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Stop the zionist festival in central London on June 29th!

Stop the zionist festival | 11.06.2008 18:17

On Sunday the 29th of June thousands of pro-Israel supportters will hold a rally and festival in Trafalgar Square from 2pm to celebrate 60 years since the founding of Israel by the theft of Palestinian land and the forced expulsion of 700,000 Palestinians. See this : We must be there to stop them!

We are calling on a united front of all left wing and anarchist movements to gather in Trafagar Square at 1:30pm on Sunday the 29th of June to stop the planned zionist festival and to tell them - no more house demolitions, no more aparthied wall, to end the seige of Gaza and no Israeli attack on Iran.

Stop the zionist festival


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C'mon down with combat 18

11.06.2008 20:59

what's with the call out to all anarchists? surely you'ed be better off advertising on the Blood and Honour web site or getting in touch with Kollestrom and the like, No doubt the SWP will be there so go and have a chat with them or the MCB and other such sectarian power mongers, But a call out to anarchists! please don't insult the integrity of anarchist philosophy and attempt to allign it to your own fucked up agenda and neo nazi diatribe. Why should i as an Anarchist regard one form of governance desirable over any other, there should be No War between brothers and sisters, to effect any sort of change at this event you should be forgeing links with your Jewish contemporaries to promote No War But The Class War, to seek the destruction of Mossad and the Israeli government along with Hezbollah. Borders are a false ecomnomy and People are killed by Governments inorder to maintain thier fucked up hegemony of power that protects the interests of capital which feeds on the labour of the subjugated classes regardless of which side of the border you live on. If you want to get rid of the Israeli Government you need to remember, Governments are killed by People and those people will be the Israelis themselves. But hey i guess you'll just go on down there and shout a few slogans.

Ana Carlo

Ana Carlo

11.06.2008 22:57

The very thought of anarchists showing solidarity with the oppressed - how sick that must make you feel.

I'm sure you would have said the same if the Apartheid regime had had a pro-Apartheid South African rally, right?


Fuck Israel

12.06.2008 22:28

...and all zionist trolls. So we should not oppose the celebration of the fascistic zionist state because a handful of washed up neo-nazi's might turn up to the party? Whatever.

Malcomn Tent