New paint job for the RWB's fascist farmer
Antifascists | 18.06.2008 09:44 | Stop the BNP's Red White and Blue festival | Anti-racism
Antifascists | 18.06.2008 09:44 | Stop the BNP's Red White and Blue festival | Anti-racism
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Not Clever
18.06.2008 11:19
Dick heads!
18.06.2008 11:30
Grow up dick heads!!!!!!
nice DA!
18.06.2008 11:54
i really dont see how this undermines the value of anyone elses work - and the cunt will think about hosting a fash fest next time he gets asked.
no pasaran etc.
Dear Fred and Micky
18.06.2008 12:04
Anne Frank
18.06.2008 12:18
Hmmmm, isn't that what the facists do? It was certainly how the national socialists came to power in Germany just before world war 2 kicked off.
I agree that the BNP and all it stands for is wrong, but we still have something in this shitty country called free speech! Long may that survive!
free speech
18.06.2008 13:50
Free Speech??
anyone up for another Krystalnacht?
18.06.2008 14:59
If people want to operate openly and legally we must let them get on with it even if we don't like what they are doing. We cannot force our views upon them or we risk having the same done to us.
I do not wish to become that which i despise.
uncle adolf
No Platform for Fascists
18.06.2008 15:06
Do you think fascist political parties should be given free reign to raise funds and spread their reactionary message? Should people stand by and salute their vision of free speech while fascist groups carry on gaining seats of power? If so the victory youre after is at very best a pyrrhic victory that you will no doubt cherish when youre sat in some prison cell for being a "threat to the nation" or "treasonous".
The BNP aren't some group who people have petty ideological differences with, they are a reactionary white nationalist party.
What happened to the idea of a fair fight?
18.06.2008 15:50
Therefore, if the BNP use violence or intimidation to further their campaign, then they are implicitly condoning the use of those tactics by their opponents. And no, that isn't 'sinking to their level', it's actually 'beating them at their own game'.
Nice work.
MonkeyBot 5000
18.06.2008 16:14
great work
18.06.2008 16:28
stop fascist scum in their tracks
Its about choice
18.06.2008 16:55
Free speech, Yes. Civil peace, No!
18.06.2008 19:37
Those who wring their hands about the moral implications of physically confronting fascists should consider what fascism is about - physically annihilating democracy, racial and sexual minorities, freedom and liberty. There is no contradiction in people defending freedom.
On the other hand, those who insist this is about 'free speech' have missed the point. It's not what the BNP say that worries me. If Hitler had restricted himself to verbal anti-Semitism rather than genocidal anti-Semitism, he wouldn't have been as big a problem. If the BNP restricted themselves to talking rather than organising, they wouldn't be such a problem.
Free speech, Yes. Civil peace, No!
Well done
18.06.2008 20:13
Lancaster Unity
own goal
18.06.2008 21:30
the idiots that did this put us back years we can beat them just by political debate we shouldnt have to be the knuckle dragging thugs.. that used to be thier job..
mr m
Vacation Over
18.06.2008 23:40
Hmmm. Bit of Hammurabi Law there. They gas my population I'll gas their population. They nuke my town, I'll nuke their town. Everyone's a loser!
No, hang on, that's Jesus, innit? The one where you are civilized in order to provoke civilized behaviour from others. Bad quote. It's a justification for peace, not war.
Mind you, at least this thread is a debate, rather than the usual pogrom.
As actions go, it seems to borrow a lot from militant ALF? Attacks on personal property and all that. But then, your average farmer (statistically more likely to commit suicide than any other "business") probably needs the revenue. I thought the Ripley result was a real result. That's boxing clever you see? Tiger in the jungle, monkey whistle!
But our local posse clearly need the publicity so, well, good luck!
Keep it up!
19.06.2008 06:39
Direct action gets satisfaction!
Good work.
di satisfied
As bad as them?
19.06.2008 10:13
The farmer hosting this festival is a BNP activist and confirmed fascist, not just being duped into providing his land for a bit of cash. He deserves all he gets.
What about the rights of his neighbours who are opposed to having this Nazi 'festival' next door to them, who don't want to be kept awake at night by fascist drinking songs, or have BNP thugs drunkenly swaggering around their village?
Well done to those who did this, every bit helps. The more grief this bastard gets the less likely he is to go ahead with the RWB despite the objections of his neighbours, whose views he has so far ignored.
The BNP is not facist!
19.06.2008 10:36
Now the real fascists were the ones who attacked Iraq and Afghanistan and who attacked peaceful anti-war demonstrators and who now threaten to attack Iran. It is those people who you should be fighting not the BNP.
Voice of reason
Well Done to All Involved
19.06.2008 11:01
I Hate The Fash
Not clever?
19.06.2008 13:58
So anti-BNP activists should leave it to political managers like yourself Fred? You Trots did fuck all last year and so far the UAF haven't even called a mobilisation against the RWB Either shit or get off the pot, and if you're not prepared to get your hands dirty to stop the RWB don't criticise those who do.
