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Foie Gras off the Menu at 5th Birmingham Restaurant

Foie gras free Brum | 15.05.2008 21:00 | Animal Liberation | Birmingham

After demonstrations and logical reasoning Opus Restaurant finally decide to remove Foie Gras from their menu.

Birmingham Animal Rights Collective have been holding peaceful, legal protests outside Opus Restaurant for approximately two months, after the management at Opus refused to consider removing foie gras from the menu.

Opus seemed to be trying to ignore the protests, hoping they would go away, perhaps they didn't seem to realize that this is an important cause and that there is no justification for the cruelty that is funded by the sale of foie gras.

However, after a long string of successful demonstrations, an email received today read as follows:


We have removed from our menu!

Opus Restaurant
54 Cornwall Street
B3 2DE
0121 200 2323

Irene Allan"

Well done to Opus for seeing the light and deciding to remove this, whatever their reasoning. We encourage other restaurants to follow suit and recognize foie gras for the extremely cruel and unnecessary dish it is.

The initial push with the campaign takes an educational angle, the methods by which the so called "delicacy" is produced are shown and explained with hope that restaurateurs will remove it from the menu because of the cruel production methods involved.

The British Government banned Foie Gras production in the UK as the methods contravened existing animal welfare laws, yet some restaurants still import and serve it.

The campaign will continue to name and shame all those still supporting the extreme animal cruelty behind this so called "delicacy".

For further information, if you would like to help us make Birmingham a Foie Gras Free Zone, or for information about what is wrong with foie gras please feel free to contact us or visit the website below.

Foie gras free Brum
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Nice one

16.05.2008 14:01

Great stuff, keep up the good work!

Frank Grape

You make it look easy

16.05.2008 16:16

Great work guys, this campaign is unstoppable, I would be involved myself if I had more free time. I have full confidence your plan to make Brum a foie gras free zone will be complete in no time. Hats off to you and keep the successes coming.


Nice 1

16.05.2008 20:29

Gr8 news!! Campaign is really rollin' forward with steam :) Any pics from the two months of campaigning outside this shithole?

Foie Gras Gone Goin Gone