Second Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes
Rainbow Hawk | 23.05.2008 22:21 | Culture | Ecology | World
Your Invitation to the Second Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes. Feel free to forward/post/publish to all appropriate people and places/sites.
Nov. 1st-30th 2008
The County/Municipio of La Paz, Baja California Sur - México
We, who are brothers & sisters, children of The Great Spirit, families of life on earth, friends of nature & of all people, children of humankind calling ourselves Warriors of the Rainbow and/or the Rainbow Family and the Rainbow
Global Network invites:
All races, peoples, tribes, communes, men, women, children, individuals –
out of love.
All nations & national leaders -- out of respect
All religions & religious leaders -- out of faith
All politicians -- out of charity,
to join with us for the Second Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes taking place in the County/Municipio of La Paz, Baja California Sur – Mexico from November 1st-30th of 2008. This is an open and totally non-commercial event with no monetary sales of goods or services. Barter and Trade are acceptable and encouraged.
It is a-political & a-religious and all decisions are made in Councils of all those participating who desire to have their voices heard. The General Consensus of the Councils on whatever decisions are made are the guidelines for all to respect.
Traditional Consensus decision reached over the years on whom and what we are, how Gatherings work, etc. can be found by logging onto the Rainbow website: and particularly going to the Rainbow Guide segment and downloading the Mini Manual supplement. This provides a good general outline that most Rainbow Gatherings utilize to formulate the event.
There are no fees, admissions or membership requirements past the respecting of the land, the people attending, the people and communities around us and each in our own ways working toward fulfilling the Prophecies of the Warriors of the Rainbow:
“When the Mother Earth is sick and the animals dying there will come a Tribe of Peoples from all Cultures who believe in deeds, not words, and they will restore the Mother Earth to her former beauty. This Tribe will be called The Warriors of the Rainbow.”
In the interest of protecting the Mother Earth you are encouraged to participate in helping keep the land in its natural state by treading lightly upon it. Please respect everyone's right to use the land in a peaceful manner and help spread the love of nature in thoughtful and meaningful ways. The Spirit of who we are as a human tribe in harmony is the ultimate validation of our common creed.
We are the Rainbow Nation and our collective beauty shines even in the darkest of times, and it is the gift of peace that we bring to share with the world. Let it shine!
Guidelines and Information:
Harm no living thing; use only down dead wood, cut no living trees or plants.
Do not litter and if you see litter pick it up for deposit in the appropriate place.
Separate trash for recycling and deposit at collection sites.
Put any vegetable matter in compost pits.
Protect our water! Use no soap within 50' of streams.
Do not pee or poop in or near water areas. (150' away)
Do not camp above springs.
Use your own cup, bowl, and spoon, wash them thoroughly, including a bleach dip.
Use only latrine trenches.
Clean up after children and pets.
Cover feces and toilet paper with dirt and ashes.
Wash hands (break the fly connection! Feces-fly-food- you).
Visit CALM if you feel ill, especially if you might have a communicable disease.
Drink only water that has been filtered or boiled briskly for 10 minutes.
Keep your camp secure. "Tempt not, lest ye be lifted from".
Pets should be left at home whenever possible.
Be responsible for your animals. Keep them out of kitchens, food, and fights.
Keep only community fires.
Discourage all forms of drug overindulgence.
Participate in Shanti-Sena workshops and activities.
Weapons are inappropriate.
Engage in no violence.
Volunteer, share and give from your hearts.
Join us on the 1st -2nd of November to celebrate the host Counties’ Traditional Day of the Dead, giving honor to all those who have gone before us in the causes of world peace, the healing of the Mother Earth, injustice and the Rights of all Beings. Please note that we include all artists, musicians and people of the arts in general who have contributed to these things.
Join with us at noon of November 16th for a one hour Silence for World Peace and the Healing of the Mother Earth. We encourage all those who cannot attend the Gathering to maintain that silence where and with whomever they are with at the moment. Note that the time is based on U.S. Mountain Time.
Donate to the Magic Hat which is our means of covering all costs of the Gathering, insuring that sufficient supplies come in to attend to all the needs of the people. The Magic Hat is passed at all Councils and meal circles each day. Make sure to bring your intended contribution to those collection points.
