Monbiot tries publicity trick to push book sale and revive crap Guardian career
georgemonbiotxposed | 04.06.2008 12:32
George Monbiot is now using Indymedia and other websites to push forward his books on exposing John Bolton. Guess what Monbiot we already know, we do not need your book or your publicity stunts or the crap newspaper The Guardian which has been the Labour stalwart to manipulate us into thinking otherwise. Sell your crap to the people who like to live in your crap - Guardian readers - I am not one of them
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04.06.2008 14:24
The former US ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton took the risky step of talking at the Hay-on-Wye lit fest on Wednesday the 28th May. So enraged by the sheer injustice of it all was activist journo Georges Monbiot that he took the unprecedented step of ‘celebrity citizen’s arrest’ that has worked so well against George Bush and Robert Mugabe over the years. Amazingly he had only just finished mumbling “John Robert Bolton, I am arresting you for the charge of aggression, the crime of aggression, as defined by the Nuremberg Principles” when he was hauled off by security - who clearly hadn’t got round to reading them yet. What is the world coming to when the one half of the coalition that invaded Iraq won’t prosecute the other half? This would never happen under Georges' proposed World Government we are sure. By sheer coincidence Monbiot is launching collection of his columns this week, in book form.
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