The BPP’s would-be nail-bomber is a nonce – no surprise there then
K.Bullstreet | 25.06.2008 09:56 | Anti-racism | Sheffield
Martyn Gilleard - Internet fantacist, would-be bomber, and nonce
Gilleard out in Goole with the BPP's Eddy Morrison
Kate McDermody (left and next to another would-be terrorist from the 'RVF')
Martyn Gilleard, the British People’s Party’s former Goole and East Yorkshire Organizer, was a regular poster on Kevin Watmough’s ‘Combat 18 Guestbook’, where the morons who inhabit this open sewer regularly post death threats and rave about starting a ‘race war.’ It is hard not to believe that this forum is not a state resource.
Gilleard, who was also a member of the NF, and formerly of the White Nationalist Party (in many ways the forerunner of the BPP), fitted in nicely with the other cranks on the ‘C18 Guestbook’ where he posted as ‘Mart88’. When he was arrested with a haul of nail bombs and plans to blow up mosques Gilleard was hailed as a hero on this and other neo-Nazi forums, the only regret of his ‘comrades’ was that he’d been arrested before he could put his supposed plans into action. After initially shitting themselves, the BPP claimed Gilleard as a "a trusted comrade and loyal member”, vowing to “give him our full support whether or not he is convicted of the alleged charges."
The BPP were more than happy to have a terrorist nut-case in their ranks, someone who kept nail bombs under his child’s bed and planned to wreak carnage on innocent people; Gilleard is after all not the only BPP member currently in jail on terrorist charges. Along with the haul of bombs and death threats taken from Gilleard’s home though, the cops also seized nearly FORTY THOUSAND pictures of children and babies being sexually abused and tortured. Gilleard, it turns out is yet another fascist nonce.
In view of the publicity surrounding Gilleard’s trial, the BPP have moved to distance themselves from their ‘trusted and loyal comrade’, desperately claiming they knew nothing of his paedophile activities. (After all, publicly they only drool over pictures of abused NON-ARYAN children.) Yet rumours of the child-sex charges have been openly circulating since Gilleard’s arrest and he has been ‘outed’ as a nonce on numerous occasions (see the comments section of this Indymedia thread for example, which dates back to December of last year:

Most vociferous in rallying support for Gilleard, and now in washing her hands of him, is the current Loudest Nazi On The Block, BPP ‘Women’s Division’ leader, and Kevin Watmough’s current girlfriend, the monstrous Kate McDermody (or Dermody as she sometimes prefers.) McDermody is one of the nastiest pieces of work we’ve yet come across, and while she only joined the BPP last October, she has clearly been running the outfit recently rather than the human vacuum which is Kevin Watmough (something which led to the departure of former BPP ‘National Inspector’ Peter ‘Sid’ Williamson.)
McDermody runs her own blog, which like her head, is filled with Nazi imagery and bile. Like Gilleard she seems to live in a fantasy world where she supposedly wobbles through Leeds abusing asylum seekers, Trot paper-sellers, and anyone else she takes a dislike to. And all without anyone putting her on her arse! In one post McDermody, who plans to stand for the BPP in the next General Election tells us: “Surely the Jews should be ecstatic that the holocaust was a hoax as it means all of their dead relatives weren't actually killed at all?!!” Even after Gilleard’s conviction, McDermody is still loudly calling for the “racial holy war” the sick little man from Goole hoped to ignite.
There is currently much open condemnation for Gilleard’s paedophile activities on the fascist and neo-Nazi forums, yet no criticism of the terrorist activities which could have easily made him a child killer. Nor has there been any from the BPP, who as we outlined in an article on the so-called ‘Racial Volunteer Force’ (see

It is certainly no coincidence that moving in the fascist circles he did Gilleard took on the mantle of the Nazi terrorist, but then nor is it a coincidence that moving in those same circles he was connected to paedophilia. The British Right is chocker-block with child-abusers, rapists, sexual predators, and just the sort of scum you’d expect to find there. Gilleard, we understand, was not the only Nazi arrested on similar child sex charges, and unfortunately he certainly isn’t going to be the last.
The BPP washing their hands of sex crimes is like the Labour Party washing their hands over Iraq. BPP leader Kevin Watmough has been publicly accused of rape by former female ‘comrades’ (including at least one former incumbent of the position of ‘Women’s Division’ leader), and Sid Williamson was accused of rape by former ‘comrade’ Ursula Rodgers, a convicted child abuser herself. Williamson has repeatedly been accused of paedophile activities on the internet, and of sexually harassing women ‘comrades’. John Wood, a founder member and former leader of the BPP, was notorious for harassing younger members, and had at least one stalking order against him even at the time of his death last year. The phrase ’Bastards, Nonces, and Perverts’ does not just extend to the BNP.
Martyn Gilleard may have lost the official support of the BPP, whose public exposure as a sordid paedophile, has tarnished the image of ‘hero and martyr’ they required, but we doubt that he will privately lose the support of the nonces and degenerates that make up a large section of the Hitler-obsessed Right.
As for Martyn Gilleard, if he was sincere in nothing else in his miserable, worthless life, we hope he was sincere in his desire to ‘Hang paedophile scum.’
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