Noor Aza | 13.06.2008 18:24 | Repression
Majority of the ordinary ethnic Malay-Muslim group in Malaysia are brainwashed since young to support "Malay/Islamic Supremacy" (disguised under "Indigenous/Bumiputera Rights") and now "Malay Unity" ideology, through blind and misguided loyalty of patriotism, by the leaders of the ruling Malay-Islamic party UMNO and the Malay elite class deceitfully using Islam, the Monarchy (there are nine Malay Kings) and past history of British Imperialism. Genuine tolerance towards diversity and multiculturalism is degenerating.
Brief Notes:(News reports on the banned prayer/puja and Christian /Hindu temple destruction are below the notes)
- Four ethnic Indian human rights activists currently detained without trial under the Internal Security Act (ISA) are human rights lawyers. Their leader, Uthayakumar, suffered heart problems and severe skin allergy. See:
http://news.my.msn.com/regional/article.aspx?cp-documentid=1398656; 5/14/2008
Malaysia's highest court quashes Indian activists' freedom bid
- Puja/pooja: in Hinduism means, daily devotion consisting of a ritual offering of food, drink, and ritual actions and prayers, most commonly to an image of a deity
-Increasing and aggressive forcing of wearing the veil to further propagate the “honour” ideology in order to absolutely control women and girls, in resistance to modernity, even before puberty; due to increasing fanatical Islamisation influence of Al-Qaeda/Taliban way of thinking and funding from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Iran. This irrational and primitive process of fanatical Islamisation (ie. within political Islam sphere) is increasingly spreading like wildfire in Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore and Indonesia, including in the Hindu-dominant island of Bali and Christian-dominant region of Borneo. South-East Asia’s Muslims used to be moderately liberal and progressive, balancing harmoniously east and west, diverse cultures, and traditional and modernity values (such examples can be seen in old Malaysian and Indonesian films such as by the famous director P. Ramlee).
The news reports can be found:
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Nataraja Statue Banned from Malaysian Bharatanatyam Dance Performance
By: Malaysia Today; June 8, 2008
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Indigenous Malaysian Christians in legal fight over church
By: Agence France-Presse; 5/15/2008
- Four ethnic Indian human rights activists currently detained without trial under the Internal Security Act (ISA) are human rights lawyers. Their leader, Uthayakumar, suffered heart problems and severe skin allergy. See:

Malaysia's highest court quashes Indian activists' freedom bid
- Puja/pooja: in Hinduism means, daily devotion consisting of a ritual offering of food, drink, and ritual actions and prayers, most commonly to an image of a deity
-Increasing and aggressive forcing of wearing the veil to further propagate the “honour” ideology in order to absolutely control women and girls, in resistance to modernity, even before puberty; due to increasing fanatical Islamisation influence of Al-Qaeda/Taliban way of thinking and funding from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Iran. This irrational and primitive process of fanatical Islamisation (ie. within political Islam sphere) is increasingly spreading like wildfire in Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore and Indonesia, including in the Hindu-dominant island of Bali and Christian-dominant region of Borneo. South-East Asia’s Muslims used to be moderately liberal and progressive, balancing harmoniously east and west, diverse cultures, and traditional and modernity values (such examples can be seen in old Malaysian and Indonesian films such as by the famous director P. Ramlee).
The news reports can be found:
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Nataraja Statue Banned from Malaysian Bharatanatyam Dance Performance
By: Malaysia Today; June 8, 2008
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Indigenous Malaysian Christians in legal fight over church
By: Agence France-Presse; 5/15/2008
Noor Aza