Manchester Free Software Talk: Richard Rothwell, M6-IT, 20th May 2008
Manchester Free Software | 19.05.2008 17:04 | Education | Social Struggles | Technology | Sheffield
Manchester Free Software present a talk by Richard Rothwell from M6-IT Community Interest Company - "Software Freedom for the Education and Voluntary Sector" on Sustainable Education Solutions, at MDDA at 7pm on Tuesday 20th May 2008.
Richard Rothwell from M6-IT Community Interest Company - "Software Freedom for the Education and Voluntary Sector" -
7pm, Tuesday 20th May 2008
If you're coming, please feel free to add yourself to the FSF Groups wiki page:-
Sustainable Education Solutions
Schools and students have been caught up in a cycle of computer replacement and upgrade for the past two decades. The development of free software solutions offers a route out of this cycle. The talk will cover potential free software solutions for schools and families to setup sustainable solutions that will enable them to concentrate on their key purpose - that of educating the individual. The applicability of these solutions for community organisations will be discussed.
Two key projects will be covered in detail: the installation of an extensive LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project) system at Handsworth Grammar School and the Families On-Line project in Nottingham, where the regeneration funding is being used to provide computers, with free software, and an Internet connection to socially excluded families. Mention will also be made of the Birmingham Friends of the Earth smaller LTSP network.
Manchester Digital Development Agency (MDDA)
Lower Ground Floor
117-119 Portland Street
M1 6ED
Access to MDDA is via the doorbells in the entranceway. Wheelchair access via a lift is available.
MDDA provide complimentary Fair Trade tea and coffee.
From :
Manchester Free Software was formed in response to a growing apparent need for a group based in the Manchester area that focuses on free software and GNU/Linux primarily, but also on issues such as Digital Restrictions Management and other issues which infringe on the freedoms of computer users. Anybody is welcome to the meetings, but you will be particularly interested in the meetings if you are interested in the activities of the Free Software Foundation, GNU Project, League for Programming Freedom and the GNU/Linux operating system.
Richard Rothwell from M6-IT Community Interest Company - "Software Freedom for the Education and Voluntary Sector" -

7pm, Tuesday 20th May 2008
If you're coming, please feel free to add yourself to the FSF Groups wiki page:-

Sustainable Education Solutions
Schools and students have been caught up in a cycle of computer replacement and upgrade for the past two decades. The development of free software solutions offers a route out of this cycle. The talk will cover potential free software solutions for schools and families to setup sustainable solutions that will enable them to concentrate on their key purpose - that of educating the individual. The applicability of these solutions for community organisations will be discussed.
Two key projects will be covered in detail: the installation of an extensive LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project) system at Handsworth Grammar School and the Families On-Line project in Nottingham, where the regeneration funding is being used to provide computers, with free software, and an Internet connection to socially excluded families. Mention will also be made of the Birmingham Friends of the Earth smaller LTSP network.
Manchester Digital Development Agency (MDDA)
Lower Ground Floor
117-119 Portland Street
M1 6ED

Access to MDDA is via the doorbells in the entranceway. Wheelchair access via a lift is available.
MDDA provide complimentary Fair Trade tea and coffee.

Manchester Free Software was formed in response to a growing apparent need for a group based in the Manchester area that focuses on free software and GNU/Linux primarily, but also on issues such as Digital Restrictions Management and other issues which infringe on the freedoms of computer users. Anybody is welcome to the meetings, but you will be particularly interested in the meetings if you are interested in the activities of the Free Software Foundation, GNU Project, League for Programming Freedom and the GNU/Linux operating system.
Manchester Free Software