US Escalates 'Covert Operations' Against Iran
Reuters | 02.07.2008 23:24 | Anti-militarism | World
So much for opposing 'any state supporting terrorists' ...
Of course, immorality breeds contradiction.
Of course, immorality breeds contradiction.
U.S. escalating covert operations against Iran: report
Sun Jun 29, 2008
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. congressional leaders agreed late last year to President George W. Bush's funding request for a major escalation of covert operations against Iran aimed at destabilizing its leadership, according to a report in The New Yorker magazine published online on Sunday.
(In other words, they're funding Terrorism inside the country ...)
The article by reporter Seymour Hersh, from the magazine's July 7 and 14 issue, centers on a highly classified Presidential Finding signed by Bush which by U.S. law must be made known to Democratic and Republican House and Senate leaders and ranking members of the intelligence committees.
"The Finding was focused on undermining Iran's nuclear ambitions and trying to undermine the government through regime change," the article cited a person familiar with its contents as saying, and involved "working with opposition groups and passing money."
(But since Iran has no such "nuclear ambitions", this is solely about Regime Change. Is The Shah, Chapter II, just around the corner? These people must not study their own histories ...)
Hersh has written previously about possible administration plans to go to war to stop Tehran from obtaining nuclear weapons, including an April 2006 article in the New Yorker that suggested regime change in Iran, whether by diplomatic or military means, was Bush's ultimate goal.
(Yes, since Iran is not trying to obtain nuclear weapons, and this unfounded allegation - LIE - is simply the same BS these Extremists pulled on their own citizens before starting the disastrous war in Iraq.)
Funding for the covert escalation, for which Bush requested up to $400 million, was approved by congressional leaders, according to the article, citing current and former military, intelligence and congressional sources.
Clandestine operations against Iran are not new. U.S. Special Operations Forces have been conducting crossborder operations from southern Iraq since last year, the article said.
(They've actually been conducting these for several years.)
These have included seizing members of Al Quds, the commando arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and taking them to Iraq for interrogation, and the pursuit of "high-value targets" in Bush's war on terrorism, who may be captured or killed, according to the article.
(As well as the targeting of Government personnel, and the funding of terrorist groups within the country.)
The U.S. ambassador in Iraq, Ryan Crocker, told CNN's "Late Edition" he had not read the article, but denied the allegations of cross-border operations.
(They are not "allegations" ...)
"I'll tell you flatly that U.S. forces are not operating across the Iraqi border into Iran, in the south or anywhere else," he said in an interview from Baghdad on Sunday.
The scale and the scope of the operations in Iran, which include the Central Intelligence Agency, have now been significantly expanded, the New Yorker article said, citing current and former officials.
Many of these activities are not specified in the new finding, and some congressional leaders have had serious questions about their nature, it said.
Among groups inside Iran benefiting from U.S. support is the Jundallah, also known as the Iranian People's Resistance Movement, according to former CIA officer Robert Baer. Council on Foreign Relations analyst Vali Nasr described it to Hersh as a vicious organization suspected of links to al Qaeda.
('Al Qaeda', of course, being nothing more than a Front for the nastier parts of the American and Israeli intelligence services.)
The article said U.S. support for the dissident groups could prompt a violent crackdown by Iran, which could give the Bush administration a reason to intervene.
None of the Democratic leaders in Congress would comment on the finding, the article said. The White House, which has repeatedly denied preparing for military action against Iran, and the CIA also declined comment.
(But everyone knows better than that ...)
The United States is leading international efforts to rein in Iran's suspected effort to develop nuclear weapons, although Washington concedes Iran has the right to develop nuclear power for civilian uses.
(No, they are attempting to again feign a justification for an illegal war they see as an inevitability. The weak-kneed press has completely discredited itself by incessantly repeating this LIE.)
(Additional reporting by Paul Eckert in Washington; writing by Chris Michaud; editing by Eric Beech and David Wiessler)
Iran Will Cooperate with UN Probe into US/Israeli Allegations
Israel's Syrian Air Strike Was Aimed at Iran
The ME has had a Secretive Nuclear Power in its Midst for Years
Spooks Refuse to Toe Cheney's Line on Iran
IAEA Again Verifies Iranian Compliance
Israel Considering Strike on Iran Despite US Intelligence Report,,2224052,00.html
US intelligence report heightens danger of Israeli strike on Iran
'Laptop of Death': Revising the NIE on Iran
The entire claim that Iran was building nuclear weapons rests on a laptop provided by a single, dubious source.
Israeli Extremists Prep for Nuclear Strike on Iran
Hersh: Israel Pressed me to Write Syrian Site was Nuclear
Sy Hersh confirms: Syrian Facility Bombed by Israel Not Nuclear
A Strike in the Dark - What did Israel bomb in Syria?
by Seymour M. Hersh
War Clouds Over Mideast§ion=0&article=108719&d=8&m=4&y=2008
Israel & The 'Clash of Civilizations'
