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IOM Unwelcomed in Birmingham

brum noborders | 25.06.2008 14:16 | Migration | Birmingham

The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) today held a 'conference' in Birmingham in preparation for opening a new regional office in the city. A handful of local activists braved the morning showers and went down to the venue, the four-star hotel of Marriott in Five Ways, to unwelcome the dodgy organisation. Armed with a banner that read "International Organisation Against Migrants" and leaflets exposing "the truth about IOM", they confronted attendees as they walked in and offered them a dose of truth to help them digest the lies they would later get in their welcome packs and the marketing-style presentations. The IOM staff, however, were highly diplomatic (or confused) and did not call the police or try to kick them out. The IOM Communications Director even invited them to go in and "raise their questions inside", as some invitees did not apparently turn up and some seats were left embarrassingly empty. One of the protesters later commented: "This is the funniest action I've ever done!"

the welcome desk and conference room
the welcome desk and conference room

the unwelcome banner
the unwelcome banner

International Organisation *Against* Migrants
International Organisation *Against* Migrants

leafleting attendees
leafleting attendees

the leaflet
the leaflet

After hearing the questions and comments thrown at the IOM Communications Director Marek Effendowicz, who was doing the presentation, and chatting to people during the breaks, one almost got the impression that we were just "preaching to the converted". Many of those attending, some of whom work with refugees and asylum seekers on a daily basis, were heard throwing, albeit in private, such comments as "what a load of bullshit", "a bunch of lies" and the like. Still, it was good to tell the IOM, directly and plainly, that they were not welcome here and that not everyone was that diplomatic or shy so as to swallow their propaganda with the free refreshments.

brum noborders


Leaflet distributed to conference delegates

25.06.2008 15:02

The International Organisation against Migrants:
the truth behind IOM

A shadowy organisation calling itself the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is launching its new Birmingham operation. We, Brummie refugees and activists, would like to tell them: You are not welcome here!

The IOM describes itself as “an intergovernmental body that acts to protect the interests of migrants.” The truth, however, is starkly different. The IOM is effectively a deportation mechanism for migrants who are pushed into poverty and destitution by the UK government’s immigration policies after their asylum or immigration claims are rejected. As such, it is part and parcel of the government's efforts to increase the removal of unwanted migrants and refugees from the country. If forced removals are so costly and cause a lot of fuss, the logic goes, why not do it another way, while pretending to be compassionate and humane.

The IOM runs a so-called 'voluntary return' programme, offering refugees and asylum seekers some money to return to their home countries. In reality, though, this is nothing more than a thinly disguised deportation policy to 'manage' migration and asylum. For it is only when the immigration authorities withdraw all means of support (financial, accommodation, healthcare etc.) that people take up these bribes, having been left with no alternative but homelessness and destitution.

For example, the IOM is currently targeting 'failed asylum seekers' from Iraq, coinciding with a Home Office decision to deport more Iraqis, claiming their country is now 'safe to return', in a futile attempt to convince the British public that the US-UK disastrous adventure in Iraq has been 'successful'. Several thousand Iraqis have already returned through IOM's programme, while others have been forcibly and violently removed on special charter flights. This is despite the IOM’s own representative in Iraq admitting that “the situation for those returning is grim... Many returnees are unemployed, while only a fraction have received any form of humanitarian assistance other than some food rations.”

Of course, the IOM makes sure that it takes no responsibility for the returnees' welfare after they arrive home. All participants in the scheme are asked to sign a waiver reading: “the IOM has no responsibility for me and my dependants once I return [to Iraqi territory] and I hereby release IOM from any liability in this respect.” Further, anyone participating in the so-called Voluntary Assisted Return and Reintegration Programme (VARRP) is prohibited from returning to the UK for a minimum of five years. Those who pay their own airfare home and receive no assistance from the IOM are eligible to reapply in 12 months.

In short, while the International Organization for Migration claims to 'assist migrants', their policies are not concerned with the well-being of people but with the advancement of rich Western economies. The IOM’s primary function is help governments meet their deportation targets, regardless of the real dangers facing returning refugees and migrants. Hence, it will be more accurate to call it the International Organisation against Migrants (still IOM though!).

For further information about IOM see

brum noborders