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stephen Gowans in inteview on Zimbabwe

brian | 02.07.2008 03:06 | Social Struggles | World

good interview, to learn what you cant on Western media, MSM and 'alternative'



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Read this Brian

02.07.2008 13:28


I really think you need to learn to let go. All things are impermanent, including Robert Mugabe.
(See, Read Derek Lin's articles. I have to confess, I did not listen to the interview. Sometimes its best to stay away from any type of media. I've been listening to El costa le livida, (Juan Luis Guerra mocks the politicians of all persuasions). And then I listen to the melodic, soothing sounds of Monchy y Alexandra.

Enjoy and chill out for a while.



Brian heed Jason please.

02.07.2008 14:22

He's giving good advice. It's really important to remember your diet as well. Many essential trace minerals and elements are mutually antagonistic to the body so an imbalanced ingestion through diet or skin of one metal will lead to a deficiency in another. There are many such pairings in our diets and both are needed by our nervous and endochrine systems to keep us well or at least not unwell. All of us are just biochemicals Brian with a little bit of lecky going round the circuit. If you drink red bush tea (or Rooibos) change your brew. If you don't drink it - why not try a few cups?

Let us all know how you're getting on.

I promise you Dr M will still be in Harare and the imperialists lackeys will still be doing their thing in the meantime. We've got to 2012 don't you know. Then there will be no rooibos. Pity to miss its benefits and pleasures before. eh?

glottal stop & sigh

so jason

03.07.2008 02:19

'I have to confess, I did not listen to the interview. Sometimes its best to stay away from any type of media. '

i know why you didnt listen, so why should i read your article?


Brian, the real secret is...

03.07.2008 11:42


You are right, why should you? Because you are a better person than me. Perhaps you are psychic and can read my mind! You know there is a difference between self-righteousness and the truth.

'You become what you oppose'
What do you know? But the validation of your ego!

