SHAC National March & Rally - 1 month away!
SHAC | 11.06.2008 23:49 | SHAC | Animal Liberation | Cambridge | World
More info coming soon!
Contact SHAC for more information.
Previous national marches
Novartis march & rally - April 2008

HLS march & rally - November 2007

Details from SHAC
12.06.2008 16:15
Saturday 12th July 2008, 11am - 5:30pm
Followed by demo at the gates of HLS, Alconbury.
Please put this date in your diaries!
In four weeks the next SHAC national march and rally against HLS and their vile'experiments' on animals. Where we'll march through Peterborough, just north of HLS and then travel and demonstrate at HLS, Alconbury. This is to show the mass opposition to vivisection and HLS in a City close to HLS where we can spread the message about HLS's dirty dealings.
11am ~ Start of assembly at Stanley Recreation Ground (car parking off Brook Road, just south off the Recreation Ground)11am to 12.30pm – Rally in the park with info stalls and Veggies food and drinks. Before the march sets off, there will be speakers.
March starts at 12:30, marching around Peterborough (the march is about 1.2miles), then back to Stanley Recreation Ground by about 2:30pm where we get back into transport and drive to HLS for demo from about 3:30pm at the gates until 5:30pm where there will be more speakers. Also Veggies food at HLS.
Parking for demo at HLS will be on Woolley Road much nearer to HLS than lasttime. This is a very important demo to show our disgust against HLS. The march is a great opportunity to let the people of Peterborough know that cruel and needless animal research is going on near their City.
We will meet at Stanley Recreation Ground, Peterborough, Cambs. Maps and more information will be posted on the SHAC website soon and emailed out.
We will be meeting from 11am onwards on the west side of the recreation ground, but the march will not set off before 12:30. Transport is being organised from all over the UK.
Further details to follow soon about pick up points and local transport contacts.
If, in the meantime,you can help by organising transport or have space in vehicles, or if you have any transport queries - please email us at: or phone: 0845 458 0630
Autonomous bloc
17.06.2008 18:26
Mask up and unite as one against NETCU, SOCPA & police repression:

militant antispeciesist
SHAC-UK Prisoner Support: 15 Activists charged with "conspiracy to blackmail"
18.06.2008 18:48
They have been charged with "conspiracy to blackmail" Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS)and they are currently being remanded in prison. Their trial is booked to start on the 29th September 2008 at Winchester Crown Court (UK) and might take as long as six months.
12 other activists have been charged with "conspiracy to blackmail" and are awaiting trial and due to the number of defendents their will most likely be 2 seperate but connected "conspiricy to blackmail" trials one after each other. With the last trial (each trial may take as long as 6 months) probably not starting until April 2009 at the earliest. The 12 SHAC activists are currently on bail, with severe bail conditions preventing them doing any animal rights activities at all, or even leading a normal life and it appears that some of them will be on bail for years.
All the activists deny the charge being all completely innocent. This politically motivated "conspiricy to blackmail" charge carries a maximum 15 year prison sentence.
There is also going to be two other trials relating to the raids on May 1st 2007, one involving activists accused of allegedly liberating a dog from abuse (this was an animal rights action but not SHAC related, however the police are claiming it is) and one envolving the alleged theft of information from a employees place of work. Their are 18 defendents in total and one activists is facing two separate trials.
HLS is the worlds most exposed, brutal and vile animal testing lab, it helps no one and hurts many, please get involved if you possibly can. (please visit SHAC's website).
On the 21st July last year, Natasha had a release licence from a previous unrelated sentence for animal rights actions revoked, due to the new "conspiracy" charges against her. She is no longer classed as a remand prisoner and she is now serving out the time on her previous sentence. When the time left on her sentence finishes she will be put back on remand. This in practise just reduces her privileges and means if convicted she may not be able to use the time she has served not on remand to offset any sentence.
A letter from Heather read out at the SHAC national in November:

Gregg, Heather and Natasha have said on many occasions the best way of supporting them and the other defendents is to get out there, do demos, write letters, do what you can. There are campaigners fighting HLS all round the world so please if you can please get involved. (SHAC).
You can also write to them:
Gregg Avery (TA7450)
HMP Winchester
Romsey Road
SO22 5DF
United Kingdom
Natasha Avery (NR8987)
HMP Bronzefield
Woodthorpe Road
TW15 3JZ
United Kingdom
Heather Nicholson (VM4859)
HMP Bronzefield
Woodthorpe Road
TW15 3JZ
United Kingdom.
You can email Heather and Natasha through, emails cost 30 pence (£0.30) each and are delivered directly to them. The emails are all read by prison authorities and there is no facility allowing Heather or Natasha to reply. It is however a good and relatively cheap way of showing your support, especially if your based overseas.
Support Greg, Natasha & Heather
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