Communique from police station attack in Athens
Direct Action News from Greece | 16.05.2008 15:27 | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | World
The following claim for "Symmories Syneidisis" (Gangs of Conscience) though, was sent to together with other newspaper and tv-station mail accounts. Here is a translation:

Early in the morning of May 16, without any special occasion we attacked against the Police Station of Aigaleo (Athens). There is though a precise reason we did it and we will do it again. And this is the existance of police itself. We won't wait for any authority abuses to come to light, or when will the cops exceed their services discharging their guns, or whenever they torture in their police stations, trafficking drugs, raping prostitutes etc. We break the silence and apathy of this society, and assault. Since the role of the police is also presice.
It is the inner armed mercenaries of the democratic despotism that safeguards the order and security of the regime. Defender of the bosses' interests, supervisor of loyalism, guard of the orderly circulating money and commodities.
This is what makes the police an all-time charming target. So let the cops know, from the "tough" riot policemen to the seriff styled motorbike cops, to every last patrol policeman that what they should respectively expect is no less than a ly weighted stone on their heads.
We don't discriminate people, since they discriminate theirselves on their own, when they selected to wear this uniform. The well equiped ambushes and attacks against them are the price of this choice of theirs.
We won't go on on self-evident matters. Whoever doesn't get that cops are the protectors of this system of exploitation and repression is either an imbecile or a collegue of them.
We live in a uniformed reality that carries a gun and controls the modern sterile everyday life that dries out in a constant parade of obeying commands and orders, under the incidental music of silence and passivity.
Willing to shock this mournful normality, we selected to organize the attack against a police station that as a symbol constitutes a guarantee of this condition. We selected to strike the multi-dynamic police station of Aigaleo for a couple reasons more: Firstly, we wanted to come with the maximum material damage. We already knew that this police station had enough vehicles parked for us to set on fire and this was a fine challenge and a motivation for our action. Secondly, at Aigaleo area and a few months ago, a "residents committee" appeared, realising a march demanding further policing in the area. This attack against the police station of Aigaleo is our contribution in this dialogue that we intend to open with this particular piece of social snitching.
Finally, as far as the time of the action is concerned, we wanted to bring back another importand date, as a homage to the urban guerrilla Christos Tsoutsouvis who in May 15, 1985 was murdered in an armed clash with policemen in Gizi, but first managed to execute three of them. This strike is dedicated to all those comrades that in these times of silence and passivity, they wilfully insist to ablaze with light the quiet nights of the metropolis with their arson fires.
Gangs of Conscience
P.S. We left the police station according to our plan, in the moment we had decided, and not because of the cops' gun fires, as the police's circles claim.
From media reports:
"According to evidence around 15 persons that came to the area on motorbikes, left their bikes in a close distance and approached the police station through a small park, initially hurled molotov cocktails against the guard who fired his gun in the air three times to panic them, though they continued throwing gas canisters and molotov cocktails against the parked police cars, destroying 5 patrol cars and two undercover police cars parked nearby..." An unknown man claim responsibility for a new organization called "Floga" (Flame). State security agency and antiterrorist unit have started investigations.
It is the inner armed mercenaries of the democratic despotism that safeguards the order and security of the regime. Defender of the bosses' interests, supervisor of loyalism, guard of the orderly circulating money and commodities.
This is what makes the police an all-time charming target. So let the cops know, from the "tough" riot policemen to the seriff styled motorbike cops, to every last patrol policeman that what they should respectively expect is no less than a ly weighted stone on their heads.
We don't discriminate people, since they discriminate theirselves on their own, when they selected to wear this uniform. The well equiped ambushes and attacks against them are the price of this choice of theirs.
We won't go on on self-evident matters. Whoever doesn't get that cops are the protectors of this system of exploitation and repression is either an imbecile or a collegue of them.
We live in a uniformed reality that carries a gun and controls the modern sterile everyday life that dries out in a constant parade of obeying commands and orders, under the incidental music of silence and passivity.
Willing to shock this mournful normality, we selected to organize the attack against a police station that as a symbol constitutes a guarantee of this condition. We selected to strike the multi-dynamic police station of Aigaleo for a couple reasons more: Firstly, we wanted to come with the maximum material damage. We already knew that this police station had enough vehicles parked for us to set on fire and this was a fine challenge and a motivation for our action. Secondly, at Aigaleo area and a few months ago, a "residents committee" appeared, realising a march demanding further policing in the area. This attack against the police station of Aigaleo is our contribution in this dialogue that we intend to open with this particular piece of social snitching.
Finally, as far as the time of the action is concerned, we wanted to bring back another importand date, as a homage to the urban guerrilla Christos Tsoutsouvis who in May 15, 1985 was murdered in an armed clash with policemen in Gizi, but first managed to execute three of them. This strike is dedicated to all those comrades that in these times of silence and passivity, they wilfully insist to ablaze with light the quiet nights of the metropolis with their arson fires.
Gangs of Conscience
P.S. We left the police station according to our plan, in the moment we had decided, and not because of the cops' gun fires, as the police's circles claim.
From media reports:
"According to evidence around 15 persons that came to the area on motorbikes, left their bikes in a close distance and approached the police station through a small park, initially hurled molotov cocktails against the guard who fired his gun in the air three times to panic them, though they continued throwing gas canisters and molotov cocktails against the parked police cars, destroying 5 patrol cars and two undercover police cars parked nearby..." An unknown man claim responsibility for a new organization called "Floga" (Flame). State security agency and antiterrorist unit have started investigations.
Direct Action News from Greece