They Protest Too Much: Another False Flag Imminent?
al Qaeda = PNAC, CIA, Mossad | 30.05.2008 19:07 | Anti-militarism | World
Their hopes for feigning a justification for another illegal war - this time against Iran - because nobody bought their attempts at 'the Iraq treatment' this time around, I worry that the US/Israeli 'Neo-Cons' are planning another False Flag Attack, as recent headlines bring back memories of those immediately preceding the Israeli-American Neo-Con False Flag of 9/11, 2001.
We are seeing a LOT of stories about Osama these days.
I am reminded of August 2001, where the media was full of Osama stories. And it wasn't that he had actually done anything newsworthy; we were just being reminded constantly what a bad fellow he was. I wrote then that all the Osama stories looked like a PR run-up, and now we are seeing the same again.
And again, this story fits the pattern. Osama hasn't actually done anything. It's just waving him in our faces. And they're really grasping at straws, too.
As for Osama being dead, more info on that is HERE:
Then, remember episodes such as Benazir Bhutto, just weeks before her assassination - that the British Government helped cover up - told the BBC that "Sheik Ahmed (was) the man who murdered Osama bin Laden".
The plain fact is that there has been no authentic video of Osama since the end of 2001. Everything shown on TV is re-edited old footage or an obvious actor in a fake beard. Their messages have grown increasingly transparently designed to fit the 'Neo-Con' need of the day, like the last one, which corresponded with a concerted effort by Israel and Bush to link Resistance to Zionism's bruatalization of the Palestinians, to the non-existent 'war on terror'.
Just think about the last few days, in which Scott McClellan has reminded us of how badly we were lied to to get us into the war.
Can you dismiss the idea that "Osama" is just another part of that lie?
Or 9-11 itself?
Rumors of OBL Death Put to Rest
Read the story.
No credible journalist would even claim with a straight face that such dubious rumours from suspect (or anonymous) sources puts anything to rest.
Al-Qaeda's terrifying vision of a devastated America in the wake of a nuclear attack's+terrifying+vision+of+a+devastated+America+in+the+wake+of+a+nuclear+attack/
The images come from a video game called 'Fallout'. If you truly believe the intelligence services can't find the operators of these sites (many revealed to have been run out of US states and Israel), you don't understand the internet.
CIA chief claims big gains against al-Qaeda
(But 'more strikes possible')
Note that he only makes these false claims in order to segue into these 'dire warnings' of an attack they know is coming - but don't know anything about.
Gingrich quips Bush should have allowed some 'reminder' attacks
Iran Will Cooperate with UN Probe into US/Israeli Allegations
Israel's Syrian Air Strike Was Aimed at Iran
The ME has had a Secretive Nuclear Power in its Midst for Years
Spooks Refuse to Toe Cheney's Line on Iran
IAEA Again Verifies Iranian Compliance
Israel Considering Strike on Iran Despite US Intelligence Report,,2224052,00.html
US intelligence report heightens danger of Israeli strike on Iran
'Laptop of Death': Revising the NIE on Iran
The entire claim that Iran was building nuclear weapons rests on a laptop provided by a single, dubious source. /ips/akhavi.php?articleid=12028 /prather/?articleid=12025
Israeli Extremists Prep for Nuclear Strike on Iran
Hersh: Israel Pressed me to Write Syrian Site was Nuclear
Sy Hersh confirms: Syrian Facility Bombed by Israel Not Nuclear
A Strike in the Dark - What did Israel bomb in Syria?
by Seymour M. Hersh
War Clouds Over Mideast§ion=0&article=108719&d=8&m=4&y=2008
Israel & The 'Clash of Civilizations'
The largest threat to the region doesn't come from Iran: it comes from Israel's success in having had the US "neutralize" countries which it believes to be an existential threat to it's existence. However, there's just one little problem with this approach concerning Iran. Russia's diplomats have stated unequivocally that any attack against Iran will be perceived as an attack on Russia.
UN Nuclear Watchdog in Milestone Iran Deal
Iran Dumps US Dollar in Oil Trading, US Preps War
Israel's Extremists STILL Beating Iran War Drums
Israel, US Joint Plotting Against Iran, Attack ElBaredei llll
ElBaradei: Iran Not After Bomb
Israel Calls for US Blockade of Iran
Iran Mosque Blast Plotters Admit Israeli, US Links
Removing these War Criminals from power and holding them accountable for their crimes would eliminate this threat entirely ...
We are seeing a LOT of stories about Osama these days.
I am reminded of August 2001, where the media was full of Osama stories. And it wasn't that he had actually done anything newsworthy; we were just being reminded constantly what a bad fellow he was. I wrote then that all the Osama stories looked like a PR run-up, and now we are seeing the same again.
And again, this story fits the pattern. Osama hasn't actually done anything. It's just waving him in our faces. And they're really grasping at straws, too.
As for Osama being dead, more info on that is HERE:

Then, remember episodes such as Benazir Bhutto, just weeks before her assassination - that the British Government helped cover up - told the BBC that "Sheik Ahmed (was) the man who murdered Osama bin Laden".
The plain fact is that there has been no authentic video of Osama since the end of 2001. Everything shown on TV is re-edited old footage or an obvious actor in a fake beard. Their messages have grown increasingly transparently designed to fit the 'Neo-Con' need of the day, like the last one, which corresponded with a concerted effort by Israel and Bush to link Resistance to Zionism's bruatalization of the Palestinians, to the non-existent 'war on terror'.
Just think about the last few days, in which Scott McClellan has reminded us of how badly we were lied to to get us into the war.
Can you dismiss the idea that "Osama" is just another part of that lie?
Or 9-11 itself?
Rumors of OBL Death Put to Rest

Read the story.
No credible journalist would even claim with a straight face that such dubious rumours from suspect (or anonymous) sources puts anything to rest.
Al-Qaeda's terrifying vision of a devastated America in the wake of a nuclear attack

The images come from a video game called 'Fallout'. If you truly believe the intelligence services can't find the operators of these sites (many revealed to have been run out of US states and Israel), you don't understand the internet.
CIA chief claims big gains against al-Qaeda
(But 'more strikes possible')

Note that he only makes these false claims in order to segue into these 'dire warnings' of an attack they know is coming - but don't know anything about.
Gingrich quips Bush should have allowed some 'reminder' attacks

Iran Will Cooperate with UN Probe into US/Israeli Allegations

Israel's Syrian Air Strike Was Aimed at Iran

The ME has had a Secretive Nuclear Power in its Midst for Years

Spooks Refuse to Toe Cheney's Line on Iran

IAEA Again Verifies Iranian Compliance

Israel Considering Strike on Iran Despite US Intelligence Report

US intelligence report heightens danger of Israeli strike on Iran

'Laptop of Death': Revising the NIE on Iran
The entire claim that Iran was building nuclear weapons rests on a laptop provided by a single, dubious source. /ips/akhavi.php?articleid=12028 /prather/?articleid=12025
Israeli Extremists Prep for Nuclear Strike on Iran

Hersh: Israel Pressed me to Write Syrian Site was Nuclear

Sy Hersh confirms: Syrian Facility Bombed by Israel Not Nuclear

A Strike in the Dark - What did Israel bomb in Syria?
by Seymour M. Hersh

War Clouds Over Mideast

Israel & The 'Clash of Civilizations'

The largest threat to the region doesn't come from Iran: it comes from Israel's success in having had the US "neutralize" countries which it believes to be an existential threat to it's existence. However, there's just one little problem with this approach concerning Iran. Russia's diplomats have stated unequivocally that any attack against Iran will be perceived as an attack on Russia.
UN Nuclear Watchdog in Milestone Iran Deal

Iran Dumps US Dollar in Oil Trading, US Preps War

Israel's Extremists STILL Beating Iran War Drums

Israel, US Joint Plotting Against Iran, Attack ElBaredei

ElBaradei: Iran Not After Bomb

Israel Calls for US Blockade of Iran

Iran Mosque Blast Plotters Admit Israeli, US Links

Removing these War Criminals from power and holding them accountable for their crimes would eliminate this threat entirely ...
al Qaeda = PNAC, CIA, Mossad
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