Highlights from the Sumac Diary
Pat | 02.07.2008 18:17 | Free Spaces
Your occasional news burst with details of loads of good things from Sumac and related groups.
See more on the full Sumac / Veggies Diary at
See more on the full Sumac / Veggies Diary at

Thursday 3rd Jul 08
Harry Merry at Sumac From 20:00
Very famous in the Netherlands and a cult act in other countries ...
"Little Dutch sailor boy" takes on an entirely new context when Harry
Merry takes the stage. The Holland-based, one-man band, dressed in
full nautical regalia, puts on a bizarre freakout circus that's both
riveting and uncomfortable to watch. Goofball lyrics modulate from a
high Pee Wee Herman-inspired timbre to Draculian low growls in a
mixture of Dutch, broken English and adult goo-goo gah-gah, especially
in cult hits like "Moody Bus Driver" and "Sharki Supermachine." It's
unclear why he dresses and acts the part of a Dutch seafarer — maybe
it's in response to his hometown of Rotterdam, southern Holland's
version of gentrification, where quaint wooden windmills have been
replaced by EuroPort's money-hungry steel versions flexing their
metallic muscles. Whatever the inspiration, Harry Merry's music is
some weird, wild stuff. We've been told that he may perform solo or
with a band. The latter could be a problem because dude's English
ain't so good, but that could make things more interesting — though
imagining so seems impossible.
Details at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=1341 .
Thursday 3rd Jul 08
Rocky's Farewell
One of our oldest members is going away. Join us at Sumac Centre to
say farewell to Rocky, before his final trip tomorrow, to rest at
Brinsley Animal Rescue. Bring Pot Luck vegan food to share, especially
doggy treats!
Rocky arrived at the old Rainbow Centre some 12 years ago, on his way
to the Pet Welfare rescue. Somehow he stayed around through the latter
days of Rainbow, often referred to as 'the manager', and as one of the
founder members of Sumac Centre. Although he mainly was seen to hang
around with Patrick, he was really Veggies'Dog, seen at many rallies,
AR demos and green fairs.
Details at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=1339 .
Thursday 3rd Jul 08
Nottingham Animal Rights
From 19:30 at the Sumac Centre
June 3rd meeting reverting Sumac Centre to say farewell to Rocky,
before his final trip tomorrow, to rest at Brinsley Animal Rescue.
Bring Pot Luck vegan food to share, especially doggy treats!
Gather from 7.30pm for Campaign Networking at 8pm and social chitchat
(from 9pm).
All welcome - hunt sabs, AR activists, people who want to get
involved, and people who just want to know more about what we do,
including supporters of Animal Aid, Hunt Sabs, SHAC, VIVA!, Vegan
Society, Vegetarian Society, and the many other groups that we aim to
support locally.
Details at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=112 .
Friday 4th Jul 08
Free Vegan Food Give-Away
Following the successful intiative of other groups, such as Vegan
Campaigns (London), Veggies and Nottingham Animal Rights are now
running regular free vegan food give-aways. The next one is to be held
on Friday 4th July, before the Viva!'s Incredible Veggie Roadshow at
the Council House the next day. We hope to feature foods from Veggies
Catering Campaign, Screaming Carrot, Bute Island Foods, Plamil
Chocolate and Squeek (subject to confirmation).
Join us at the Sumac Centre from 10am to prepare the foods, or near
the Council House from 12.30.
Everyone interested in food issues, 'food not bombs', 'food & climate
change' etc are invited to a planning meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday
2nd at Sumac, to establish a network for more events of this nature.
Details at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=1338 .
Saturday 5th Jul 08
Viva!'s Incredible Veggie Roadshow - Nottingham
10:30 to 16:30
Everything you ever wanted to know about going, being or staying
veggie/vegan. Organised by Viva! - entry is free. A brilliant family
day out, there will be food tasting, cookery demonstrations, free diet
and health advice, stalls, competitions, beauty products, vegan food
products, books, information, and campaign news.
The Council House, Old Market Square, Nottingham NG1 2DT
Sponsored by Baby Cakes Direct, Beanie's Health Foods, Bute Island
Foods, Plamil Foods and Veggies Catering Campaign
