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Smash The BNP's ScumFest

Antifa | 01.07.2008 09:44 | Stop the BNP's Red White and Blue festival | Anti-racism | Sheffield

The BNP's annual 'Red, White, & Blue Festival' is due to take place over the weekend of 15-17th of August. Antifa are determined to stop it taking place.




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Spread The Word

01.07.2008 10:14

Please help us spread the word by adding the image above to websites, MySpace pages, fanzines, etc. Leaflet PDFs will be available shortly on the Antifa website.

- Homepage:

The BNP do not plan racist attacks!

01.07.2008 11:19

The BNP do not plan racist attacks and are not a nazi organisation. It is an open democratic political party that anyone can join and anyone can attend its events. Your threats of political intimidation are similar to the way Robert Mugabe terrorised the MDC party in Zimbabwe.

Defend free speach

Oh bollocks

01.07.2008 11:47

'The BNP do not plan racist attacks and are not a nazi organisation. It is an open democratic political party that anyone can join and anyone can attend its events.'

What a load of crap. I'm sure they'd welcome me into the party with open arms. And the BNP is about as undemocratic as it's possible to be and still remain (at least as far as the Electoral Commission is concerned) a political party.

- Homepage:

anyone can join

01.07.2008 13:04

I am mixed race Asian and White, can I join? Thought not.


Not to be confused with...

01.07.2008 13:36

Let's hope that the use of the word 'SCUMFEST' does not get confused with the yearly South London SCUMFEST that raises money for lots of prisoners, womens, anti-racist/fascist groups etc.




01.07.2008 13:42

"I am mixed race Asian and White, can I join? Thought not."

Only as a part-time member. Ba-dum pssh!

I'll get me coat.

MonkeyBot 5000


01.07.2008 13:42

"I am mixed race Asian and White, can I join? Thought not."

Only as a part-time member. Ba-dum pssh!

I'll get me coat.

MonkeyBot 5000

Defend Literacy

01.07.2008 15:46

"Your threats of political intimidation are similar to the way Robert Mugabe terrorised the MDC party in Zimbabwe."

I've heard it all now, next the BNP will be claiming they are like those who were incarcerated in the Warsaw ghetto or the Berkeley students of the 1960's. The BNP often play the role of victim in a sort of ironic attempt at justifying their advocation of racial division and a clampdown on those they see as acting in opposition to the national interest.

The sad reality that undermines such fawning self-deprecation is that it is the BNP who is fighting for power, the BNP who are looking to take control of councils in Stoke and Dagenham and the BNP who are closer to the apparatus of state than anyone who turns out to protest the rise of Britains biggest fascist party. It's also the BNP who talk about "encouraging" non-white britains to leave the country and reintroducing corporal punishment and the death penalty.

Keep on playing the victim because it doesn't fool anybody.


We're watching

02.07.2008 13:50

Yes, all you boys and girls come along and get yourself arrested, photographed etc etc.
No masking up..........PC plod of course will be looking the other way and allow you to do what you like.

Get fucking real this is a state set-up...get all the militant anti=-fash in one place and photograph, arrest them...!!!!!

Truly of the yard

"Free speech"

02.07.2008 13:56

You can whine all you want DFS, your stupid arguments cut no ice with militant antifascists. You can expect some SERIOUS opposition to this event whether you like it or not.



02.07.2008 14:48

They coulod all be seen as neo-fascists ( under the guise of neo-liberalism ) - tories,labour , ukip, lib dem. It seems at the moment there is freedom of movement, except for fascists from all walks of life ( but nobody reall wants to discuss the issues:- not the BNP, not the marxists, and not even many anarchists. Is everybody down to sloganeering? Mind you if I get a bit stressed I can always take it out on a BNPer, then probably a trot, then a liberal. Ahh. Our communties (sic) are broken. People are in boxes. The biggest expanding sector is security / policing. There appears to be a lack of communication and sever simplification left/right good/bad east/west.Never mind or the biuggoted religous bollocks that seems to be sweeping through the planet. Are the BNP any mpre fascist than a lot of the churches that are appearing with supernatual speed? Debate? The square mile:- thats home to fascist, racist, arms dealing, land theiving bastards in suits with far more power than the wnanky BNP.
here we are nowhere nowhere left to go.



02.07.2008 21:06

i am worried that the rwb opposition is being used by the police to get at the leading left activists there would also be the ordinary anti fascist activist that will get arrested and a police record aswell .think about this dont jump into something and get used................



03.07.2008 05:51

Don't go any where near the RWB with ANTIFA , if you value your liberty.
The Old Bill has infiltrated ANTIFA top to bottom.

Conspiracy to cause a riot carrys the maximum sentence of ten years.


BNP trolls

03.07.2008 09:03

The BNP must be genuinely worried about the scale of opposition if they have to troll Indymedia threads to try and undermine support for Antifa's initiative to stop the RWB.


Get a life, trolls!!!

03.07.2008 12:39

The BNP triolls should be out in singles bars trying to get girlfriends, not wasting their time trolling Indymedia.

We don't waste our time chillin' with the hardcore Griffinite white supramacists on Stormponce..

Oh I forgot, BNPers are losers with personality defects that make the opposite sex run a country mile, lol...


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