Smash The BNP
The fight against fascism begins with the fight against bolshevism
19.06.2008 16:44
As already the mentioned, the recent anti-terror legislation makes even your boring a to b trudges around the capital difficult enough, the Forward Intelligence team doing all they can to intimidate and victimize your beloved 'peaceful protestors' its time to fucking wake up and take a look around. We and the rest of the class don't need you managers in waiting telling us what to do, we all know that Trots only bother with the 'fight' against fascism when they think it will draw people into their miserable little parties, where any scope for 'free speech' and individual thought is stamped all over by 'democratic' centralism where initiative is imposed on the rest from the top. The first fascist state wasn't Germany but Soviet Russia. Fuck off, we don't need you and we never will.
Fight fire with fire, I don't know what you're crying about this farmer is a fascist and is holding the the largest neo-nazi white supremacist festival in england hosted by the most successful far-right party this country has ever witnessed. This action is pretty cool and definitely a step in the right direction, standing around outside holing your lollipop and telling people that Nazi's are horrid isn't going to stop them when they march into the capital and take power by force. That is the undelrying nature of fascism and you should fucking recognize that. I wouldn't be crying if the cunt turned up dead and hanging from a tree. Politics might be a fun game to you to play, but fascism is no joke.
A certain man with a funny little mustache once said this,
"Only one thing could have stopped our movement – if our adversaries had understood its principle and, from the first day, had smashed with the utmost brutality the nucleus of our new movement"
Take not of that and lets take it to the cunts!
Antifascist ciderhead
Free speech
19.06.2008 16:53
Yorks Anti
BNP orchestrate attacks on women& children+secretly idolise Hitler, we are too n
19.06.2008 18:00
This pathetic bullies have hoodwinked alot of people, hiding behind freedom of speech & the flag,
Happy VE day celebrations this weekend in Woolaton Park where the fight against fascism will be honoured. Many of our boys&now girls do not want to be in middle east or kill children & most only defend themselves+ accidents happen to nazi infiltrators who try & murder innocent children & rape etc.
Makhno spiitfire
Lancaster Unity
19.06.2008 18:04
Glad you liked the action Lancaster Unity, but not sure how you helped, we've never had any contact with you.
19.06.2008 19:04
Joe Stalin
Bun Fight!!!
19.06.2008 19:27
Bun Fight!!!
Beware the BNP trolls!
19.06.2008 21:34
Simon Darby's Troll Army are becoming more and more daring, as the more obvious trolls are easier for admin to spot.
Troll Alert
Mainstream News Report
19.06.2008 22:14
Who's this then?
20.06.2008 10:21
20.06.2008 13:15
Uber fascist and securitarian UK government domestic policies seem of no concern to them.
Uber fascist, lawless and genocidal UK government foreign policies seem of no concern to them.
Uber fascist, racist and genocidal Israel government policies backed at 100% by our own criminal government seem of no concern to them.
And never noticed they seem to act with total impunity ?
Try to do what they do to those BNP members they target to anyone else and brag about it abundantly online like them and you'll see that you'll soon be arrested and banged up.
But they don't get arrested and banged up apparently.
I am just asking you guys, you are Labour party members, you get paid for what you are doing, you benefit from police protection and complicity and you spend most of your holidays in Tel-Aviv, is that it ?
That's certainly what you look like to me.
Now you can go on insulting me and even post huge pics saying I am a troll, I could not care less.
skunk you stink
20.06.2008 20:21
Malcomn Tent
Do Not Feed The Trolls
20.06.2008 20:30
You could even be Lee Barnes LLB (check out Lancaster Unity to find out more about this mentally ill (un qualified) lawyer, folks! Or the sexually impotent "Green Arsehole" and his friends from the Griffinite "Covert Undercover Nuisance Tactic" (a acronism which sums it up well, thanks, nazi losers) blog.
To call the BNP threat "non-existent" is a serious delusion that may or may be deliberately designed to design and conquer.
The BNP is made up of violent racist thugs, many of whom have connections to "football firms". Members include bombers/violent racist attackers LeComber, Copeland and Robert Cottage. Yet another supporter of the BNP and BPP has been in court recently on terror plot charges.
Supporters carry out racist attacks after dark.
And they also have paedos in their ranks (Nazi Boy, lol)
Social movements comprising of leftwing pressure groups and anarchists DO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT WORLD AFFAIRS. ACTUALLY, THEY PROTEST BOTH AGAINST THE BNP, BROWN AND BUSH.
You know this, youre simply trying to stir up things, which is the old tired and worn nazi troll trick.
You were hoping to trigger some anti-Semitism (hope I haven't given Simon Darby's Troll Army any ideas), to make leftwingers and anarchists appear as traitors, not that we will fall for it.
