3rd June Food Climate Change Day of Action in Nottingham
Soggy | 03.06.2008 18:20 | Animal Liberation | Climate Chaos
Climate change and animal rights activists joined together in Nottingham today to give away free vegan food, plants & skipped vegetables.
Passer-bys were enticed to
our stall by the offers of free chips, vegan pasties and tomato plants. We handed out leaflets about climate change & food and had lots of chats with people about the world food crisis & our solutions of eating a local, organic & vegan diet. An amazing number of people
already grew there own food & lots more were encouraged to give it a go. We had a
really positive response from the public and people seemed genuinely interested in the information leaflets we handed out.
The next free vegan food giveaway in Nottingham is going to be on the 4th July.
A handful of us then visited Fresh & Ecoworks community garden based at St Ann's
allotments. We had a tour of the amazing gardens & saw a brilliant example of local,
organic food being produced in the city. See
We toddled off home in the rain, chilli plants in hand, inspired to grow our own.
our stall by the offers of free chips, vegan pasties and tomato plants. We handed out leaflets about climate change & food and had lots of chats with people about the world food crisis & our solutions of eating a local, organic & vegan diet. An amazing number of people
already grew there own food & lots more were encouraged to give it a go. We had a
really positive response from the public and people seemed genuinely interested in the information leaflets we handed out.
The next free vegan food giveaway in Nottingham is going to be on the 4th July.
A handful of us then visited Fresh & Ecoworks community garden based at St Ann's
allotments. We had a tour of the amazing gardens & saw a brilliant example of local,
organic food being produced in the city. See


We toddled off home in the rain, chilli plants in hand, inspired to grow our own.