Details at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=608 .
Monday 7th Jul 08
Sumac Meeting
From 19:30 . First Monday Monthly at the Sumac Centre
Meeting on first Monday monthly for all supporters of the Sumac
Centre. To get involved just drop by and join in!
Details at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=250 .
Tuesday 8th Jul 08
Heckler & Koch Demo
From 15:30 . 2nd Tuesday monthly . Check venue - maybe not at Sumac Centre
Heckler & Koch, the multinational arms dealer based in Nottingham, is
the world's second-largest manufacturer of assault rifles, machine
guns, etc, and their international sales department is right here in
Lenton NG7! Join the successful demos to keep up the pressure against
gun crime.
All are welcome. Join us, and let's shut down the arms dealers!
Meet near the White Hart at Gregory Street junction with Abbey Bridge Road.
At 4pm we will march H&K at Unit 3, Easter Park, Lenton Lane, NG7 2PX.
Details at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=1310 .
Tuesday 8th Jul 08
Sumac Social Club : planning meeting
Details at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=156 .
Wednesday 9th Jul 08
Tara Solidarity
From 19:30 . at the Sumac Centre
Sumac is pleased to host a presentation on behalf of the Tara
Solidarity Vigil Camp - direct action to oppose the routing of the
twice-tolled motorway through the Gabhra (Skryne) Valley in Co. Meath,
Ireland's oldest and most revered national monument.
The archaeological importance of this area is beyond question. After
seven years surveying the Hill of Tara and its 80km² hinterland as
director of the government funded Discovery Programme, Conor Newman
said: "Tara is one of the most important and famous archaeological
complexes in the world.… all of our researches point to the valley
between Tara and Skryne as an area of paramount importance throughout
the history of Tara." Yet it is through the very heart of this
landscape, that Meath County Council, the NRA and the Irish Government
wish to build a motorway, which will impact at least 141 known sites.
Details at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=1335 .
Saturday 12th Jul 08
SHAC National March and Rally
Demonstrate against cruel and unscientific experiments on animals at
Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS), with March and Rally in Peterborough
followed by a demo at 'the gates of hell', HLS. Meet at the park at
the western end of Church Walk / Broadway, Peterborough PE1 2TP.
Food and Transport from Veggies.
Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) are the largest contract testing lab in
Europe. They kill 500 animals a day in tests for products such as
weedkiller, food colourings and drugs.
Details at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=246 .
Tuesday 15th Jul 08
Heckler & Koch Campaign Meeting
From 19:30 . 3rd Tuesday Monthly at the Sumac Centre
Meeting to plan a campaign against Heckler & Koch, the multinational
arms dealer based in Nottingham. H&K is the world's second-largest
manufacturer of assault rifles, machine guns, etc, and their
international sales department is right here in Lenton NG7! Last year
saw a successful demo and this year there is renewed interest in
keeping up the pressure. All are welcome. Join us, and let's shut down
the arms dealers!
Heckler Koch Demos are held on the 2nd Tuesday monthly. If you would
like to be notified about upcoming events and important campaign
announcements about arms trade issues (including H&K), you can
subscribe to the mailing list or visit the archive.
Details at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=1290 .
Friday 18th Jul 08 to Sunday 20th Jul
Goddess Camp
Tenth Anniversary Camp to be held at Bestwood Country Park
* To build understanding, experience and expression of paganism in
the local community, for beginners as well as those more experienced.
* We will honour, respect and celebrate the Earth, ourselves and
the spirit of life which we call the Goddess. We will do this through
healing, festivity, dancing, singing, creativity, craft working, path
working, fun, learning and sharing.
Women, men and children welcome for a weekend of celebration, ritual
and workshops. Food by Veggies (12.30 lunch / 5.30 evening meal).
Booking Essential
Details at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=1191 .
Saturday 19th Jul 08
NOT the Newstead TreeFest
