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Wotsit | 02.07.2008 07:09 | Climate Camp 2008 | Climate Chaos

Took a look around the power station yesterday. Lots of possible fields to camp in.

The gate.
The gate.

Legal document
Legal document

Legal document
Legal document

On one of the gates there are two thick, plastic wrapped legal documents.



other media coverage

02.07.2008 11:05

Press coverage at:

The Graham Clarke quoted is their head of security. See:

Graham Clarke, Head of EON security


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legal documents

02.07.2008 09:47

they are copies of the injunction.

best not to try and read them... ;)


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Free festival at Kingsnorth

02.07.2008 11:06

What we need is to turn the camp for climate action at Kingsnorth into a free festival. This has been suggested at several climate camp meetings but has always been mooted by the "leadership" a free festival would be the best way to get the maximum number of people to attend the camp as well.

Free festival goer

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02.07.2008 11:50

Free festival?! Yeah, cos there aren't enough opportunities to get together and have fun are there?! It was agreed from the start of the Camp for Climate Action that we would be explicit about the fact that this was an action camp NOT a festival. For crying out loud, wake up to the reality of climate change and get serious.


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02.07.2008 12:01

cajole any bands in the area to turn up and play and publicise it beforehand!


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If I can't party its not my revolution

02.07.2008 12:14

QUOTE : " It was agreed from the start of the Camp for Climate Action that we would be explicit about the fact that this was an action camp NOT a festival. For crying out loud, wake up to the reality of climate change and get serious."

By whom? By the "leadership" of killjoys who want to turn every protest into a sombre Soviet style political event? If I can't party its not my revolution comrade!

free festival goer

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Yes, no festival, as agreed by

02.07.2008 12:44

the leadership.... ie. consensus decisions by those attending the monthly decision making meetings that have taken place in different cities around the country every month since last years camp. The leadership being those people who have engaged in the process of open and transparent horizontal organising that is the hall mark of the climate camp and the movement it was born from. The leadership as in those that have a genuine interest and commitment to the camp rather than people that don't attend meetings and then snipe from the sidelines.

If the consensus was to have a big fuck off party then that's what would have been happening but thankfully this is intended to be a camp for climat action and not some pointless party.

the leadership

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If there's a party, I am NOT coming

02.07.2008 16:11

I want to do my bit to fight climate change, and while that doesn't preclude enjoying myself in the process - you do meet all kinds of interesting people on protests - I am not going through the discomfort of living in a tent for a week, with the damp getting into everything and beetles chewing holes in my T-shirts (believe me, this happens) and not being able to have a shower, only to be surrounded by p**heads who are only interested in getting off their faces, which is exactly what you will get if you advertise this as a party and not a protest! I can meet hundreds of said p**heads and party in any of 300 bars/clubs/pubs/illegal dives in my home town any Saturday night of the year.

Annie Citizen
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02.07.2008 16:17

According to the list on, there are 611 festivals going on in Britain this summer.

How much would Climate Camp gain from being the 612th?


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Party is a great idea

02.07.2008 17:57

I vote for the party as well, the last climate camp was really boring with far to much lecturing and stuff. we need a party and I'm not going to let the middle class boring shits who think the run climate action to stop it.



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Far more people would come if it were a free festival!

02.07.2008 18:32

Far more people would come to the climate camp if it were a free festival. As it is if it is billed as a camp for climate action then only a few hundred people will come and it will be an insignificant event that will achieve absolutly nothing!

Also there has not be a big several day free festival since Castlemorton in 1992. That is 16 years ago. And the more reasons to party the better! Sod the leadership, if they want to turn every political event into a boring sombre Soviet style event then thats their leadership.

Come on lets network for this on myspace, bebo and facebook as a giant free party. After all who wants a revolution where you can't party?

The revolution will not be hijacked by boring party haters

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The revolution will not be hijacked by boring party haters

02.07.2008 20:41

You are a cop and I claim my five pounds...


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mmh... sweet stench of a e.on rat perhaps

02.07.2008 21:04

To "The revolution will not be hijacked by boring party haters"

What fucking revolution!

So a load of extra people turn up, neck a load of special brew, piss around and piss everyone else off, and have shite politics that get in the way of getting anything done. You're rumbled mate as a right old shit-stirrer, so slink back to what ever corporate hole you were paid to creep out from.

mail e-mail:

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Party plans now on Bebo

03.07.2008 11:09

Great news the proposal to turn the camp into a festival has already got a Bebo page. The word is getting out, I know of at least one band that has agreed to play and I have passed on the invite to others.

There will be a group of us meeting up on at the Wellbeing Tent on the first day to agree how the festival will run and what vibe we want. Everybody bring BBQ and whatever drink you have to share and party !

See you there

Party Supporter

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03.07.2008 12:12

Do you understand the word CONSENSUS? Do you realise that by having a stupid party you're fucking up a year's worth of work and planning? Do you know that you could have gone to any number of meetings to propose that there be a free festival instead of sitting at home and just deciding to take the piss?

Don't know if any of the party proposers went to the camp last year or the year before but it is good fun, there are some bands, there is drink to be had, it's just that that's not what it's for, entertainment in ancillary to the purpose of the camp and if it turns into a free festival then there's no point.

Dissident Werewolf

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611 but not free

03.07.2008 13:38

Someone mentioned the 611 Festivals listed in Festival Eye magazine.
How many of the 611 are free I bet there's probably none.

Cold Stomper
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Disinfo Troll Alert.

03.07.2008 13:57

In case you hadn't figured it out, the vast majority of comments on this post are in fact the work of a single individual well known by indymedia moderators as a professional troll who posts several dozen posts and comments everyday on the site with the apparent intention of promoting disinformation, fermenting distrust, discrediting reputable sources and dividing people and organisations.

There is little that can be done to prevent such people using indymedia as it is an open publishing platform. Unfortunately the old maxim, "don't feed the trolls" doesn't really work here as when ignored, this person just replies to his own comments to promote his agenda.

So, don't worry, there is no emerging group of halfwits intent on hijacking the camp into some kind of munter fest!

a pinch of salt

delete this now!!

04.07.2008 23:40

Get these pictures of now! Dont do Eons lawyers job for them!


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