Action needed to halt deportation of mother and son to Ethiopia this Wednesday
Tyneside Community Action for Refugees (TCAR) | 01.06.2008 21:06 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles
In the early hours of Friday morning TCAR member Ayisha Abeli was snatched from her home together with her three year old son. They are currently being held in Yarls Wood detention centre, and have been told they will be deported to Ethiopia on Wednesday 4th June at 9pm.
Ayisha's older son was an active member of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and has since disappeared. For this Ayisha faces persecution by the Ethiopian government, and fled to Britain in 2005. She has grave fears for the safety of herself and her young son if they are deported.
Protest outside Government Offices North East, which houses the local branch of the Home Office. Gallowgate, Newcastle (opposite St James's Park Metro)
9.30am, Tuesday 3rd June
Fax Home Secretary Jacqui Smith using the enclosed model fax or your own and protest against the deportation of Ayisha and her son. (Make sure you include her Home Office Reference A1252817)
If you have a computer and access to the internet but no fax you can use the below method to send a fax, although some people have had problems using it:
There are two methods of faxing:
From your browser go to:
(the number must be entered with the country code
so 020 8760 3132 (Home Office) would be 4420 8760 3132
Send a fax via email
Just copy your fax message into the body of the email.
Model Fax:
Rt. Hon Jacqui Smith, MP
Secretary of State for the Home Office
3rd Floor, Peel Buildings
2 Marsham St
London SW1 4DF
Fax: 020 8760 3132
Dear Home Secretary,
Re: Ayisha Abeli (HO ref: A1252817) who is currently being detained in Yarls Wood detention centre and due to be deported to Ethiopia on 4th June 2008.
I am writing to you in relation to Ayisha Abeli, a resident and valued community member of the community in Newcastle. I am extremely worried about her situation.
Ayisha was detained with her three year old son in an immigration raid on their home in Scotswood in the early hours of the morning of Friday 30th May 2008. She is currently being held against her will in Yarls Wood immigration detention centre in Bedfordshire, and has been told she will be deported to Ethiopia at 9pm on Wednesday 4th June on Ethiopian Airways flight ET701 from Heathrow.
Ayisha’s older son was an active member of the Oromo Liberation Front, which fights in their own words ‘to exercise the Oromo peoples’ inalienable right to national self-determination to terminate a century of oppression and exploitation, and to form, where possible, a political union with other nations on the basis of equality, respect for mutual interests and the principle of voluntary associations.’ Ayisha’s son has since disappeared in Ethiopia. Ayisha has been targeted and persecuted by the Ehtiopian government for her son’s activities, and fled to Britain in 2005. Her younger son was born in Britain and attends Bridgewater Nursery in Scotswood.
They have been struggling to rebuild their lives, and have formed strong links and many friends in the local community. In the summer of 2007 Ayisha took part in the Wellbeing Heritage Project to learn about and promote North East heritage, and appeared on the front cover of a children’s book produced as part of the project, ‘Amelie’s Adventure’, in a photograph taken by her son, who was two years old at the time. Ayisha has contributed actively to many other local groups and projects, is undertaking courses at the JET project in Cruddas Park, and is a valued member of the community.
If forced to return to Ethiopia Ayisha has grave fears for the safety of herself and her young son.
On the grounds of respecting the Ayisha’s human rights as well as their health and safety, we ask that their removal be halted to allow for their case to be given further consideration and that she be granted exceptional leave to remain in Britain, where she is an integral part of the Newcastle community.
Yours Sincerely
Protest outside Government Offices North East, which houses the local branch of the Home Office. Gallowgate, Newcastle (opposite St James's Park Metro)
9.30am, Tuesday 3rd June
Fax Home Secretary Jacqui Smith using the enclosed model fax or your own and protest against the deportation of Ayisha and her son. (Make sure you include her Home Office Reference A1252817)
If you have a computer and access to the internet but no fax you can use the below method to send a fax, although some people have had problems using it:
There are two methods of faxing:
From your browser go to:

(the number must be entered with the country code
so 020 8760 3132 (Home Office) would be 4420 8760 3132
Send a fax via email
Just copy your fax message into the body of the email.
Model Fax:
Rt. Hon Jacqui Smith, MP
Secretary of State for the Home Office
3rd Floor, Peel Buildings
2 Marsham St
London SW1 4DF
Fax: 020 8760 3132
Dear Home Secretary,
Re: Ayisha Abeli (HO ref: A1252817) who is currently being detained in Yarls Wood detention centre and due to be deported to Ethiopia on 4th June 2008.
I am writing to you in relation to Ayisha Abeli, a resident and valued community member of the community in Newcastle. I am extremely worried about her situation.
Ayisha was detained with her three year old son in an immigration raid on their home in Scotswood in the early hours of the morning of Friday 30th May 2008. She is currently being held against her will in Yarls Wood immigration detention centre in Bedfordshire, and has been told she will be deported to Ethiopia at 9pm on Wednesday 4th June on Ethiopian Airways flight ET701 from Heathrow.
Ayisha’s older son was an active member of the Oromo Liberation Front, which fights in their own words ‘to exercise the Oromo peoples’ inalienable right to national self-determination to terminate a century of oppression and exploitation, and to form, where possible, a political union with other nations on the basis of equality, respect for mutual interests and the principle of voluntary associations.’ Ayisha’s son has since disappeared in Ethiopia. Ayisha has been targeted and persecuted by the Ehtiopian government for her son’s activities, and fled to Britain in 2005. Her younger son was born in Britain and attends Bridgewater Nursery in Scotswood.
They have been struggling to rebuild their lives, and have formed strong links and many friends in the local community. In the summer of 2007 Ayisha took part in the Wellbeing Heritage Project to learn about and promote North East heritage, and appeared on the front cover of a children’s book produced as part of the project, ‘Amelie’s Adventure’, in a photograph taken by her son, who was two years old at the time. Ayisha has contributed actively to many other local groups and projects, is undertaking courses at the JET project in Cruddas Park, and is a valued member of the community.
If forced to return to Ethiopia Ayisha has grave fears for the safety of herself and her young son.
On the grounds of respecting the Ayisha’s human rights as well as their health and safety, we ask that their removal be halted to allow for their case to be given further consideration and that she be granted exceptional leave to remain in Britain, where she is an integral part of the Newcastle community.
Yours Sincerely
Tyneside Community Action for Refugees (TCAR)