"Unfortunately at the present time we are unable to obtain funding to
hold Newstead Treefest in its usual form. We are still hopeful of
perhaps holding a one day festival at a later date in the summer.
Thanks for your support."
Details at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=1334 .
Saturday 19th Jul 08
Eastside Climate Action
From 16:00 . at the Sumac Centre
As well as planning the Sumac Garden Party (the next day), this
meeting is to continue planning for the Eastside Neightbourhood at the
Camp for Climate Action. All welcome – from experienced activists to
complete beginners. Lets start an unignorable movement for action on
climate change in Nottingham!
This meeting at the Sumac Centre is to bring together people from
Nottingham and surrounding areas who are pissed off about the lack of
real action by our government on climate change. People who realise
that time is too short, and that it is now up to grassroots
communities to start taking the actions needed themselves. People who
want to start taking direct action against the causes and corporations
behind climate change. Bring (vegan) food to share to help with an
early start to the meeting.
Details at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=979 .
Sunday 20th Jul 08
Sumac Garden Party
From 13:00 . at the Sumac Centre
Garden Party to raise funds for Eastside Climate Action and to raise
the profile of Nottingham's contribution to the Camp for Climate
Action. Live music, food & drink, kids stuff and fun & games.Climate
change is real and it's happening now. Fortunately there are simple
alternatives to the causes of climate change. All it takes is a bit of
Next meeting for organising this garden party will be 7.30 tuesday 8th
July. We need lots of people on the day and in couple of days before
to help us with all the tasks - we will be organising a rota - put it
in your diary and watch this space!
Details at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=1337 .
I writing to you as a supporter of the Sumac Centre ... can
you pass this on to someone if you are not actively involved!
On the 20th July at the Sumac Centre (1pm – 8pm) we are holding a garden
party to raise awareness and funds for the Camp for Climate Action in
August (please see
As well as having a good time, we want the event to raise awareness about
local campaigns that in some way link to climate change / peak oil and our
troubled future! We are offering local campaigns free stall space to
promote themselves, and also a few minutes on the stage between acts to
talk about their issues.
Would you be interested in this?
If you were interested in a stall / speech, it would be great if you
could highlight the links between your issue and climate change /
environmental destruction / peak oil. It would also be great if you could
have some entertaining games on your stall (spins on pin the tail on the
donkey etc!) to increase interest and fun! We can provide tables.
We are organising the event to raise money for Eastside Climate Action,
and money from the food and the bar will go towards this, but you are
welcome to sell stuff / collect donations for your own campaign / project.
Please get back to me asap if you are interested. The event is in 2 ½
weeks! You can contact El at
Harry Merry at Sumac From 20:00
Very famous in the Netherlands and a cult act in other countries ...
"Little Dutch sailor boy" takes on an entirely new context when Harry
Merry takes the stage. The Holland-based, one-man band, dressed in
full nautical regalia, puts on a bizarre freakout circus that's both
riveting and uncomfortable to watch. Goofball lyrics modulate from a
high Pee Wee Herman-inspired timbre to Draculian low growls in a
mixture of Dutch, broken English and adult goo-goo gah-gah, especially
in cult hits like "Moody Bus Driver" and "Sharki Supermachine." It's
unclear why he dresses and acts the part of a Dutch seafarer — maybe
it's in response to his hometown of Rotterdam, southern Holland's
version of gentrification, where quaint wooden windmills have been
replaced by EuroPort's money-hungry steel versions flexing their
metallic muscles. Whatever the inspiration, Harry Merry's music is
some weird, wild stuff. We've been told that he may perform solo or
with a band. The latter could be a problem because dude's English
ain't so good, but that could make things more interesting — though
imagining so seems impossible.
Details at