Things to Bring:
Camping Equipment
Sleeping Bags / Blankets
Rain Gear / Tarps
Candles, incense, chimes, drums and acoustic instruments to share the fun things
Kitchen Equipment for Community Kitchens (think large sizes of everything)
Small hand tools
Swimming outfits / tubes
Personal first-aid kit
Sun screen / Lip Balm
Water filter / Containers
Broad brimmed hats are appropriate for this desert country
The Rainbow Family/Warriors of the Rainbow is not for anyone to control as it is freedom in raw form. The Consensus of the General Rainbow Council of all those attending is the sole decision making body. Rainbow General Councils since their inception have reached strong consensuses that nobody is the leader and no group outside of the whole of all peoples attending may claim authority over anybody or anything related to the Gatherings, Events or Projects done in the name of all people who are valid members of the Rainbow Tribes and by extension the Global Network of all Rainbow Peoples.
Ignore any Rumors of Cancellation or Leadership!
Spread the word and spread the peace!
Remember that the Prophecy of the Warriors of the Rainbow is the foundation and guiding principle of what we now call The Rainbow Family, the Rainbow Tribes, the Warriors of the Rainbow and a myriad of events and projects which now occur around the world under many Rainbow names.
From the founding of Rainbow, in its’ now many forms, in a Tipi, in Councils under a tree and in an open field at the Vortex Gathering in 1970, where Greenpeace was also founded, we have come a very long way by following the concepts set forth here.
We are now Global in scope and often called the worlds’ biggest disorganization. Our projects worldwide encompass a myriad of projects which seek to alleviate many problems facing humanity and all species. Rainbow Activism is well documented and has dealt well with every challenge which it has faced for those efforts come from the hearts, minds, soul, spirit and the hands of the people involved in each aspect.
You are all Welcomed Home to the Second Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Bring you workshops, presentations of any projects that you are engaged with which would foster the accomplishment of the Prophecy of the Warriors of the Rainbow. Bring your music (live acoustic), dance, theater and all good fun things to share in this Celebration of Life. We are all Volunteers and your participation insures that you are an accepted part of the whole.
CONTACT: for more information and to add yourself to the primary Gathering mailing list.
P.S. has many videos of Gatherings which can be accessed by searching: Rainbow gatherings: There are also has a couple of good presentations via a search for Warriors of the Rainbow: com/watch? v=utBkbJIYMy8 is the host for the page: Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes and anybody wishing to be actively involved with the creation and furthering of this event should join that site: the best all around Rainbow website and new comers would be well advised to learn what they can of Rainbow from there in order to make the Gathering a smoother flowing event with everybody informed of the basics.
Second Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes Progress Report:
As we continue our efforts they begin to bare fruit. We are still not settled on which site to choose as that will be next months Scouting Council and General Council following that for a final decision.
That said, there are agreements being reached that a few of the following projects should be part of the Gathering proper:
1: The opening days November 1st & 2nd are the traditional Day of the Dead Ceremonies/Celebrations here in Mexico, days to remember and give honor to those who have passed before us.
It is proposed that we inaugurate the Second Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes with our offerings of thanks to all those who have gone before us in the efforts to Heal the Mother Earth and further World Peace. Of course that list is long and it will take everybody coming to the Gathering to list and create some kind of thanks offering to those who are seen, locally, continentally and globally as worthy of our respect.
Traditionally shrines are created so that those who give honor to the particular person can spend whatever time paying respect and offer whatever in memory of the dead. Each person or group into creating such a shrine would be responsible to make it well and make sure folks know who the person was and what he or she did that is worthy of respect.
It is further proposed the in the event that if such person was a musician there should be a stage (acoustic) where whoever wishes to play and sing those persons songs may do so. John Lennon, Jerry Garcia, Janis Joplin and a whole slew of others come immediately to mind, but there are no specific ones which people have committed to volunteering for and creating at this moment.
2: High Noon of the Nov. 16th will be the time and day of the Circle of Silence for the Healing of the Mother Earth and bringing Peace to all peoples and places. For those who cannot come to the Gathering proper we request that folks around the world do their own Silence/Silence Circles and meditating for that. Either at the same time as at the Gathering here (12 noon U.S. Rocky Mountain Time) or perhaps at High Noon in each place that people are doing it so that it would work as a Rolling Circle of Silence that goes around the world all day long as it happens in each different time zone.
