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Anon. | 06.06.2008 02:49 | Anti-militarism

Fuck the War Coalition Communique:

We're the Fuck the War Coalition
And we'd like to make an admission
Selex's windows have been smashed
The arms trade will be trashed!

This is the Fuck The War Coalition [1] and we want to bring the war home to those who profit from imperialism.

Once again we have struck out at the weapons company Selex [2], breaking the windows of their Edinburgh factory, which makes radar for the Air Force and laser targeting for bombs. “War Profiteers Work Here” and “Smash The Arms Trade” were painted nearby, letting people know what really goes on inside the slick shiney building. This action coincides with the week of action against the arms trade, and the nineteenth anniversary of the brutal oppression of people standing up to China's military in Tienanmen Square.

Arms manufacturers are not welcome in Edinburgh, or anywhere. It is time to bring the war home, and let those who work at Selex know that as long as they are involved in the arms trade, they will not be permitted to work in peace.

We call on all those against the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and all across the globe to take action against the military machine. We also give solidarity to those around the globe already resisting the military machine.

After smashing the windows FTWC operative Herman Smith said “We smashed their windows to let them know we're still here, and that we wont cease until they stop making weapons which are responsible for hundreds of thousands of murders worldwide.”


1 The Fuck the War Coalition has no membership or organisational structure, and operates as a decentralised network of small cells, that have no knowledge of one another. We have claimed responsibility for numerous acts of vandalism against public buildings in Scotland over the last year, including attacks on the offices of MP's who voted for the Iraq war, the US consulate, and the destruction of property at the offices of Selex. We have never harmed people, only property.

2 Selex is part of the massive Finmecannica corporation, a company which actively supports and makes a profit from war. Selex designs and manufactures parts for artillery, Apache helicopters, and military aircraft such as the Harrier and the Eurofighter Typhoon.

Communique ends.



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got in EEN

06.06.2008 14:51

It got in the Edinburgh Evening News.

Some pretty standard comments bellow it.


Well Done

06.06.2008 16:48

Good move. Comments from the lumpenproletariat (and im afraid there are too many in this country) will always occur but they can go Fuck themselves. We need more direct action like this.


Congratulations to SMASH EDO for organising yet another smashing protest.


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Interesting concept

07.06.2008 01:48

I think I have this straight, you used force and violence to demonstrate your opposition to using force and violence?.

I don't think this is going to be effective!.


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