The largest threat to the region doesn't come from Iran: it comes from Israel's success in having had the US "neutralize" countries which it believes to be an existential threat to it's existence. However, there's just one little problem with this approach concerning Iran. Russia's diplomats have stated unequivocally that any attack against Iran will be perceived as an attack on Russia.
UN Nuclear Watchdog in Milestone Iran Deal
Iran Dumps US Dollar in Oil Trading, US Preps War
Israel's Extremists STILL Beating Iran War Drums
Iran Mosque Blast Plotters Admit Israeli, US Links
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Israel Calls for US Blockade of Iran
US Report on 'Iranian Weapons' Postponed Due to Lack of Evidence
Pakistan May Turn Over U.S. Terrorists To Iran
Iranian Mosque Blast Plotters Admit Israeli, US Links
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IAEA Again Confirms: No Weaponization in Iran
McLellan's Warning on Iran
'Hate Iran Week' at AIPAC
Israel Launches 'Iran Command' for War
Bush Resurrects a Whopper
Israeli Extremists STILL Pushing for War With Iran
Sun Jun 29, 2008
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. congressional leaders agreed late last year to President George W. Bush's funding request for a major escalation of covert operations against Iran aimed at destabilizing its leadership, according to a report in The New Yorker magazine published online on Sunday.
(In other words, they're funding Terrorism inside the country ...)
The article by reporter Seymour Hersh, from the magazine's July 7 and 14 issue, centers on a highly classified Presidential Finding signed by Bush which by U.S. law must be made known to Democratic and Republican House and Senate leaders and ranking members of the intelligence committees.
"The Finding was focused on undermining Iran's nuclear ambitions and trying to undermine the government through regime change," the article cited a person familiar with its contents as saying, and involved "working with opposition groups and passing money."
(But since Iran has no such "nuclear ambitions", this is solely about Regime Change. Is The Shah, Chapter II, just around the corner? These people must not study their own histories ...)
Hersh has written previously about possible administration plans to go to war to stop Tehran from obtaining nuclear weapons, including an April 2006 article in the New Yorker that suggested regime change in Iran, whether by diplomatic or military means, was Bush's ultimate goal.
(Yes, since Iran is not trying to obtain nuclear weapons, and this unfounded allegation - LIE - is simply the same BS these Extremists pulled on their own citizens before starting the disastrous war in Iraq.)
Funding for the covert escalation, for which Bush requested up to $400 million, was approved by congressional leaders, according to the article, citing current and former military, intelligence and congressional sources.
Clandestine operations against Iran are not new. U.S. Special Operations Forces have been conducting crossborder operations from southern Iraq since last year, the article said.
(They've actually been conducting these for several years.)
These have included seizing members of Al Quds, the commando arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and taking them to Iraq for interrogation, and the pursuit of "high-value targets" in Bush's war on terrorism, who may be captured or killed, according to the article.
(As well as the targeting of Government personnel, and the funding of terrorist groups within the country.)
The U.S. ambassador in Iraq, Ryan Crocker, told CNN's "Late Edition" he had not read the article, but denied the allegations of cross-border operations.
(They are not "allegations" ...)
"I'll tell you flatly that U.S. forces are not operating across the Iraqi border into Iran, in the south or anywhere else," he said in an interview from Baghdad on Sunday.
The scale and the scope of the operations in Iran, which include the Central Intelligence Agency, have now been significantly expanded, the New Yorker article said, citing current and former officials.
Many of these activities are not specified in the new finding, and some congressional leaders have had serious questions about their nature, it said.
Among groups inside Iran benefiting from U.S. support is the Jundallah, also known as the Iranian People's Resistance Movement, according to former CIA officer Robert Baer. Council on Foreign Relations analyst Vali Nasr described it to Hersh as a vicious organization suspected of links to al Qaeda.
('Al Qaeda', of course, being nothing more than a Front for the nastier parts of the American and Israeli intelligence services.)
The article said U.S. support for the dissident groups could prompt a violent crackdown by Iran, which could give the Bush administration a reason to intervene.
None of the Democratic leaders in Congress would comment on the finding, the article said. The White House, which has repeatedly denied preparing for military action against Iran, and the CIA also declined comment.
(But everyone knows better than that ...)
The United States is leading international efforts to rein in Iran's suspected effort to develop nuclear weapons, although Washington concedes Iran has the right to develop nuclear power for civilian uses.
(No, they are attempting to again feign a justification for an illegal war they see as an inevitability. The weak-kneed press has completely discredited itself by incessantly repeating this LIE.)
(Additional reporting by Paul Eckert in Washington; writing by Chris Michaud; editing by Eric Beech and David Wiessler)
Iran Will Cooperate with UN Probe into US/Israeli Allegations