3: The Sacred Tipi Tour has the Gathering down on their Calendar of Events and they will be at the Gathering from the 1st-30th . They will be having Ceremonies and workshops/teaching circles during that time, but we have not gotten their intended schedule of events as yet:
4: There is a tree planting project that will be transporting trees from a heritage seed stock farm project in La Ribera to the site of where we held the last Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes, and which is still one of the proposed sites for this Gathering. Contact Rahmon at for information and any offers to volunteer.
5: Of course U.S. citizens, and those who would choose to join them, celebrate Thanksgiving and one would assume that for those from there, but able to be down here, there will be an event for that.
6: All of the usual projects at Gatherings: CALM, Shanti Sena, etc. always happen at Gatherings and volunteers need to come together for those standard needs of the Gathering.
Any Kitchen Bus(s) out there planning on coming down should let us know and we can include those in updates as they evolve. Should add that once you’re south of the U.S. border that gas prices goes back down (around $2.75 a gallon here right now), as do most things here in Mexico, though there is less and less of a difference as time goes by. Actually imported stuff is usually a bit more (but sometimes cheaper, which I can’t figure what with the added cost of transport, etc.) so bring those things with you that are from home if you want to make sure you have them. Or you are willing to pay a bit more for here and take the chance of availability.
La Paz will be the base area for obtaining supplies. There is almost anything you would want here and some stores will special order any request that you have, of course giving them a lead-time for stocking your requested item(s). For a good general overview of La Paz and the County (Municipio) folks can go to the official County website: and familiarize yourselves with a bit of the area and what is available. It’s a bit commercial of a website since it was designed for attracting tourists and such, but it is informative on many levels and has some great photos.
The Howdy Folks (Invitation) is now out around the world and of course many of those receiving that do decide to forward, post and publish information on the Gathering and they are doing their thing. Literally thousands of environmental and peace groups/networks worldwide have been invited already and more will be as things progress. It will also soon be published throughout many alternative media sources on-line as well, of course inviting everybody to share it as they will.
So a lot has already been accomplished in the past few weeks since the initial Howdy Folks (Invitation) went out and we have been getting many responses from folks who are planning on coming from the 4 directions.
Happy Rainbow Trails and each recipient of this is more than welcomed to further the Howdy Folks and updates throughout your networks.
Second Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes Focalizer
Rainbow Hawk
Nov. 1st-30th 2008
The County/Municipio of La Paz, Baja California Sur - México
We, who are brothers & sisters, children of The Great Spirit, families of life on earth, friends of nature & of all people, children of humankind calling ourselves Warriors of the Rainbow and/or the Rainbow Family and the Rainbow
Global Network invites:
All races, peoples, tribes, communes, men, women, children, individuals –
out of love.
All nations & national leaders -- out of respect
All religions & religious leaders -- out of faith
All politicians -- out of charity,
to join with us for the Second Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes taking place in the County/Municipio of La Paz, Baja California Sur – Mexico from November 1st-30th of 2008. This is an open and totally non-commercial event with no monetary sales of goods or services. Barter and Trade are acceptable and encouraged.
It is a-political & a-religious and all decisions are made in Councils of all those participating who desire to have their voices heard. The General Consensus of the Councils on whatever decisions are made are the guidelines for all to respect.
Traditional Consensus decision reached over the years on whom and what we are, how Gatherings work, etc. can be found by logging onto the Rainbow website: and particularly going to the Rainbow Guide segment and downloading the Mini Manual supplement. This provides a good general outline that most Rainbow Gatherings utilize to formulate the event.
There are no fees, admissions or membership requirements past the respecting of the land, the people attending, the people and communities around us and each in our own ways working toward fulfilling the Prophecies of the Warriors of the Rainbow:
“When the Mother Earth is sick and the animals dying there will come a Tribe of Peoples from all Cultures who believe in deeds, not words, and they will restore the Mother Earth to her former beauty. This Tribe will be called The Warriors of the Rainbow.”
In the interest of protecting the Mother Earth you are encouraged to participate in helping keep the land in its natural state by treading lightly upon it. Please respect everyone's right to use the land in a peaceful manner and help spread the love of nature in thoughtful and meaningful ways. The Spirit of who we are as a human tribe in harmony is the ultimate validation of our common creed.
