Olmert Pays Lip Service to Peace Deal, While Planning Gaza Assault
Zionist Extremism Key Impediment to Peace | 21.05.2008 02:53 | Anti-racism | World
"The guideline of our policy has always been the idea that a permanent situation of no peace and a latent war is the best situation for us, and that it must be maintained at all costs. ... we are becoming stronger year by year in a situation of impending conflict where it is possible that actual fighting may break out from time to time. SUch wars will usually be short and the results guaranteed in advance, since the gap between us and the Arabs is increasing. In this way we shall move on from occupation to further occupation. ... this criminally mischievous policy has led us into the crisis we are living through today"
(Yeshayahu Leibowitz, 30 November 1973)
"We have not been seeking peace for twenty-five years -- all declarations to that effect have been no more than coloured statements or deliberate lies. There is of course no assurance that we could have made peace with the Arabs if we had wanted to. However, it has to be heavily emphasized that we have not only made no attempts to seek peace, but have deliberately and with premeditation, sabotaged every possibility of doing so."
(Yeshayahu Leibowitz, 30 November 1973)
(Yeshayahu Leibowitz, 30 November 1973)
"We have not been seeking peace for twenty-five years -- all declarations to that effect have been no more than coloured statements or deliberate lies. There is of course no assurance that we could have made peace with the Arabs if we had wanted to. However, it has to be heavily emphasized that we have not only made no attempts to seek peace, but have deliberately and with premeditation, sabotaged every possibility of doing so."
(Yeshayahu Leibowitz, 30 November 1973)
Olmert skeptical of Hamas cease-fire deal
Israel is skeptical that a cease-fire with Hamas will be reached and, therefore, the IDF is preparing for a large-scale military operation in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said in recent closed-door meetings while adding that he is letting the process play out in order to show respect for the Egyptian leadership.
(He's letting this play out in the name of PR, period. Israel isn't skeptical. Israel wants a cease-fire, and talks with the elected Palestinian Government. Only the Extremists, who created this 'crisis', in order to feign justification for attacks they've planned for over a year, reject peace, because they reject outright the idea of a Palestinian state.)
Barak meets with Egyptian President Mubarak to discuss situation in Gaza
On Monday, Defense Minister Ehud Barak met with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Intelligence Minister Omar Suleiman in Sharm e-Sheikh and presented them with Israel's proposal for a cease-fire in Gaza - a two-stage deal that would first include a cessation of military operations and terror activity and then a lifting of the siege over Gaza in exchange for the advancement in negotiations over the release of kidnapped soldier Gilad Schalit.
(As was predicted. Since Israel's Collective Punishment is what provoked the rockets, lifting the illegal blockade must be the starting point of a cease-fire.)
Barak told Mubarak that the continued Kassam rocket attacks against Israel would speed up an escalation on the Gaza front and an Israeli military invasion.
(A continuation of the illegal policies which provoked the rockets in the first place will ensure these, as Israel desires, in order to feign a justification for its long-premeditated aggression.)
On Tuesday, Suleiman will meet with a Hamas delegation, led by Moussa Abu Marzuk, deputy head of the group's Damascus-based political bureau, in Cairo and present them with Barak's two-stage proposal. Israeli defense officials said it was likely that Hamas would accept the new terms.
(Let's hope so ... Since Israel has already rejected Hamas' many offers.)
During their meeting, Barak also stressed Israel's position that Schalit's release must be part of any cease-fire deal with Hamas in Gaza.
(He has been told several times that this DEMAND must be a part of the negotiations to follow, not a condition used to prevent peace.)
A cease-fire, he said, would only be accepted by Israel after a complete cessation of terrorist activity by Hamas and other terror factions, as well as a stop to the smuggling of weapons from the Sinai into Gaza.
(Will he, then, ensure that the IDF personnel who have been instrumental in this smuggling are removed? A Cease-fire is a cease-fire. Israel keeps adding conditions in order to stall its implementation.)
Kadima MK Shai Hermesh said Monday that Olmert told him in a closed-door meeting last week that while he was "very skeptical" about the chances of reaching an Egyptian-mediated cease-fire, he is letting the process play out in order to show respect to Suleiman.
(He's only 'skeptical' because he's planning a massive attack, and plans to reject the cease-fire again. He is allowing the process to play out solely for the foreign press.)
Hermesh lives in Kibbutz Kfar Aza, where resident Jimmy Kedoshim was killed by mortar fire two weeks ago. He said he told Olmert about the suffering of his neighbors and Olmert responded that if Israel's demands were not met in the talks, there would be a military operation in the Gaza Strip that would be "difficult and painful."