Israel's Syrian Air Strike Was Aimed at Iran

The ME has had a Secretive Nuclear Power in its Midst for Years

Spooks Refuse to Toe Cheney's Line on Iran

IAEA Again Verifies Iranian Compliance

Israel Considering Strike on Iran Despite US Intelligence Report

US intelligence report heightens danger of Israeli strike on Iran

'Laptop of Death': Revising the NIE on Iran
The entire claim that Iran was building nuclear weapons rests on a laptop provided by a single, dubious source.

Israeli Extremists Prep for Nuclear Strike on Iran

Hersh: Israel Pressed me to Write Syrian Site was Nuclear

Sy Hersh confirms: Syrian Facility Bombed by Israel Not Nuclear

A Strike in the Dark - What did Israel bomb in Syria?
by Seymour M. Hersh

War Clouds Over Mideast

Israel & The 'Clash of Civilizations'

The largest threat to the region doesn't come from Iran: it comes from Israel's success in having had the US "neutralize" countries which it believes to be an existential threat to it's existence. However, there's just one little problem with this approach concerning Iran. Russia's diplomats have stated unequivocally that any attack against Iran will be perceived as an attack on Russia.
UN Nuclear Watchdog in Milestone Iran Deal

Iran Dumps US Dollar in Oil Trading, US Preps War

Israel's Extremists STILL Beating Iran War Drums

Iran Mosque Blast Plotters Admit Israeli, US Links

Israel, US Joint Plotting Against Iran, Attack ElBaredei

ElBaradei: Iran Not After Bomb
Israel Calls for US Blockade of Iran

US Report on 'Iranian Weapons' Postponed Due to Lack of Evidence

Pakistan May Turn Over U.S. Terrorists To Iran

Iranian Mosque Blast Plotters Admit Israeli, US Links

Bombing Iran: Extremists' Mad Clamor Persists

Carter: Israel Has At Least 150 Nukes

IAEA Again Confirms: No Weaponization in Iran

McLellan's Warning on Iran

'Hate Iran Week' at AIPAC

Israel Launches 'Iran Command' for War

Bush Resurrects a Whopper

Israeli Extremists STILL Pushing for War With Iran
