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New Brighton Tory Councillor uses golliwog image in campaign

AntiConservative for New Brighton | 29.06.2008 22:30 | Liverpool

New Brighton Tory Councillor Sue Taylor attacks tide of political correctness, republishing golliwog image on campaign website entitled

No2Nonsense June 2008
No2Nonsense June 2008

Golliwog badges were discontinued 7 years ago in 2001 due to unpopularity and dubious racist connotations. Few mourned their loss. But for newly elected New Brighton Councillor Sue Taylor, golliwog badges represent a casualty of the political correctness movement. The councillor has pursued an absurd campaign against what she regards as political correctness since she produced a website (including an image of a Golliwog) which was registered in March 2007. Reminiscent of Brass Eye's satirical “Nonce Sense” campaign, her personal website is called Much of the text content is pretty inane but the banner image chosen (and perhaps created by her) is more controversial. “Political Correctness” seems to get the blame for rainbow sheep (probably about changing “Baa Baa Black Sheep” which is perhaps a more reasonable target than a gay sheep), tree huggers and a playground with no swings. Much of the anti-PC stories can be lifted from the likes of the Mail and Express, but the small image of a newspaper article is even more disappointing. Entitled “Let refugees join police in London” it is from the Evening Standard (25/6/01) which Taylor's image scrawls red lines through in apparent disapproval.
The links from the Sue Taylor official weblog ( – only think you'll last one year Sue?) provide confirmation of the website connection, and the external links on No2Nonsense (The Royal Society of St. George anyone?) are cringeworthily jingoistic too.

New Brighton residents who voted for the Conservative candidate may be surprised these strange views didn't form part of her electoral platform in May (or official weblog). Tory election organisers however are probably more astute even if grassroots members agree with Taylor.
Ironically, while Conservative dear Leader Dave Cameron comes from a media background, and Sue Taylor from marketing, Cameron probably knows better than to espouse such Tory grassroots opinions openly.

AntiConservative for New Brighton
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That baa baa black sheep story

02.07.2008 16:49

It's an urban myth. It's cropped up time and again since the seventies, but I've never heard of any-one being able to trace it to a named school or named local authority. Or if you like, it's a lie propagated by the gullible and narrow-minded.


That Bah Bah Black Sheep

04.07.2008 20:18

The "Bah Bah Blacksheep" Story was concocted by Sun Journalists. They claimed that Children in Lambeth (or Liverpool - it had to go with the tagline looney and lefty) were being made to sing "Bah Bah Green" Sheep. But then these are the same people who lie about the dead.

Perhaps Sue Taylor is the Party within a Party that the Tories dare not speak about - the "Friendlies" that Fascists like to brag about. But that would be a story about pretending to be sheep.

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