(In other words, "their revenge is coming" ... How many hundreds dead this time, Ehud? Thousands, perhaps?)
Olmert's spokesman denied that Olmert would say he was very skeptical of the talks or that they were intended to please Mubarak. But he said Olmert's threat to take action in the Gaza Strip was real and serious.
The prime minister told the Kadima faction repeatedly on Monday that "decision time was approaching" regarding whether there should be a major operation in the Gaza Strip.
(Regarding the plans already underway, I'd say the decision by these Extremists has already been made.)
"The perpetual threat has reached a climax," Olmert told the MKs. "Israel cannot allow the current situation in the South to continue."
(However, he omits the part about his illegal policies regarding Gaza being responsible for creating "the current situation" ...)
Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz, Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter and Vice Premier Haim Ramon all urged Olmert in the meeting to expedite an operation in the Gaza Strip.
"We know who the address is and who is leading [the attacks on Israeli civilians]," Mofaz said. "I very much hope the time has come to change the policies and change the situation. We don't need to make deals with terrorist organizations."
Dichter, who lives in Ashkelon, warned that tragedies would soon outnumber miracles in his city. Ramon acknowledged that Israel is conducting negotiations with Hamas - contrary to the government's own policy on the matter, even if those talks are held via Suleiman.
"Negotiations are being conducted with Hamas in contrast to the government's decision, which has determined that it will only be possible to deal with Hamas after it accepts the conditions of the Quartet," Ramon said. "We aren't fighting against a terror organization, but rather a state of terrorism. A terror organization has an area under its control and Israel cannot, in my opinion, make peace with a Hamas state on the southern border."
(Israel has rejected not only the Quartet conditions, but even those resulting from the facade at Annapolis. Hamas is the ELECTED Government of the Palestinians, and a majority of Israelis want to see talks with them, which would eliminate the violence. A democratic Government would not act so unilaterally in opposition to the will of its people.)
Shani Rosenfelder and Nathan Tobin contributed to this report.
Warnings Pour in For Israel to Cease Collective Punishment
Red Cross Condemns Gaza Collective Punishment (the First Round)
As Predicted: Gaza Reoccupation Planned
As Predicted: Israel Attacks Gaza
Israel Destroys Gaza Interior Ministry, Blocks UN Aid
UN Condemns 'Cowardly Israeli War Crime'
Probe: At Least Half of Palestinians Killed by IDF Were Civilians
Israeli Attacks on Palestinians, Killings, Doubled Since Annapolis
UN Condemns Collective Punishment of Gaza
It's All Right, I'm Only Bleeding
Israel, World Jewry Drift Apart
Israel Guilty of Ethnic Cleansing
UN: Israel Must Halt Use of Excessive Force
Rights Group: More than 50% of Gaza casualties were civilians
Joint Statement Against the Israeli Airstrikes on the Gaza Strip
Amnesty Int'l Condemns IDF for Reckless Disregard of Life in Gaza
U.N. Chief Condemns Israel After Bloody Day in Gaza
Israel's Goals: Regime Change, Reoccupation
Bay of Pigs in Gaza: Gaza Crisis Made in USA
Avnery: "I Came, I Saw, I Destroyed!"
How to Become an Israeli Journalist
U.S. Media Coverage of Israel-Palestine Conflict
Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land
Jewish Groups Condemn Collective Punishment of Gaza
Iran Jewish MP criticises "anti-human" Israel acts
A Human Rights Crime In Gaza
Poll Reveals Neo-Con Zionist Groups Unrepresentative
Western Jews Revolt Against Zionist Bully Tactics
Zionism's Support Faltering
Child Victims of a War the World Doesn't Want to Know About
As Predicted: Israel Rejects Hamas Truce Offer
As Predicted: Israel Rejects Truce, Calls Offer 'Failure'
Real Diplomacy: Carter Meets Hamas
No Peace Without Hamas
Hamas ready to accept Israel as its neighbour: Carter
Calling Israel's Bluff: Hamas Offers Truce, Negotiations
Israel Gearing Up to Attack Gaza Once Again
And why wouldn't they? So long as world Governments are willing to Appease these Extremists, in the name of political support, they will continue slaughtering the people of Gaza.
Barak Hints At Imminent Gaza Assault
Israel is skeptical that a cease-fire with Hamas will be reached and, therefore, the IDF is preparing for a large-scale military operation in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said in recent closed-door meetings while adding that he is letting the process play out in order to show respect for the Egyptian leadership.
(He's letting this play out in the name of PR, period. Israel isn't skeptical. Israel wants a cease-fire, and talks with the elected Palestinian Government. Only the Extremists, who created this 'crisis', in order to feign justification for attacks they've planned for over a year, reject peace, because they reject outright the idea of a Palestinian state.)
Barak meets with Egyptian President Mubarak to discuss situation in Gaza