We are the Rainbow Nation and our collective beauty shines even in the darkest of times, and it is the gift of peace that we bring to share with the world. Let it shine!
Guidelines and Information:
Harm no living thing; use only down dead wood, cut no living trees or plants.
Do not litter and if you see litter pick it up for deposit in the appropriate place.
Separate trash for recycling and deposit at collection sites.
Put any vegetable matter in compost pits.
Protect our water! Use no soap within 50' of streams.
Do not pee or poop in or near water areas. (150' away)
Do not camp above springs.
Use your own cup, bowl, and spoon, wash them thoroughly, including a bleach dip.
Use only latrine trenches.
Clean up after children and pets.
Cover feces and toilet paper with dirt and ashes.
Wash hands (break the fly connection! Feces-fly-food- you).
Visit CALM if you feel ill, especially if you might have a communicable disease.
Drink only water that has been filtered or boiled briskly for 10 minutes.
Keep your camp secure. "Tempt not, lest ye be lifted from".
Pets should be left at home whenever possible.
Be responsible for your animals. Keep them out of kitchens, food, and fights.
Keep only community fires.
Discourage all forms of drug overindulgence.
Participate in Shanti-Sena workshops and activities.
Weapons are inappropriate.
Engage in no violence.
Volunteer, share and give from your hearts.
Join us on the 1st -2nd of November to celebrate the host Counties’ Traditional Day of the Dead, giving honor to all those who have gone before us in the causes of world peace, the healing of the Mother Earth, injustice and the Rights of all Beings. Please note that we include all artists, musicians and people of the arts in general who have contributed to these things.
Join with us at noon of November 16th for a one hour Silence for World Peace and the Healing of the Mother Earth. We encourage all those who cannot attend the Gathering to maintain that silence where and with whomever they are with at the moment. Note that the time is based on U.S. Mountain Time.
Donate to the Magic Hat which is our means of covering all costs of the Gathering, insuring that sufficient supplies come in to attend to all the needs of the people. The Magic Hat is passed at all Councils and meal circles each day. Make sure to bring your intended contribution to those collection points.
Things to Bring:
Camping Equipment
Sleeping Bags / Blankets
Rain Gear / Tarps
Candles, incense, chimes, drums and acoustic instruments to share the fun things
Kitchen Equipment for Community Kitchens (think large sizes of everything)
Small hand tools
Swimming outfits / tubes
Personal first-aid kit
Sun screen / Lip Balm
Water filter / Containers
Broad brimmed hats are appropriate for this desert country
The Rainbow Family/Warriors of the Rainbow is not for anyone to control as it is freedom in raw form. The Consensus of the General Rainbow Council of all those attending is the sole decision making body. Rainbow General Councils since their inception have reached strong consensuses that nobody is the leader and no group outside of the whole of all peoples attending may claim authority over anybody or anything related to the Gatherings, Events or Projects done in the name of all people who are valid members of the Rainbow Tribes and by extension the Global Network of all Rainbow Peoples.
Ignore any Rumors of Cancellation or Leadership!
Spread the word and spread the peace!
Remember that the Prophecy of the Warriors of the Rainbow is the foundation and guiding principle of what we now call The Rainbow Family, the Rainbow Tribes, the Warriors of the Rainbow and a myriad of events and projects which now occur around the world under many Rainbow names.
From the founding of Rainbow, in its’ now many forms, in a Tipi, in Councils under a tree and in an open field at the Vortex Gathering in 1970, where Greenpeace was also founded, we have come a very long way by following the concepts set forth here.
We are now Global in scope and often called the worlds’ biggest disorganization. Our projects worldwide encompass a myriad of projects which seek to alleviate many problems facing humanity and all species. Rainbow Activism is well documented and has dealt well with every challenge which it has faced for those efforts come from the hearts, minds, soul, spirit and the hands of the people involved in each aspect.
You are all Welcomed Home to the Second Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Bring you workshops, presentations of any projects that you are engaged with which would foster the accomplishment of the Prophecy of the Warriors of the Rainbow. Bring your music (live acoustic), dance, theater and all good fun things to share in this Celebration of Life. We are all Volunteers and your participation insures that you are an accepted part of the whole.