This thread is well and truly ruined by neo-Nazi trolls, folks. There are more trolls on Indymedia than the complete trilogy of the Lord Of The Rings lol. So once again, beware of everything you read, for BNP members, bigwigs and supporters are trying their hardest to divide and conquer by slagging off anti-racist campaigners.
Troll Slaya
lee barnes llb
20.06.2008 20:34
So the nazi troll is Lee Barnes.
Still having delusional fantasies, Lee?
How's your bumchum Cyclops?
The Madness Of King Barnesy!!!
20.06.2008 20:43
Thanks, Mr Barnes, for assuming anyone who opposes the BNP is Jewish.
You can't help spreading your anti-Semitism, you loony.
You haven't even passed your legal exams. You bought them off the internet, from spam e-mails. So much for threatening legal action against Colin Auty.
Anybody who doesn't know what Lee is all about, I suggest you take a look at the excellent Lancaster Unity website: -
Anybody who thinks the BNP is democratic, I suggest you check out Sadie's web blog: -
You Know Me
20.06.2008 21:01
LOLing at antifa
And still the Nazis return to Indymedia: -
20.06.2008 21:48
Troll Destroya
Trolls are wasting their time
20.06.2008 21:51
Indmedia is a PROGRESSIVE WEBSITE. It's not a playground for brainlacking white supremacists, thanx!
jenny vee
Lee Barnes Is A Wnaker!
20.06.2008 21:54
But I won't feed the braindead BNP troll Lee Barnes.
Lancaster UAF
21.06.2008 07:57
If you want to complain to him about his campaigns of harassment here are his contact details :
[personal details removed]
21.06.2008 09:38
21.06.2008 22:42
Your going to boycott the local corner shop!!!
If only Anti-fascist knew this would be the consequence of their action...
Shit, sorry, please not a boycott of the local shop, please anything but a boycott...
...of the local corner shop.
Get a grip
22.06.2008 02:05
Another pathetic attempt from the left to try and attempt to intimidate the decent white Brits of this land.
I personaly think the BNP are a bunch of tory liberals but I will always defend their right to free speech, sieg heil.
The Superior Intellectual Calabre of a Supreme Ideological Battle
22.06.2008 18:52
Clearly out of my depth in the company of heavyweights here...
Wit and wisdom
22.06.2008 19:10
Freedom of Expressivision
22.06.2008 20:10
Buffoons have feelings too, you know?
Clueless liberals troll anti-fascist threads more relentlessly than the Fash...
22.06.2008 20:38
Maybe he should have stuck to Kaliber
Off The Fence
Off the fence
22.06.2008 21:22
Clueless Liberal
Antifascists, roll up, roll up!
22.06.2008 21:29
Mel Brooks
Liberals who reduce the struggle against fascism to supposed 'willy waving'
22.06.2008 23:39
Off The Fence
23.06.2008 09:43
Whereas you, presumably, are radical, man, yeah, like, cutting edge, yeah, like out there, like truly with it, yeah, like get with the struggle, man, power to the people!
Oxford Dictionary
Defining Liberal
23.06.2008 12:24
Oxford - A place where wankers go to learn how to be even bigger wankers
Off The Fence
Defining Wanker
23.06.2008 13:23
Off The Fence
23.06.2008 23:07
name place
23.06.2008 23:19
a true benefit to the "struggle"
23.06.2008 23:50
Off the fence sive
24.06.2008 08:02
Off The Fence
Desperado, come down from your fences, open the gate...
24.06.2008 09:20
A PLACE, oh, ye of little brain space, in your words, as you put it, in a sentence, denoting a place. As I understand it the Oxford Dictionary is published by the Oxford University Press, which I believe may have some connection to Oxford University. Ironically enough Oxford University is located in Oxford. Oxford is a city in England, which is a country which forms part of Great Britain and the United Kingdom. These countries, as I understand it, form part of the British Commonwealth, European Union, United Nations, NATO and G8. I think you were having a pop at Oxford University as being, by the traditional perspective, inhabited by toffs, which, in a comedy context, might be a reasonable context in which to place a joke. In this case, I rather feel that the joke is on you. I am also guessing from your choice of words that you have latent hatred towards people who reside in rural places, i.e. "bumpkins." As for not getting out, well, luckily I am not quadraplegic or agaraphobic, or that might have been a very hurtful statement. Luckily my social life is healthy and happy and so is my ability to spot those burdened down by significant chips on their shoulder. Have you considered counselling? Bhuddist breathing techniques? A walk in the park? See the colours all around you. It's a beautiful world. Try not to muddy it with your big ugly footprint.
It may be raining, but there's a rainbow above you...
Accidental Omission
24.06.2008 11:01
Howard the Dolphin
24.06.2008 21:07
Next I'm going to slag off Collins, so please don't be offended if your name is Colin.
Off The Fence
No offence taken
25.06.2008 09:56
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