Demonstration for democracy, rights and freedom for Zimbabwe
posted by megan | 21.06.2008 11:36
organised by ACTSA and the TUC
Monday 23 June 2008
Outside the Zimbabwe Embassy
429 Strand, London, WC2R OJR
Nearest tube Charing Cross
Monday 23 June 2008
Outside the Zimbabwe Embassy
429 Strand, London, WC2R OJR
Nearest tube Charing Cross

On 23 June Lovemore Matombo, President of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) and Wellington Chibebe, General Secretary of ZCTU are due in court to face charges of spreading falsehoods prejudicial to the state.
As part of their bail conditions they are not allowed to address political or public gatherings. These charges and bail conditions are clear breaches of free speech and freedom to associate.
We urge people to protest at attempts to silence trade union leaders and the state sponsored violence and intimidation which has intensified since the first round of elections in March.
We are calling for:
• trade unionists to be free to organise and speak without being arrested and tortured
• an end to violence and intimidation
• real democracy for Zimbabwe.
• justice and rights for Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans
If you can’t be there please download and pass around friends and colleagues our flyer promoting the demonstration.
You can also support Lovemore and Wellington by faxing ACTSA's appeal letter to the Minister of Justice in Zimbabwe. Read more about how you can get involved.
posted by megan
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