Protest visit of Israel's Ambassador to Wales
Adam Johannes | 18.06.2008 13:40 | Palestine
"I am unwilling to accept the invitation to meet the ambassador because of my objection to the failure of the state of Israel to meet its international obligations to the Palestinian people of the Holy Lands. I would invite other colleagues to do the same." - Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas, presiding officer of the Welsh Assembly writing to other AMs calling for them to boycott the Ambassadors visit.
Human Rights Demonstration: Protest the visit of the Israeli Ambassador
Tuesday 24th June 2008 at 5pm, Welsh Assembly
Called by Palestine Solidarity Cymru, supported by Cardiff Stop the War Coalition and other peace and social justice organisations.
The Israeli Ambassador will be guest at the Assembly as part of a visit to Wales to build support for the Israeli State. This is the same ambassador who recently castigated British trade unionists, academics and activists for their support for the Palestinians under siege in Gaza and the West Bank.
Israel has got a justifiably bad press for its denial of basic human rights for Palestinians; the Apartheid Wall, the road blocks and checkpoints which strangle the Occupied Territories, the constant bombing of Gaza and the rising death toll from war, malnutrition and Israel's blockade of medical supplies, fuel and food.
The ambassador, Ron Prosor, has made clear the aims of his visit are far from being about peace or dialogue. The state of Israel has a history of PR men actively undermining the efforts to build a just solution by muddying the waters on what the real situation in the Middle East is.
Therefore we urge everyone who supports peace, justice and equality to attend this protest to send a message to the Ambassador, the state he represents, and his friends in the National Assembly of Wales:
End the Occupation and Set Palestine Free!
Tuesday 24th June 2008 at 5pm, Welsh Assembly
Called by Palestine Solidarity Cymru, supported by Cardiff Stop the War Coalition and other peace and social justice organisations.
The Israeli Ambassador will be guest at the Assembly as part of a visit to Wales to build support for the Israeli State. This is the same ambassador who recently castigated British trade unionists, academics and activists for their support for the Palestinians under siege in Gaza and the West Bank.
Israel has got a justifiably bad press for its denial of basic human rights for Palestinians; the Apartheid Wall, the road blocks and checkpoints which strangle the Occupied Territories, the constant bombing of Gaza and the rising death toll from war, malnutrition and Israel's blockade of medical supplies, fuel and food.
The ambassador, Ron Prosor, has made clear the aims of his visit are far from being about peace or dialogue. The state of Israel has a history of PR men actively undermining the efforts to build a just solution by muddying the waters on what the real situation in the Middle East is.
Therefore we urge everyone who supports peace, justice and equality to attend this protest to send a message to the Ambassador, the state he represents, and his friends in the National Assembly of Wales:
End the Occupation and Set Palestine Free!
Adam Johannes
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therapy for real action
20.06.2008 11:03
1. Recognize your addiction to ideas for their own sake and unattached to
meaningful action. Therapy can only work for those who wish to be cured.
2. Give up your daytime job, if you've been getting paid to have
"original" ideas at the expense of a relationship to reality AND the
ability to change that reality.
3. Examine the Marxist pharmaceutical lab. Pick the "Holy Family" cure.
4. Re-read and try really hard to figure out why Marx said:
"Ideas can never lead beyond an old-world system but only beyond the ideas
of the old-world system. Ideas cannot carry anything out at all. In order
to carry out ideas men are needed who dispose of a certain practical
force." ("The French Revolution" *The Holy Family* David McLellan ed.,
Karl Marx: Selected Writings (Oxford University Press, 1977), p. 147.)
5. Now figure out if Marx thought "Absolute Criticism" was a good thing
or not and why not:
"Absolute Criticism has declared the 'mass' to be the true enemy of the
spirit. This it develops as follows:
"'The spirit now knows where to look for its only adversary--in the
self-deception and the pithlessness of the mass.' [Go forward five
steps if you can figure out if Marx was for the overuse of the concept
of false consciousness or not.]