Thursday 3rd Jul 08
Rocky's Farewell
One of our oldest members is going away. Join us at Sumac Centre to
say farewell to Rocky, before his final trip tomorrow, to rest at
Brinsley Animal Rescue. Bring Pot Luck vegan food to share, especially
doggy treats!
Rocky arrived at the old Rainbow Centre some 12 years ago, on his way
to the Pet Welfare rescue. Somehow he stayed around through the latter
days of Rainbow, often referred to as 'the manager', and as one of the
founder members of Sumac Centre. Although he mainly was seen to hang
around with Patrick, he was really Veggies'Dog, seen at many rallies,
AR demos and green fairs.
Details at

Thursday 3rd Jul 08
Nottingham Animal Rights
From 19:30 at the Sumac Centre
June 3rd meeting reverting Sumac Centre to say farewell to Rocky,
before his final trip tomorrow, to rest at Brinsley Animal Rescue.
Bring Pot Luck vegan food to share, especially doggy treats!
Gather from 7.30pm for Campaign Networking at 8pm and social chitchat
(from 9pm).
All welcome - hunt sabs, AR activists, people who want to get
involved, and people who just want to know more about what we do,
including supporters of Animal Aid, Hunt Sabs, SHAC, VIVA!, Vegan
Society, Vegetarian Society, and the many other groups that we aim to
support locally.
Details at

Friday 4th Jul 08
Free Vegan Food Give-Away
Following the successful intiative of other groups, such as Vegan
Campaigns (London), Veggies and Nottingham Animal Rights are now
running regular free vegan food give-aways. The next one is to be held
on Friday 4th July, before the Viva!'s Incredible Veggie Roadshow at
the Council House the next day. We hope to feature foods from Veggies
Catering Campaign, Screaming Carrot, Bute Island Foods, Plamil
Chocolate and Squeek (subject to confirmation).
Join us at the Sumac Centre from 10am to prepare the foods, or near
the Council House from 12.30.
Everyone interested in food issues, 'food not bombs', 'food & climate
change' etc are invited to a planning meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday
2nd at Sumac, to establish a network for more events of this nature.
Details at

Saturday 5th Jul 08
Viva!'s Incredible Veggie Roadshow - Nottingham
10:30 to 16:30
Everything you ever wanted to know about going, being or staying
veggie/vegan. Organised by Viva! - entry is free. A brilliant family
day out, there will be food tasting, cookery demonstrations, free diet
and health advice, stalls, competitions, beauty products, vegan food
products, books, information, and campaign news.
The Council House, Old Market Square, Nottingham NG1 2DT
Sponsored by Baby Cakes Direct, Beanie's Health Foods, Bute Island
Foods, Plamil Foods and Veggies Catering Campaign
Details at

Monday 7th Jul 08
Sumac Meeting
From 19:30 . First Monday Monthly at the Sumac Centre
Meeting on first Monday monthly for all supporters of the Sumac
Centre. To get involved just drop by and join in!
Details at

Tuesday 8th Jul 08
Heckler & Koch Demo
From 15:30 . 2nd Tuesday monthly . Check venue - maybe not at Sumac Centre
Heckler & Koch, the multinational arms dealer based in Nottingham, is
the world's second-largest manufacturer of assault rifles, machine
guns, etc, and their international sales department is right here in
Lenton NG7! Join the successful demos to keep up the pressure against
gun crime.
All are welcome. Join us, and let's shut down the arms dealers!
Meet near the White Hart at Gregory Street junction with Abbey Bridge Road.
At 4pm we will march H&K at Unit 3, Easter Park, Lenton Lane, NG7 2PX.
Details at

Tuesday 8th Jul 08
Sumac Social Club : planning meeting
Details at

Wednesday 9th Jul 08
Tara Solidarity
From 19:30 . at the Sumac Centre
Sumac is pleased to host a presentation on behalf of the Tara
Solidarity Vigil Camp - direct action to oppose the routing of the
twice-tolled motorway through the Gabhra (Skryne) Valley in Co. Meath,
Ireland's oldest and most revered national monument.
The archaeological importance of this area is beyond question. After
seven years surveying the Hill of Tara and its 80km² hinterland as
director of the government funded Discovery Programme, Conor Newman
said: "Tara is one of the most important and famous archaeological
complexes in the world.… all of our researches point to the valley
between Tara and Skryne as an area of paramount importance throughout
the history of Tara." Yet it is through the very heart of this
landscape, that Meath County Council, the NRA and the Irish Government
wish to build a motorway, which will impact at least 141 known sites.
Details at

Saturday 12th Jul 08
SHAC National March and Rally
Demonstrate against cruel and unscientific experiments on animals at
Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS), with March and Rally in Peterborough
followed by a demo at 'the gates of hell', HLS. Meet at the park at
the western end of Church Walk / Broadway, Peterborough PE1 2TP.
Food and Transport from Veggies.
Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) are the largest contract testing lab in
Europe. They kill 500 animals a day in tests for products such as
weedkiller, food colourings and drugs.
Details at

