StWC 'will not co-operate' with police
anon | 16.06.2008 17:01 | Iraq | Repression | Terror War | London
Stop the War Coalition has written to the Home Secretary protesting the decision to ban yesterday's anti-war march and the "violent policing of the demonstration." The letter, signed by Andrew Murray and Lindsey German, warns: "there can be no question of any further co-operation between the Stop the War Coalition and the Metropolitan Police in regard to future protests until these concerns are addressed to our satisfaction."
The letter argues, "There could under no circumstances be any justification for the repeated and uncontrolled assault on peaceful demonstrators who at most were doing no more than attempting to proceed up Whitehall and in many cases were actually endeavouring to comply with police instructions.
"We hold that this conduct is entirely unacceptable in a democratic country.
The determination of the police to ensure that our voices cannot be heard in
Whitehall on an issue of urgent public controversy, at the apparent behest of
the US President, presents a bleak picture of the government's priorities."
For more including the full text of the letter see the StWC press release at
"We hold that this conduct is entirely unacceptable in a democratic country.
The determination of the police to ensure that our voices cannot be heard in
Whitehall on an issue of urgent public controversy, at the apparent behest of
the US President, presents a bleak picture of the government's priorities."
For more including the full text of the letter see the StWC press release at

Hide the following 15 comments
Interesting development...
16.06.2008 18:21
we put the coffee on quite a while ago
16.06.2008 21:32
ana carlo
@ rogue
16.06.2008 22:20
MonkeyBot 5000
stopping the wars
16.06.2008 22:39
maybe stop the war demo's in the past have been 2 peaceful, but i think the higher concentration of revolutionaries (of all traditions) the greater the chance of more direct protesting. Furthermore the 2 demo's in which the police have tried to ban (one ban was lifted, the other wasn't) has lead to angrier protests.
i think we should stop the war between the various groups of the movement, and resist the wars (future wars) in whatever way people think is tactically best. My favoured position is to win over sections of organised labour to have industrial action against wars, like the dock workers in America but on a greater scale if possible.
note "to our satisfaction"
16.06.2008 22:48
That leaves it open doesn't it? What can we say their satisfaction will be - there can be no question they will get an apology or anything like that, but there could be all other ways for them to back out of this little stand they seem to have made. Even a reply from the cops saying 'thanks for writing - we appreciate your concerns and are looking into them right now, oh yes' could be deemed 'satisfactory' by German and co.
Also, what cooperation do they mean to withdraw? STWC has never done anything other than march, and it actively DETRACTED AND MALIGNED attempts by others in the anti-war movement to take direct action or simply a more creative activity than A to B marches and static rallies [they did not support the Fairford Airbase coaches and do not support the SmashEDO campaign, for example]. If STWC does not cooperate in its' next march along the same central london routes they have taken since trotskyism began, so what? It still a perfectly policeable, and largely ineffectual event. Of course a peaceful march can be effective, but not if it is *the only tactic being employed* and especially not if it has become a bi-monthly activity over 5 years. Does anyone think that the turnout reflects public opposition? Of course not. Only 2000 people turned up cos the rest of us were bored shitless of boring marches. And considering we saw that the biggest protest in human history, February the 15th 2003, had no effect at all, are STWC really surprised people aren't turniung up?
Finally, the distinction German has drawn here between 'peaceful protestors' and the implied violent protestors is false, and it's counter-productive. The problem is not that the police attacked peaceful protestors, it is that they were guarding a war criminal first and foremost, and more generally, defending the rulers and architects of this sick social system. There is no 'right way' to do that. If they did it politely, they'd still be doing it. If they handed out jelly and ice cream to the crowd, and repelled us with a hail of soft toys and £50 notes, they'd still be doing it. It is also dishonest to ignore the fact that the crowd were attacking the police, which is why the police were attacking the crowd. The cops didn't just randomly steam old ladies, people were chucking steel barriers at them. And for fucks sake, GOOD. Without even needing to go into whether you think capitalism is a good idea or whether we need a police force, this is the simple truth: the war is less popular than the Vietnam war was in America when America pulled out. It is hugely unpopular; it is opposed by a majority of the country. So militant protest like disrupting Bush's visit is perfectly legitimate when there is absolutely no parliamentary option open. And that is not an anarchist perspective, that is a classic liberal and even conservative tenet; rulers who ignore majority opinion and radically dimish public good face justified revolt. The violence this war has brought to us - from the millions dead on all sides in afghanistan and iraq to those who were killed and will be killed in this city by future terrorist attacks - is far greater than anything we could bring to it.
