Plymouth anti-Scientology activist arrested before global day of action
Temple of Xenu | 13.06.2008 13:31 | Repression | Social Struggles | South Coast
Stu Wyatt, a Plymouth campaigner against the Church of Scientology, was arrested yesterday at his home.
Stu has been a thorn in the side of the cult's presence in Plymouth, running regular "Cult Watch" solo pickets against the notorious Scientology "stress test" cart which tours the town centre offering free stress tests (about the only thing in Scientology that *is* free...). Stu has been the target of Scientologist aggression in the past, being assaulted on at least two occasions, subjected to harassing phone calls at all hours of the night, and being attacked for his pro-medical cannabis stance and campaign work.
Yesterday, Stu was arrested at his home on charges of assault relating to a protest on 3rd June. At the protest in question, a female Scientologist blocked the path of his mobility scooter and attempted to "bull bait" him, a tactic of harassment and confrontation designed to create a violent response, in turn in order to produce "evidence" to discredit his actions. This is a long-standing tactic within the Church of Scientology designed to smear their critics.
Stu was today released from police custody. He has reportedly been issued with a restraining order ordering him to stay away from Scientology and charged with offences related to his medically-required cannabis use.
This arrest comes just days before the global "Sea Arrrgghhh" protests on 14th June. The protests will focus on the Sea Org, the elite group within Scientology and target of some of its most notorious abuses, including the Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF - an internal penal system and work force), coerced abortions (Sea Org members are not allowed to have children, and those who become pregnant are pressured into aborting the foetus), and child abuse (children as young as twelve are subjected to harsh discipline and interrogation.)
Further reading:
- Cult Watch on YouTube:
- Everybody's looking for something: Life in Scientology's Sea Org:
- Sea Arrrgh:
Yesterday, Stu was arrested at his home on charges of assault relating to a protest on 3rd June. At the protest in question, a female Scientologist blocked the path of his mobility scooter and attempted to "bull bait" him, a tactic of harassment and confrontation designed to create a violent response, in turn in order to produce "evidence" to discredit his actions. This is a long-standing tactic within the Church of Scientology designed to smear their critics.
Stu was today released from police custody. He has reportedly been issued with a restraining order ordering him to stay away from Scientology and charged with offences related to his medically-required cannabis use.
This arrest comes just days before the global "Sea Arrrgghhh" protests on 14th June. The protests will focus on the Sea Org, the elite group within Scientology and target of some of its most notorious abuses, including the Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF - an internal penal system and work force), coerced abortions (Sea Org members are not allowed to have children, and those who become pregnant are pressured into aborting the foetus), and child abuse (children as young as twelve are subjected to harsh discipline and interrogation.)
Further reading:
- Cult Watch on YouTube:
- Everybody's looking for something: Life in Scientology's Sea Org:
- Sea Arrrgh:
Temple of Xenu
Hide the following 5 comments
This Article is Biased
14.06.2008 16:58
THE REAL STU WYATT - video/quicktime 1.6M
Stu is not the victim. He's an agressor and a punk.
Ryan of Plymouth
14.06.2008 20:54
Stu is the head of the evil Psychiatry empire and created anonymous to undertake military black operations to try to surpress the truth about Psychaitry: An Industry of Death. Since February masked anonymous stormtroopers have laid siege to our places of worship around the world but we have bravely fought on to get the truth out.
This article is typical of their black propaganda and totally distorts the facts. Sandra has had to have hours of auditing to get over the incident. Auditing is not cheap, it costs about £100 an hour, and she has only been able to get this thanks to the generousity of her employers, the church of scientology; without this she could have been left with lasting engrams that would have prevented her from ever achieving a state of clear so she can move on up the OT levels.
People like Stu make up maybe only 2% of the world's population and society would be better off without them. More people should be like Tom Cruise and David Miscavige, I don't mean short of course but like them.
You;re an ignorant douche!
14.06.2008 21:30
Please grow a brain, doofus.
Homepage: http://cultzone.tb
Do you have any "REAL" footage?
15.06.2008 10:18
Do you have any sensibly recorded and clearly assertive documentation of Stuart's bad character, certainly to the degree that Anonymous have of your members assaulting citizens of Plymouth?
Bullbait is a real Scientology training routine
16.06.2008 16:23
Martin Poulter