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Shame on EU& Berlusconi,petition MEPs now!& support Italian migrant worker gypsi

Squadron of Truth lovers | 17.05.2008 08:30 | Anti-racism | Migration | Workers' Movements | World

Shame on EU& Berlusconi,petition MEPs now!& support Italian migrant worker gypsies. Gypsies & travellers are easy to scapegoat despite being hardest working people Ive met & work almost 24/7. Most pay taxes far more than dodgy billionaires like Berlusconi. Boycott italian goods unless from cooperatives etc & petition your MEPs, good luck antifash in Italy.Will try to help you & go to International cooperative alliance meet in Rome at start of June if I get time from work,

Where are you & your fascist puppies going to run Berlusconi?
What if your technology fails or goes mad & kills you?
Good people are also more than smart enough to take it over from you.
Shame on media who slag travellers & gypsies, plus migrant workers.ICA supported fight against nazis since the 1930's before WW2, who do owners of Tiscali,fiat etc support?.
What are churches in Italy doing???
Shame on the mainstream catholic church,shame for keeping the ratlines open, shame for fostering Franco, sort it out!.
Berlusconi& his fascists hide behind fundamentalist christianity& fundamentalist islam, Franco used to muslim royalists to invade democratic spain, shame.
Silent Protest ∨ good artwork needed at your local catholic church this sunday!

Squadron of Truth lovers


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Help Europe:Silvio Berlusconi is taking over the European mediamarket

20.05.2008 14:50

Did you know that Berlusconi's media imperium has been expanded with
one of the major media concerns(Endemol) in the world?
Why didn't we read anything about that in our media?
This happened mid 2007.
Did you notice that latest years investigative journalists are a dying race?
Maybe it's not a bad idea to draw a clear map of the current mediaconcentrations in the

What has been happening in Italy over the last 15 years, has already started happening in other European countries now.
It's not a coincidence that Berlusconi, during the 'Mani Pulite' operations decided
to 'dedicate' himself to politics.
This gentleman only objective is to polarise and disrupt society for his own confort.
Divide and rule...

Silvio and his organisation have understood very well that if you control the media,
you can act indisturbed.
And the Italian media is continously controlled and being manipulated.
Headlines have as only scope to spread fear and insicurity , to provoke intolerance and to divide, antipolitics is daily business ( see the election results in Rome and even Londen, both based on irrational fear )

Indro Montenelli was a monument of Italian journalism.
He was director of 'Il Giornale', respected by left and right, and a vigourous anticommunist and conservative.
When Berlusconi 'dedicated' himself to politics, Indro had to change his editorial line.
But Indro was a man of principles and if there's something that makes Berlusconi nervous, it are people with principles, left or right doesn't matter.
Indro had to resign and the director of 'Il Giornale' is now Paulo Berlusconi.

Indro predicted allready at that time the current faith of Italy.
He saw Berlusconi as a dictator and a threath for mankind and free press .
He described him as a cancer that keeps on spreading , Berlusconi was for Indro evil in person .
In one of his books he referrered to Berlusconi as the foam that floats on the surface of the cesspool .
Well, it's this 'foam' that allready NOW decides what we and our children get to see on TV, internet, newspapers, magazines, movietheaters and so on.

Shouldn't our European parliament members get worried about this 'foam'?

Isn't it urgently time to act?
Do we want to follow in Europe the 'democratic' roadmap of Mr Berlusconi and Putin?

If you want to know WHAT won the Italian elections:
Here's a report of facts and quotes of Mr Berlusconi himself one week before the elections.
Can this man be suspected of any political or ethical principles?
Read and shiver...

More info:

Silvio Berlusconi: A threath for European democracy?

Silvio Berlusconi: The 2008 election campaign

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