March of a Million Youth Will Be Going Ahead
MINTY CHALLIS | 02.07.2008 15:10 | Education | London
We meet at speakers corner hyed park then march to Trafalgar sq for 6 hours of music speakers poets dancers ect,to support our youth who have been press hounded and put down by the govermental!due to the recent youth on youth killings,but who are the real youth killers,how many drugs in food war famine,half our nations youth are living under the poverty line 20 thousand youth under 16 are selling there body's,the media and tv programing to consume consume,your fashion ect,then at 6pm we march to parlement to stand with and in support of our misguided youth,as in us the march of a million men we will be standing silent for all races in deprived areas,if you have some truth for the parents or the youth please be part of our truth day,bless the youth!!!!!minty.x.07950467184,,,