On Monday, Defense Minister Ehud Barak met with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Intelligence Minister Omar Suleiman in Sharm e-Sheikh and presented them with Israel's proposal for a cease-fire in Gaza - a two-stage deal that would first include a cessation of military operations and terror activity and then a lifting of the siege over Gaza in exchange for the advancement in negotiations over the release of kidnapped soldier Gilad Schalit.
(As was predicted. Since Israel's Collective Punishment is what provoked the rockets, lifting the illegal blockade must be the starting point of a cease-fire.)
Barak told Mubarak that the continued Kassam rocket attacks against Israel would speed up an escalation on the Gaza front and an Israeli military invasion.
(A continuation of the illegal policies which provoked the rockets in the first place will ensure these, as Israel desires, in order to feign a justification for its long-premeditated aggression.)
On Tuesday, Suleiman will meet with a Hamas delegation, led by Moussa Abu Marzuk, deputy head of the group's Damascus-based political bureau, in Cairo and present them with Barak's two-stage proposal. Israeli defense officials said it was likely that Hamas would accept the new terms.
(Let's hope so ... Since Israel has already rejected Hamas' many offers.)
During their meeting, Barak also stressed Israel's position that Schalit's release must be part of any cease-fire deal with Hamas in Gaza.
(He has been told several times that this DEMAND must be a part of the negotiations to follow, not a condition used to prevent peace.)
A cease-fire, he said, would only be accepted by Israel after a complete cessation of terrorist activity by Hamas and other terror factions, as well as a stop to the smuggling of weapons from the Sinai into Gaza.
(Will he, then, ensure that the IDF personnel who have been instrumental in this smuggling are removed? A Cease-fire is a cease-fire. Israel keeps adding conditions in order to stall its implementation.)
Kadima MK Shai Hermesh said Monday that Olmert told him in a closed-door meeting last week that while he was "very skeptical" about the chances of reaching an Egyptian-mediated cease-fire, he is letting the process play out in order to show respect to Suleiman.
(He's only 'skeptical' because he's planning a massive attack, and plans to reject the cease-fire again. He is allowing the process to play out solely for the foreign press.)
Hermesh lives in Kibbutz Kfar Aza, where resident Jimmy Kedoshim was killed by mortar fire two weeks ago. He said he told Olmert about the suffering of his neighbors and Olmert responded that if Israel's demands were not met in the talks, there would be a military operation in the Gaza Strip that would be "difficult and painful."
(In other words, "their revenge is coming" ... How many hundreds dead this time, Ehud? Thousands, perhaps?)
Olmert's spokesman denied that Olmert would say he was very skeptical of the talks or that they were intended to please Mubarak. But he said Olmert's threat to take action in the Gaza Strip was real and serious.
The prime minister told the Kadima faction repeatedly on Monday that "decision time was approaching" regarding whether there should be a major operation in the Gaza Strip.
(Regarding the plans already underway, I'd say the decision by these Extremists has already been made.)
"The perpetual threat has reached a climax," Olmert told the MKs. "Israel cannot allow the current situation in the South to continue."
(However, he omits the part about his illegal policies regarding Gaza being responsible for creating "the current situation" ...)
Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz, Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter and Vice Premier Haim Ramon all urged Olmert in the meeting to expedite an operation in the Gaza Strip.
"We know who the address is and who is leading [the attacks on Israeli civilians]," Mofaz said. "I very much hope the time has come to change the policies and change the situation. We don't need to make deals with terrorist organizations."
Dichter, who lives in Ashkelon, warned that tragedies would soon outnumber miracles in his city. Ramon acknowledged that Israel is conducting negotiations with Hamas - contrary to the government's own policy on the matter, even if those talks are held via Suleiman.
"Negotiations are being conducted with Hamas in contrast to the government's decision, which has determined that it will only be possible to deal with Hamas after it accepts the conditions of the Quartet," Ramon said. "We aren't fighting against a terror organization, but rather a state of terrorism. A terror organization has an area under its control and Israel cannot, in my opinion, make peace with a Hamas state on the southern border."
(Israel has rejected not only the Quartet conditions, but even those resulting from the facade at Annapolis. Hamas is the ELECTED Government of the Palestinians, and a majority of Israelis want to see talks with them, which would eliminate the violence. A democratic Government would not act so unilaterally in opposition to the will of its people.)
Shani Rosenfelder and Nathan Tobin contributed to this report.
Warnings Pour in For Israel to Cease Collective Punishment

