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Wells Fargo Attacked In Portland

Anarchists | 12.06.2008 18:26 | Migration | Social Struggles | World

Communique from anonymous anarchists:

In the closing hour of June 4, the Wells Fargo on 39th and Powell in Portland, Oregon was attacked. A window pane was smashed in with a rock. This action is in solidarity with all those imprisoned in the ICE detention centers in the U.S. and all those imprisoned and oppressed by the industrial capitalist economy. Wells Fargo funds the GEO group, which runs the Guantanamo Bay detention center as well as the ICE immigration detention center in Tacoma, Washington. All banks serve the interests of the capitalist class, furthering exploitation of "resources" and indigenous people around the world. We are fighting for the destruction of this society and our own liberation from this world of banks, cops, prisons, poisoned water and air, and rapidly shrinking wild spaces.

Resist everywhere!

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Well I have to congratulate you on your choice of target

12.06.2008 19:01

It's interesting that the US is catching up with China in its ability to exploit slave labour under the guise of 'correctional' ideology. The only difference is that in the US the profiling of prisoners is mostly racial and economic, rather than religious and political. What a horrific future it would be if the prison industrial complex was to the sino-american superpower race what the military industrial complex was to the american-soviet one.
