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Calling all bloggers- Milliband Alert

Mooly | 28.06.2008 11:51

Some blogging action

Calling all bloggers- Milliband Alert

The new darling of the New Labour Progressive interventionist Left- David Milliband has his own personal blog where you are invited to enter the surreal and contradictory world of British foreign policy. It can sometimes be difficult to post as the website has a spam alert, but a helpful hint is to preview post first before posting. The post will then be sent to a moderator.



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He has called on Japanese Bloggers to unite.

28.06.2008 15:15

i know my duty - fry miliband's blog's moderator's head.
i know my duty - fry miliband's blog's moderator's head.

Apparently the 100 he has met didn't give him a bad time. That gives me "goosebumps". The complete horripilation, piloerection, or the exercising of my pilomotor reflex. I'm not close to orgasm. I'm pretty sure I'm not coming down of smack. But somehow having given my IP to HMG UK FCO (her majesty's government of the united kingdom's foreign and commonwealth office) and allowed them in fractions of a second to leave a cookie on my hard drive : provokes horror.

This blog, surely was a forbidden place where veiled surfing pleasures would only prove to be a lure to certain eldritch sqaumous states that only H P Lovecraft could use words for. Far into the noisome depths of hidden knowledge I have gone & all I know after my journey has been completed is that my insanity will eternally conjure images of Japanese bloggers with their skin as contracted and bumped as mine. The nameless horror creeps.

This is the Japanese word for "goosebumps"

If it doesn't appear on your screen chances are you won't really enjoy the explanation on Japanese wikipedia nor approach the mystery of the Japanese. Whereas we Europeans may call the creeping skin of horripilation after geese in English or hens in French or chickens in Spanish or Dutch - the Japanese simply call it "bird skin".

They seem to know that just as you name a bird for its feathers, and birds of a feather flock together - a bird with no plumage looks like any featherless bird. It is either a scary thing to be run away from or an edible thing to be chucked in a pot.

I shall do as I have been instructed to do - and wreck the Rt Hon Milliband's head. or at least fry the brains of his blog moderator. I know my duty.

creeping horror