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Send hate mail to pro-Heathrow Expansion group

No Heathrow Expansion | 05.06.2008 19:16 | London

There is a group representing big business led by MP Clive Soley, which is lobbying the government for expansion of Heathrow Airport including the construction of a third runway. Send them mail and emails to let them how what you think of them!

Their contact details are below:

Clive Soley
The Campaign Director
Future Heathrow
Room 1042
Queens Building
Heathrow Airport


No Heathrow Expansion


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Oh good

06.06.2008 02:03

so he'll be able to gain new media coverage over how he received aggressive and threatening letters and emails from 'no' campaigners, whereas his 'yes' campaign -commissioned opinion poll of 2M residents had found a majority in favour of a third runway, as couched in the poll.


Only one thousand were polled

06.06.2008 09:09

The so called poll that found a majority were a favour of a third runway only polled a thousand people. And none were told the construction of a third runway will involved the destruction of 700 homes and the loss of hundreds of acres of open land. As well as increased traffic congestion on roads approaching the airport. They were all polled by telephone and only asked what they thought. They were not told exactly what the implications of Heathrow expansion would be.

stop Heathrow expansion

Send polite letters to pro-Heathrow Expansion group

06.06.2008 10:31

"Send hate mail to pro-Heathrow Expansion group" sounds like a deliberate attempt by someone on the side of BAA, probably the police, to incite people to make threats.

I don't see why anyone seriously opposed to Heathrow expansion would want people to send hate mail to these people.

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