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Time for Change in Iran Has Come

sharam | 06.06.2008 09:20 | Analysis | Repression | Social Struggles | London | World

Time for Change in Iran, No To War, No To Appeasment, Yes to the Right of the Iranian People for Freedom and Democracy

In such a crucial moment in our history, we are grateful to have a friend like you who cares about the human rights situation in Iran and has supported our campaigns in the past.
Once the cradle of civilisation; Iran under the mullahs' rule is today a state of repression and terror. The country's social state is volcanic and will erupt any day - the people want change.
Inside Iran In January, authorities announced that they had amputate the arms and legs of five prisoners for taking part in activities against the state. More than 30 people were executed and two sisters sentenced to stoning during the same period. These barbaric punishments are done in public to terrorise people, discouraging them from continuing their struggle for change. A fruitless effort to stay in power a few months longer.
Outside Iran The combination of Islamic fundamentalism and nuclear weapons is the most dangerous phenomenon threatening humanity, peace, stability, progress and security in the world. By purging rival factions in parliament in the recent election sham (which was widely boycotted by Iranians), the regime clearly showed it is willing to take the final leap to acquire a nuclear bomb at any cost. The European Union in a statement described the elections as "neither free, nor fair".
The time for change has come
The theocratic regime's weak point is its lack of popular support. According to various reports from our families and friends in Iran, we know that students, women and workers were the driving force behind more than 5,000 anti-government protests that were held in Iran last year alone.
The international community's support for the Iranian people and their resistance movement would undoubtedly increase the pressure on the regime to stop internal suppression. It would also encourage the population to come out in greater numbers against the regime knowing their voice is heard on the international scene. Furthermore, it would make the regime think twice before unilaterally pressing on with its clandestine nuclear projects and meddling in Iraq.
The solution is neither an external war like in Iraq, nor the continuation of the appeasement policy towards this regime. The only viable solution is an internal change by the Iranian people - what is known as the Third Option.
What you can do
A largest ever gathering in support of a democratic change by the Iranian people and their organised resistance is being planned internationally.
The event has been sponsored by the Iranian communities and Human Rights Associations in Britain, the British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom, Friends of a Free Iran in the European Parliament, and many other organisations.
This international gathering will be held on Saturday, 28th of June 2008 in Paris. Please mark this on your diary. Further details and information could be found here : International Committee for Third Option
We need your help. Together we can make a difference. Let's plan it together. If you have any suggestions or you know how to get more people aware of this gathering please contact:
ICFTO – Contact Us

Mobile: 078 0556 3447
Telephone: 020 8816 8344

To see last year event's video clip click here
Your effort will contribute to the world's peace and to promoting humanity. Let's make this campaign an historic event.

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This posting has been hidden because it breaches the Indymedia UK (IMC UK) Editorial Guidelines.

IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

War Machinery At Work

06.06.2008 14:26

This statement is nothing but warmongering propaganda with a veil. If ICFTO truly believes in the "Third Option", i.e. an "internal change"; then why is it promoting an "internationally" "planned" "organised resistance"? Howcome IndyMedia moderators continually hide many anti-war articles without sending an explanation to the IndyMedia UK mailing list, yet let this one with the neocon agenda remain uncensored?


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