"Absolute Criticism proceeds from the dogma of the absolute competency of
the 'spirit'. Furthermore, it proceeds from the dogma of the extramundane
existence of the spirit, i.e. of its existence outside the mass of
humanity. Finally it transforms 'the spirit', 'progress', on the one
hand, and the 'mass', on the other, into fixed beings, into concepts,
and relates them one to the other in that form as given invariable
extremes. It does not occur to Absolute Criticism to investigate the
'spirit' itself, to find out whether it is not its own spiritualistic
nature, its airy pretensions that justify 'the phrase', 'self-deception'
and 'pithlessness'. The spirit, on the contrary, is absolute, but
unfortunately at the same time it continually falls into spiritlessness;
it continually calculates without the master, hence it must necessarily
have an adversary that intrigues against it. That adversary is the mass."
("The Idealist View of History," *The Holy Family* David McLellan ed.,
Karl Marx: Selected Writings (Oxford University Press, 1977), p. 142.)
6. Realize you must give up your misanthropic intellectualism and now
defend existing or historically existing social movements.
7. Did you just say Trotsky in 1917? If all you can say is Trotsky in
1917, then welcome to the movement for socialism in one and only one
country. Deposit your internationalist credentials in the nearest outdoor
latrine. Mr. Zhironovsky will escort you out of this program for a more
suitable one.
8. If you were a Trotskyist once, and if you only picked one more country
that happens to be led by another great speech-maker, military leader
and otherwise lucky devil who made it to power without painstaking
party-building, go forward one step for picking Castro anyway. (We know
it was a lot of work for you to pick TWO countries' revolutions existing
in reality that you actually have something positive to say about.)
9. Ask yourself why you are now defending social-democratic, bourgeois
religious and other watery movements if you are still criticizing all
the original "Stalinist" movements in China, Korea, Vietnam, Kampuchea,
Albania, World War II Yugoslavia, Peru, the Philippines etc. Choose
between bourgeois pragmatism and Marxist materialism. Exit therapy
immediately if you realize you no longer wish to be a Marxist, if for
instance you don't think revolutions are necessary. Side effects of this
program may be hazardous to the health of social-democrats.
10. If your name is Proyect or Dumain, return to step 1. [These names
in reference to participants on the "Marxism Space."]
11. We can reach a peaceful world, classlessness and economic harmony
without violence!
12. Go back to step 1 if you believed number 11.
13. Did you just say we promised only 12 steps? We could have done it in
11? Go back to step 1 with the other baby-kissing opportunist campaigners
who speak "of 'truths which are understood of themselves from the start.'"
("The Idealist View of History," *The Holy Family* David McLellan ed.,
Karl Marx: Selected Writings (Oxford University Press, 1977), p. 139.)
20.06.2008 11:15
I wrote:
"Far from being about peace or dialogue, the ambassador, Ron Prosor has made clear his aim is to be a PR man for the state of Israel to undermine the efforts to build a just solution by muddying the waters on what the real situation in the Middle East is."
I understand that the second half is interpretation and you may have been concerned about libel, Prosor does not of course openly say his aim is to "muddy the waters" or undermine a just solution, though this is in effect what he is doing, he has publicly sort to justify in interviews Israel's assault on Gaza as self-defense.
Quote from Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz:
"Israeli PR efforts in Britain have kicked up a notch since Prosor became ambassador two months ago. As a former Foreign Ministry director general, he is focusing on speeches to new kinds of audiences, frequent television appearances and press interviews.
“I’m not afraid to appear anywhere, and there is no platform - suitable of course - that I will not utilize for PR work,” Prosor says.
No changes have been made
20.06.2008 11:26
I wrote:
"Far from being about peace or dialogue, the ambassador, Ron Prosor has made clear his aim is to be a PR man for the state of Israel to undermine the efforts to build a just solution by muddying the waters on what the real situation in the Middle East is."
Well what was posted is the same as appears on the respectcoalition site:
"The ambassador, Ron Prosor, has made clear the aims of his visit are far from being about peace or dialogue. The state of Israel has a history of PR men actively undermining the efforts to build a just solution by muddying the waters on what the real situation in the Middle East is."
Whoever edited it, did it before it was posted here.
20.06.2008 12:11
Onesided and tendentious
30.06.2008 13:29