Red Cross Condemns Gaza Collective Punishment (the First Round)
As Predicted: Gaza Reoccupation Planned

As Predicted: Israel Attacks Gaza
Israel Destroys Gaza Interior Ministry, Blocks UN Aid
UN Condemns 'Cowardly Israeli War Crime'

Probe: At Least Half of Palestinians Killed by IDF Were Civilians

Israeli Attacks on Palestinians, Killings, Doubled Since Annapolis

UN Condemns Collective Punishment of Gaza

It's All Right, I'm Only Bleeding

Israel, World Jewry Drift Apart

Israel Guilty of Ethnic Cleansing

UN: Israel Must Halt Use of Excessive Force

Rights Group: More than 50% of Gaza casualties were civilians

Joint Statement Against the Israeli Airstrikes on the Gaza Strip

Amnesty Int'l Condemns IDF for Reckless Disregard of Life in Gaza

U.N. Chief Condemns Israel After Bloody Day in Gaza

Israel's Goals: Regime Change, Reoccupation

Bay of Pigs in Gaza: Gaza Crisis Made in USA

Avnery: "I Came, I Saw, I Destroyed!"

How to Become an Israeli Journalist

U.S. Media Coverage of Israel-Palestine Conflict

Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land

Jewish Groups Condemn Collective Punishment of Gaza

Iran Jewish MP criticises "anti-human" Israel acts

A Human Rights Crime In Gaza

Poll Reveals Neo-Con Zionist Groups Unrepresentative

Western Jews Revolt Against Zionist Bully Tactics

Zionism's Support Faltering

Child Victims of a War the World Doesn't Want to Know About

As Predicted: Israel Rejects Hamas Truce Offer

As Predicted: Israel Rejects Truce, Calls Offer 'Failure'

Real Diplomacy: Carter Meets Hamas

No Peace Without Hamas

Hamas ready to accept Israel as its neighbour: Carter

Calling Israel's Bluff: Hamas Offers Truce, Negotiations

Israel Gearing Up to Attack Gaza Once Again
And why wouldn't they? So long as world Governments are willing to Appease these Extremists, in the name of political support, they will continue slaughtering the people of Gaza.

Barak Hints At Imminent Gaza Assault

Zionist Extremism Key Impediment to Peace