who have made comments are just as rotton and are unhappy about their current situations. Stop whining about being used and abused, stop feeling sorry for yourselves, fix your own lives before you slander other peoples. You are to blame for where you are.
Now i've said my piece, i'm not any part of the companies mentioned and i'm not associated with them in any way but i have heard a lot of stories. I don't condone what they have done but i don't agree with slandering people either. This was not started to help the children in their hostels, it was started purely because of sour grapes and rotton apples.
Theives do Prosper
01.08.2008 08:38
It could improve the childrens situation
02.08.2008 14:43
19.08.2008 12:41
Secondly this sight is getting out of control*****************************************
Please make you complaints to Social Services Birmingham - As a up standing member of Birmingham City Council - I think this is Outrageous and need to be investigated properly.
RyA1981 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
AND ------------------------- FURTHER MORE
22.08.2008 11:46
Or is it about your own guilt and Insecurities??????????
I further like to add that Midland Homes is a very successful Estate Agency Based on North West Birmingham. There is no UNDER HANDED ACTIVITIES, happening, happened or due to take place. The company runs well on HONEST money after all lets be honest - WE ALL HAVE TO ANSWER TO GOD.
V.J was dismissed from the company 1 year 2 months ago. There are no further links to this man and Kelly Kaur. Obviously people have to blame other for their wrong doings.
One last thing the - in your opinion the Knightsbridge Building apparently 'LOOKS GOOD FROM THE OUTSIDE'.
DID YOU DESIGN THIS BUILDING AND THEN GO AND WORK WITH THESE FRAUDS????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Scammers Scammers Scammers! Stay AWAY CON ARTISTS!
07.12.2008 20:20
Steve Singh
15.12.2008 23:16
Young people are still being housed at Unity`s hostel at 65 Beechs rd ,West Bromwich
PLEASE social services see past the posh office and the patter of these people.
I AM A EX ASYLUM SEEKER .I work there and am able to speak out I dont care any more if I lose my job it`s gone to far.
Mr Z
suzi wong
Did you really?
03.01.2009 10:43
You still clearly have too much time on your hands - have you considered taking up a hobby to fill the gap?! All these claims that you consistently make just show that you are incredibly jealous of Unity Care Services and that you are spiteful. Get a life!
You've clearly got too much time on your hands!
14.02.2009 12:05
Defending these guys??? What do you have to hide?
Dear All,
As someone who is currently taking legal action against some of these "Scum Bags" i find it incredible that some people seem to be defending them !!! Clearly that is either due to a connection with them, profiteering too or you really do not care about the hurt and pain they have caused to so may innocent people. Please look in the mirror as your day may come sooner than you think.
search on Saghwat Siggy
14.04.2009 20:20
Everyone who has a complain on him can contact me.
I will do everything to have justice and stop this guy to con everybody.
He should be in jail from a long time.
For Anyone interested
17.04.2009 13:10
Report for Bankruptcy Case
Individual Details
Forename(s) SAGHWAT
Title MR
Occupation Sales & customer services
Date of Birth 03 April 1974
Last Known Address 3 Sion House
Sion Hill
DY10 2YY
15.06.2009 11:52
You know Who!
You Know Who!
Con women not business women
31.12.2009 17:46
You really kno who