Tuesday 15th Jul 08
Heckler & Koch Campaign Meeting
From 19:30 . 3rd Tuesday Monthly at the Sumac Centre
Meeting to plan a campaign against Heckler & Koch, the multinational
arms dealer based in Nottingham. H&K is the world's second-largest
manufacturer of assault rifles, machine guns, etc, and their
international sales department is right here in Lenton NG7! Last year
saw a successful demo and this year there is renewed interest in
keeping up the pressure. All are welcome. Join us, and let's shut down
the arms dealers!
Heckler Koch Demos are held on the 2nd Tuesday monthly. If you would
like to be notified about upcoming events and important campaign
announcements about arms trade issues (including H&K), you can
subscribe to the mailing list or visit the archive.
Details at

Friday 18th Jul 08 to Sunday 20th Jul
Goddess Camp
Tenth Anniversary Camp to be held at Bestwood Country Park
* To build understanding, experience and expression of paganism in
the local community, for beginners as well as those more experienced.
* We will honour, respect and celebrate the Earth, ourselves and
the spirit of life which we call the Goddess. We will do this through
healing, festivity, dancing, singing, creativity, craft working, path
working, fun, learning and sharing.
Women, men and children welcome for a weekend of celebration, ritual
and workshops. Food by Veggies (12.30 lunch / 5.30 evening meal).
Booking Essential
Details at

Saturday 19th Jul 08
NOT the Newstead TreeFest
"Unfortunately at the present time we are unable to obtain funding to
hold Newstead Treefest in its usual form. We are still hopeful of
perhaps holding a one day festival at a later date in the summer.
Thanks for your support."
Details at

Saturday 19th Jul 08
Eastside Climate Action
From 16:00 . at the Sumac Centre
As well as planning the Sumac Garden Party (the next day), this
meeting is to continue planning for the Eastside Neightbourhood at the
Camp for Climate Action. All welcome – from experienced activists to
complete beginners. Lets start an unignorable movement for action on
climate change in Nottingham!
This meeting at the Sumac Centre is to bring together people from
Nottingham and surrounding areas who are pissed off about the lack of
real action by our government on climate change. People who realise
that time is too short, and that it is now up to grassroots
communities to start taking the actions needed themselves. People who
want to start taking direct action against the causes and corporations
behind climate change. Bring (vegan) food to share to help with an
early start to the meeting.
Details at

Sunday 20th Jul 08
Sumac Garden Party
From 13:00 . at the Sumac Centre
Garden Party to raise funds for Eastside Climate Action and to raise
the profile of Nottingham's contribution to the Camp for Climate
Action. Live music, food & drink, kids stuff and fun & games.Climate
change is real and it's happening now. Fortunately there are simple
alternatives to the causes of climate change. All it takes is a bit of
Next meeting for organising this garden party will be 7.30 tuesday 8th
July. We need lots of people on the day and in couple of days before
to help us with all the tasks - we will be organising a rota - put it
in your diary and watch this space!
Details at

I writing to you as a supporter of the Sumac Centre ... can
you pass this on to someone if you are not actively involved!
On the 20th July at the Sumac Centre (1pm – 8pm) we are holding a garden
party to raise awareness and funds for the Camp for Climate Action in
August (please see

As well as having a good time, we want the event to raise awareness about
local campaigns that in some way link to climate change / peak oil and our
troubled future! We are offering local campaigns free stall space to
promote themselves, and also a few minutes on the stage between acts to
talk about their issues.
Would you be interested in this?
If you were interested in a stall / speech, it would be great if you
could highlight the links between your issue and climate change /
environmental destruction / peak oil. It would also be great if you could
have some entertaining games on your stall (spins on pin the tail on the
donkey etc!) to increase interest and fun! We can provide tables.
We are organising the event to raise money for Eastside Climate Action,
and money from the food and the bar will go towards this, but you are
welcome to sell stuff / collect donations for your own campaign / project.
Please get back to me asap if you are interested. The event is in 2 ½
weeks! You can contact El at
