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Corr brother says 9/11 'an inside job'

G | 30.05.2008 11:29 | History | Iraq | Terror War | London | World

Jim Corr joins the 9/11 Truth Movement


By Richie Taylor
Friday May 30 2008

CORRS guitarist Jim Corr has claimed that there was overwhelming evidence that the 9/11 attacks in America were carried out by "rogue elements" of US President George Bush's "neo-con administration".

In a rare intervention into the political arena, the male singer with The Corrs band came out against the Lisbon Treaty claiming that it is "tip-toe totalitarianism in the West".

In an interview with Matt Cooper on Today FM's 'Last Word', Corr made the case for voting 'No' to Lisbon, claiming it could introduce the death penalty to Ireland and contribute to a "new world order".

Corr's opposition is based on his three years "studying the New World Order which the European Union is a part of".

He said "the EU is a stepping stone towards a world government, they will merge it with the Asia Pacific Union, the African Union and the North American Union". The Lisbon Treaty itself will introduce "a scientific technocracy" to Europe which will erode national sovereignty.

Corr claimed that The Charter of Fundamental Rights allows for the introduction of the death penalty.

"It makes provision for the introduction to law for the death penalty in times of war or imminent threat of war.

"What we are seeing is tip-toe totalitarianism in the West with 9/11 the key to understanding this.

"When you study 9/11 it becomes very apparent... it was a staged terrorist attack, what they call a false flag operation."

Corr said overwhelming evidence suggests 9/11 "was carried out by rogue elements in the Bush neo-con administration".

Information about other artists, entertainers and media professionals that have spoken out can be found here:



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Images of article in the Irish Daily Star

30.05.2008 14:45

Front Page - I Blame America for 9/11
Front Page - I Blame America for 9/11

Page Five - Twin Towers was Yank Conspiracy
Page Five - Twin Towers was Yank Conspiracy

You won't find the article on their web site...
