Dick Barton Vs Smash EDO
DB | 06.06.2008 13:43 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Terror War | South Coast
Todays Argus reports Chief Superintendent Dick Barton is leading the Sussex police battle against the Smash EDO .
But just who is Dick Barton?
But just who is Dick Barton?
The Argus reports today
'Chief Superintendent Dick Barton is in charge of investigating crimes against EDO for Sussex Police. The force declined to comment on his role but the fact such a senior officer - the highest rank below assistant chief constable - has specific responsibility for EDO reflects how seriously police treat the activism.'
The winter 2008 edition of The Police Superintendent reports
'Chief Superintendent Dick Barton has been awarded the Iraq Reconstruction Service Medal
at a ceremony at Sussex Police Headquarters.
Dick was the UK Chief Police Advisor in Iraq between March 2006 and March 2007. Based in Basra, Dick made frequent trips to Baghdad and surrounding provinces, with up to 120 UK police advisors in the country, undertaking tasks as varied as building a Department for Internal Affairs, a Major Crime Unit and basic recruit training at the main police training school in Shai’bah, Basra.
Dick said: ‘The challenges of working in the intense heat, in a hostile environment, were outweighed by the satisfaction of providing some basic policing knowledge to the Iraqi police.
Whilst it’s true that corruption exists in the Iraqi police service, I met many Iraqi police
officers who just want to help provide some stability to their country. They want a safe place
for their kids to grow up in, and they want to professionalise their service.
‘Additionally, I feel privileged to have worked alongside committed diplomats and to have
spent a year in the heart of our military machine. The resilience of our service
personnel is highly impressive.
‘We weren’t trying to impose a western style of policing in this eastern policing environment,
just introducing concepts which could be tailored to that environment.
‘The secondment did raise some issues for officers seconded overseas, such as line
management, allowances and career development, but I was fortunate to have a
Branch and District that supported me throughout.’
Dick is a Sussex officer seconded to the Home Office.
The April 2008 minutes of Sussex Police Force executive board welcome CS Barton back from Iraq and reports
'Chief Superintendent Barton. ACPO TAM secondment to Ops Department overseeing changes to the regional CTIU and Gold Command of investigation into offences against EDO MBM'
ACPO TAM= Association of Chief Police Officers Terrorism and Allied Matters Committee
CTIU =Counter Terrorism Intelligence Unit
'Chief Superintendent Dick Barton is in charge of investigating crimes against EDO for Sussex Police. The force declined to comment on his role but the fact such a senior officer - the highest rank below assistant chief constable - has specific responsibility for EDO reflects how seriously police treat the activism.'

The winter 2008 edition of The Police Superintendent reports
'Chief Superintendent Dick Barton has been awarded the Iraq Reconstruction Service Medal
at a ceremony at Sussex Police Headquarters.
Dick was the UK Chief Police Advisor in Iraq between March 2006 and March 2007. Based in Basra, Dick made frequent trips to Baghdad and surrounding provinces, with up to 120 UK police advisors in the country, undertaking tasks as varied as building a Department for Internal Affairs, a Major Crime Unit and basic recruit training at the main police training school in Shai’bah, Basra.
Dick said: ‘The challenges of working in the intense heat, in a hostile environment, were outweighed by the satisfaction of providing some basic policing knowledge to the Iraqi police.
Whilst it’s true that corruption exists in the Iraqi police service, I met many Iraqi police
officers who just want to help provide some stability to their country. They want a safe place
for their kids to grow up in, and they want to professionalise their service.
‘Additionally, I feel privileged to have worked alongside committed diplomats and to have
spent a year in the heart of our military machine. The resilience of our service
personnel is highly impressive.
‘We weren’t trying to impose a western style of policing in this eastern policing environment,
just introducing concepts which could be tailored to that environment.
‘The secondment did raise some issues for officers seconded overseas, such as line
management, allowances and career development, but I was fortunate to have a
Branch and District that supported me throughout.’
Dick is a Sussex officer seconded to the Home Office.

The April 2008 minutes of Sussex Police Force executive board welcome CS Barton back from Iraq and reports
'Chief Superintendent Barton. ACPO TAM secondment to Ops Department overseeing changes to the regional CTIU and Gold Command of investigation into offences against EDO MBM'

ACPO TAM= Association of Chief Police Officers Terrorism and Allied Matters Committee
CTIU =Counter Terrorism Intelligence Unit