Truth & Justice for Victims of State Murder
Mary Pearson | 21.06.2008 00:29 | Birmingham | Liverpool
This is to tell you about a speaking tour to expose the British Government's policy of colluding with loyalist paramilitaries in the north of Ireland to kill people opposed to British rule
Grandson of man killed by loyalist bomb in the north of Ireland
campaigns for truth and justice
Truth and Justice for Collusion Victims
Speaking Tour & Video Show – 23rd – 28th June 2008
Speaker ~ Robert McClenaghan
Robert is the grandson of Philip Garry, one of 15 people murdered in McGurk’s Bar explosion in Belfast (4.12.71) Robert represents An Fhirinne (The Truth) - The campaign for the truth about collusion between British state agencies and Unionist death squads in the killing of citizens of Ireland. The Demands of An Fhirinne are: 1) End the policy of collusion 2) Full disclosure by the British Government of all information on its policy of collusion 3) Dismantling of the structures and agencies which implemented this policy of state murder
Public Meetings
Mon 23 June 7.30pm – Liverpool
News from Nowhere Bookshop 96 Bold St L1 4HY
Wed 25 June 7pm – Nottingham
International Community Centre 61b Mansfield Rd NG1 3NS
Thur 26 June 7.30pm – Birmingham
Council House Victoria Square. City Centre B1 1BB
Sat 28 June – Liverpool – James Larkin Society March & Rally Assemble 1.30 Combermere St off Park Road Liverpool 8
Robert has said recently :-
“After her husband’s death, my grandmother spent the rest of her life quietly campaigning to establish the truth about the McGurk’s bombing. My sister, Mary, was also determined to expose the lies. After they passed away it seemed only right to take up the campaign myself.”
Secretary of the Troops Out Movement, Mary Pearson said:
“The British Government demands human rights, truth and justice from governments in Zimbabwe, Iran and China, yet is very reticent to tell the truth about its own atrocities and infringements of human rights. Serious allegations go un-investigated, truth remains concealed and those responsible are not held publicly accountable.
We are often asked what this has this to do with the people of England? The fact is we paid the wages of those responsible for the atrocities and their aftermath. There will never be a true and lasting peace in Ireland whilst the resentment of injustice festers. People in Ireland have often said to me, “We don’t want revenge and vengeance, we want truth and justice”. Truth costs nothing – collusion and cover-ups cost millions!”
To Interview Robert or Mary contact
Troops Out Movement
Campaigning for British Withdrawal from Ireland
PO Box 1032 Birmingham B12 8BZ Tel: 0121 773 8683 Mob: 0797 017 4167
Web: Email:
campaigns for truth and justice
Truth and Justice for Collusion Victims
Speaking Tour & Video Show – 23rd – 28th June 2008
Speaker ~ Robert McClenaghan
Robert is the grandson of Philip Garry, one of 15 people murdered in McGurk’s Bar explosion in Belfast (4.12.71) Robert represents An Fhirinne (The Truth) - The campaign for the truth about collusion between British state agencies and Unionist death squads in the killing of citizens of Ireland. The Demands of An Fhirinne are: 1) End the policy of collusion 2) Full disclosure by the British Government of all information on its policy of collusion 3) Dismantling of the structures and agencies which implemented this policy of state murder
Public Meetings
Mon 23 June 7.30pm – Liverpool
News from Nowhere Bookshop 96 Bold St L1 4HY
Wed 25 June 7pm – Nottingham
International Community Centre 61b Mansfield Rd NG1 3NS
Thur 26 June 7.30pm – Birmingham
Council House Victoria Square. City Centre B1 1BB
Sat 28 June – Liverpool – James Larkin Society March & Rally Assemble 1.30 Combermere St off Park Road Liverpool 8
Robert has said recently :-
“After her husband’s death, my grandmother spent the rest of her life quietly campaigning to establish the truth about the McGurk’s bombing. My sister, Mary, was also determined to expose the lies. After they passed away it seemed only right to take up the campaign myself.”
Secretary of the Troops Out Movement, Mary Pearson said:
“The British Government demands human rights, truth and justice from governments in Zimbabwe, Iran and China, yet is very reticent to tell the truth about its own atrocities and infringements of human rights. Serious allegations go un-investigated, truth remains concealed and those responsible are not held publicly accountable.
We are often asked what this has this to do with the people of England? The fact is we paid the wages of those responsible for the atrocities and their aftermath. There will never be a true and lasting peace in Ireland whilst the resentment of injustice festers. People in Ireland have often said to me, “We don’t want revenge and vengeance, we want truth and justice”. Truth costs nothing – collusion and cover-ups cost millions!”
To Interview Robert or Mary contact
Troops Out Movement
Campaigning for British Withdrawal from Ireland
PO Box 1032 Birmingham B12 8BZ Tel: 0121 773 8683 Mob: 0797 017 4167
Web: Email:

Mary Pearson