P.S. has many videos of Gatherings which can be accessed by searching: Rainbow gatherings: is the host for the page: Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes and anybody wishing to be actively involved with the creation and furthering of this event should join that site: the best all around Rainbow website and new comers would be well advised to learn what they can of Rainbow from there in order to make the Gathering a smoother flowing event with everybody informed of the basics.
Second Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes Progress Report:
As we continue our efforts they begin to bare fruit. We are still not settled on which site to choose as that will be next months Scouting Council and General Council following that for a final decision.
That said, there are agreements being reached that a few of the following projects should be part of the Gathering proper:
1: The opening days November 1st & 2nd are the traditional Day of the Dead Ceremonies/Celebrations here in Mexico, days to remember and give honor to those who have passed before us.
It is proposed that we inaugurate the Second Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes with our offerings of thanks to all those who have gone before us in the efforts to Heal the Mother Earth and further World Peace. Of course that list is long and it will take everybody coming to the Gathering to list and create some kind of thanks offering to those who are seen, locally, continentally and globally as worthy of our respect.
Traditionally shrines are created so that those who give honor to the particular person can spend whatever time paying respect and offer whatever in memory of the dead. Each person or group into creating such a shrine would be responsible to make it well and make sure folks know who the person was and what he or she did that is worthy of respect.
It is further proposed the in the event that if such person was a musician there should be a stage (acoustic) where whoever wishes to play and sing those persons songs may do so. John Lennon, Jerry Garcia, Janis Joplin and a whole slew of others come immediately to mind, but there are no specific ones which people have committed to volunteering for and creating at this moment.
2: High Noon of the Nov. 16th will be the time and day of the Circle of Silence for the Healing of the Mother Earth and bringing Peace to all peoples and places. For those who cannot come to the Gathering proper we request that folks around the world do their own Silence/Silence Circles and meditating for that. Either at the same time as at the Gathering here (12 noon U.S. Rocky Mountain Time) or perhaps at High Noon in each place that people are doing it so that it would work as a Rolling Circle of Silence that goes around the world all day long as it happens in each different time zone.
3: The Sacred Tipi Tour has the Gathering down on their Calendar of Events and they will be at the Gathering from the 1st-30th . They will be having Ceremonies and workshops/teaching circles during that time, but we have not gotten their intended schedule of events as yet:

4: There is a tree planting project that will be transporting trees from a heritage seed stock farm project in La Ribera to the site of where we held the last Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes, and which is still one of the proposed sites for this Gathering. Contact Rahmon at

5: Of course U.S. citizens, and those who would choose to join them, celebrate Thanksgiving and one would assume that for those from there, but able to be down here, there will be an event for that.
6: All of the usual projects at Gatherings: CALM, Shanti Sena, etc. always happen at Gatherings and volunteers need to come together for those standard needs of the Gathering.
Any Kitchen Bus(s) out there planning on coming down should let us know and we can include those in updates as they evolve. Should add that once you’re south of the U.S. border that gas prices goes back down (around $2.75 a gallon here right now), as do most things here in Mexico, though there is less and less of a difference as time goes by. Actually imported stuff is usually a bit more (but sometimes cheaper, which I can’t figure what with the added cost of transport, etc.) so bring those things with you that are from home if you want to make sure you have them. Or you are willing to pay a bit more for here and take the chance of availability.
La Paz will be the base area for obtaining supplies. There is almost anything you would want here and some stores will special order any request that you have, of course giving them a lead-time for stocking your requested item(s). For a good general overview of La Paz and the County (Municipio) folks can go to the official County website: and familiarize yourselves with a bit of the area and what is available. It’s a bit commercial of a website since it was designed for attracting tourists and such, but it is informative on many levels and has some great photos.
The Howdy Folks (Invitation) is now out around the world and of course many of those receiving that do decide to forward, post and publish information on the Gathering and they are doing their thing. Literally thousands of environmental and peace groups/networks worldwide have been invited already and more will be as things progress. It will also soon be published throughout many alternative media sources on-line as well, of course inviting everybody to share it as they will.
So a lot has already been accomplished in the past few weeks since the initial Howdy Folks (Invitation) went out and we have been getting many responses from folks who are planning on coming from the 4 directions.
Happy Rainbow Trails and each recipient of this is more than welcomed to further the Howdy Folks and updates throughout your networks.
Second Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes Focalizer
Rainbow Hawk

Rainbow Hawk
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