And fuck the STWC, they don't mean a word of it. They exist to promote their own sectional interests to the crowds they hope will stand politely and listen to them at the end of their deadening events. They are not even trying to win the argument, rather than convert those who are already opposed to the war to their particular religion or leftist party; for evidence, see the no show at the event in central London the day before - the Support our Troops rally! Or the fact they regularly hold events on the same weekend as the London Soldier, the army's biggest PR and recruitment drive in the South East! What, actually talk to someone who might support the war? Sod that, lets go and listen to the SWP and its Islamist mates talk bollocks on the other side of the city.
Well done to those who turned up and made a stand on Sunday, you actually had more of an impact media wise than the last 3 to 4 years of marching. You are inspiring people.
Never back down, never give in, dare to struggle, dare to win.
16.06.2008 23:13
liberty and solidarity/anarchist-communist
17.06.2008 09:01
I refer you to an ealier comment:
A proposal:
If there is one thing amonst all the active anarchist groups in the uk that we can agree on, it is that we don't want war, and would like to see a militant movement against it. There are plenty of groups with resources, that if pooled, we could build a strong militant movement against the war. Specifically I am thinking of a militant version of STWC, without the hirachy, or underlying recruitment agenda.
off the top of my head i can think of quite a few networks, groups, and organisations who could contribute to this(I am not a member of any of these): EF!, SolFed, Anarchist Federation, IWW, and maybe even some single issue campaigns might want to get on board, like Smash EDO, and Shut Down HK. (sorry for anyone i missed, I am writing this whilst thinking it).
whatya think?
fly posters
17.06.2008 09:06
reading the bans
17.06.2008 10:36
> now that this has been proven false
It hasn't been proven false, the road was closed, the march wasn't banned.
If there was a ban the road would have been open to anyone not demonstrating.
> people have then claimed that stop the war supporters did not attempt
> to break through police barriers
No, they've pointed out that Stop the War stewards tried to form a second line to support the police.
> so it must of been the anarchists who were holding socialist worker placards
clearing up a few points
17.06.2008 12:02
This is how to deal with the cops
17.06.2008 12:50
this fella had an impact on the cops, despite what we sometimes all think, they are in fact human(well the majority are anyway) and can influenced if done in the right manner. Resorting to violence ain't ever gonna achieve that and also justifies their actions to themselves
STW should never have started working with the cops in the first place. If they really wanted to march there were no barriers at the St James Place end. As a rule of thumb remember that STW will take you to where the police want you to be taken ;-) Same thing happened at the Tony Blair noise demo. I did see a few banners proclaiming STW and SWP to be rubbish and in bed with the govt. (It easy enough to take apart the SWP banners and turn them around to write your own(although this does piss off the STW stewards, oh well)
Protesters take police hostage in Peru
17.06.2008 14:44
"Protesters take police hostage in Peru"
Thousands of protesters have overwhelmed Peruvian riot police, taking at least 60 hostage and defeating their push to end a week-long blockade in the mining region that has left cities without food or fuel.
AP article and few pics @
of course
17.06.2008 17:46
There are no cities
17.06.2008 20:30
How would British cities react to such shortages and would those peruvians do the same if their country were doing the sort of things our country does abroad while they have plenty in their stomach ?
Anyway, it seems to me that STWC is at some pain to avoid/prevent some form of escalation of the confrontation from taking place.
WTF do they give a shit if a government building is stormed by a crowd of protesters or else of that sort during a protest against the lawless genocidal acts perpetrated by our country they organize ?
WTF do they give a shit that Tony Blair can go in and out his conference without even hearing a protester ?
SWP Placards
18.06.2008 11:13
Wake up..