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Hands Off Iran Peace Strike.

Terence Bunch | 22.06.2008 14:27

Members of the Parliament Square Peace Campaign conduct the 'Hands Off Iran' Peace Strike outside the British Parliament building to collect signatures in opposition to the 'confrontation' developing between the US, UK, Israel and Iran in the Middle East.

The 'underlying' cause of modern conflict.
The 'underlying' cause of modern conflict.

A poster lies on the floor outside Parliament.
A poster lies on the floor outside Parliament.

A roll-call of signatures is collected.
A roll-call of signatures is collected.

Passers-by add their signatures.
Passers-by add their signatures.

'George Bush - Evil'.
'George Bush - Evil'.

"Never back down".
"Never back down".

'Smart bombs - Dumb people'.
'Smart bombs - Dumb people'.

Signatures, messages and common purpose.
Signatures, messages and common purpose.

A British soldier stops off.
A British soldier stops off.

Members of the Parliament Square Peace Campaign conduct the 'Hands Off Iran' Peace Strike outside the British Parliament building to collect signatures in opposition to the 'confrontation' developing between the US, UK, Israel and Iran in the Middle East.

The Peace Strike takes place on the day international media carry a story claiming that Israel has carried out a 'long-range' military exercise in the region involving up to 100 fighter aircraft. The story is 'coached' as a preparation for a military assault on Iran in order to retard its nuclear growth. Iran has a nuclear program which it began in the 1950's with the help of the United States as part of the 'Atoms for Peace' initiative.

Iran continues to state that the program is to develop nuclear power for the supply of electricity to the Iranian domestic market which would bring in substantial revenue for the nations economy.The US, UK and Israel have persistently claimed that Iran is attempting to weaponise this program.

Terence Bunch
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