Free Kaff in Brighton
vg | 19.05.2008 21:10 | Ecology | Free Spaces | South Coast
Residents and supporters of 88 London Road, Brighton - the former Methodist church where a recent eviction attempt was successfully resisted - have been holding frequent free food stalls like this one on Sunday.
For a report on the attempted eviction, see:
Since the events of a week ago, when a large number of Brighton residents witnessed the day-long attempted eviction of the squatters and the story was featured on the front page of the local evening paper, support for the squatters has been growing, with a lot of positive feedback, offers of help and donations of food from local residents and shops.
Few people seem to be convinced by the Methodist Church's position that it 'needs' the building back again, especially as it has been left empty for several years already. The Methodist Church is now so rich and profitable that it has been forced to register as a corporation rather than a charity and the job of the trustees is to make as much profit for the corporation as they can, which they do by making the usual dodgy investments with a few lame excuses for failing to drop these. Of its investments in Nestle, for instance, it says: "[Nestle's] operations are not unethical in a way to preclude investment." Since it also invests in Rio Tinto and BP, one wonders just what a company might have to do to be considered unsuitable for Methodist investment. A quick look at the make-up of the Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church sheds some light on the situation - the board includes former managing director of BAE Systems Pensions fund, John Gibbon, along with accountants, tax experts and other financial high-flyers from a range of private companies.
It seems likely that the Methodist Church hopes to cash in on investment proposals for 'revitalising' the healthy mix of local shops along London Road by demolishing them and creating a so-called 'Bright New London Road', The only non-negotiable part of this plan appears to be a Tesco superstore and car park. See for more information on these proposals. Many of the local people and shopkeepers who have given their support to the London Road squatters have also expressed serious concerns about these development plans.
While the residents of 88 London Road remain in the church, they plan to continue to use it as a community space and to run their 'free kaff' with surplus food which would otherwise have ended up as methane-producing landfill.
If you're in the Brighton area, please keep an eye on for news of further eviction attempts. If you can get yourselves down to the church to assist and resist when it's needed, this would be much appreciated.
Since the events of a week ago, when a large number of Brighton residents witnessed the day-long attempted eviction of the squatters and the story was featured on the front page of the local evening paper, support for the squatters has been growing, with a lot of positive feedback, offers of help and donations of food from local residents and shops.
Few people seem to be convinced by the Methodist Church's position that it 'needs' the building back again, especially as it has been left empty for several years already. The Methodist Church is now so rich and profitable that it has been forced to register as a corporation rather than a charity and the job of the trustees is to make as much profit for the corporation as they can, which they do by making the usual dodgy investments with a few lame excuses for failing to drop these. Of its investments in Nestle, for instance, it says: "[Nestle's] operations are not unethical in a way to preclude investment." Since it also invests in Rio Tinto and BP, one wonders just what a company might have to do to be considered unsuitable for Methodist investment. A quick look at the make-up of the Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church sheds some light on the situation - the board includes former managing director of BAE Systems Pensions fund, John Gibbon, along with accountants, tax experts and other financial high-flyers from a range of private companies.
It seems likely that the Methodist Church hopes to cash in on investment proposals for 'revitalising' the healthy mix of local shops along London Road by demolishing them and creating a so-called 'Bright New London Road', The only non-negotiable part of this plan appears to be a Tesco superstore and car park. See for more information on these proposals. Many of the local people and shopkeepers who have given their support to the London Road squatters have also expressed serious concerns about these development plans.
While the residents of 88 London Road remain in the church, they plan to continue to use it as a community space and to run their 'free kaff' with surplus food which would otherwise have ended up as methane-producing landfill.
If you're in the Brighton area, please keep an eye on for news of further eviction attempts. If you can get yourselves down to the church to assist and resist when it's needed, this would be much appreciated.
contacting us
20.05.2008 14:35
hi, if you wanna contact us at the london road social centre, our e-mail is please get in touch if you wanna get involved in any way, shape, or form!
squirty dotter
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Methodist Church and Nestlé
20.05.2008 15:44
The position taken by the conference in response to a report prepared by the Joint Advisory Committee on Ethics in Investment is explained on the Baby Milk Action website. While it was accepted that the finance board had freedom to operate texts adopted in response to the report which contained the 'no compelling justification' quote above contained the following:
1. "The Conference shares with the [Oxford] Circuit the substantial concerns regarding the promotion of breast milk substitutes..."
2. "JACEI acknowledges the continuing concern with regard to some aspects of Nestlé's interpretation of the International Code, the implementation of company guidelines and the transparency of the procedures for monitoring compliance. These concerns may cause some through conscience to maintain a consumer boycott of Nestlé products."
3. "The Joint Advisory Committee for Ethics in Investment (JACEI) has discussed with Nestlé ethical concerns across a range of issues.... there is scope to influence change through engagement...."
4. "Many would consider that these two strategies [the boycott and engagement] have complementary objectives."
It does seem odd that the finance board feels that investing in Nestlé, thereby profiting from the malpractice that concerned conference, is complementary to members boycotting the company 'through conscience'.
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Mike Brady