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Transition Towns Talks 27th May

transition nottingham | 23.05.2008 21:44 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Education | Sheffield

With oil hitting £135 its very pertinant that Rob Hopkins will be speaking about Transition Initiatives at the Mechanics Institute on Tues 27 the May


transition nottingham


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Any chance these talks could be recorded?

25.05.2008 19:53

Transition Nottingham Meetings
Transition Nottingham Meetings

Both meetings sound very interesting -- is there any chance you can record them both and post MP3's here -- I'm in Sheffield but would like to listen to them... :-)

Image of flyer attached.


Rob Hopkins talk from 2 weeks ago

25.05.2008 22:03

Becoming a Low Carbon Society
Thursday, 15 May 2008

APPGOPO Meeting May 13th


Rob Hopkins (Transition Towns) - audio (presentation) + audio (Q&A)

Shaun Chamberlin (Tradeable Energy Quotas) - audio & powerpoint presentation

Simon Snowden (Liverpool University, Oil Vulnerability Auditing) - audio & powerpoint presentation

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Some Rob Hopkins MP3's

25.05.2008 22:07

Address to the IFG's Teach-In: Confronting the Global "Triple Crisis" "Climate Change, Peak Oil, Global Resource Depletion & Extinction":

And I've not listened to these ones yet:

Rob Hopkins' book launch talk - 28th February 2008

Rob Hopkins and the Transition challenge

Rob Hopkins and the quote of the year!


videos of Rob

28.05.2008 08:25

if you put Rob Hopkins name into you tube it will come up with loads of videos of him speaking about these issues.


Hopefully it was recorded

28.05.2008 16:05

A trusty indymedia volunteer was at the meeting last night armed with audio equipment. Hopefully the audio will be up soon barring technical hitchs!

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