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Short Poems

Saiom Shriver | 14.05.2008 17:59 | Animal Liberation | Culture | Ecology | Cambridge | London

poems to love, forgiving, joy, the sun, the sea, nonviolence, metamorphosis,
inaction and action



Unbidden come the bloombibbing bees.

My love for you.. a yearling became... many eons ago
Love ... not force.... rides the horse
God is Love. Love surrounds hate as the sea laves icebergs.
Hate is frozen Love.

From 2 dynasties of love they merge into a destiny of love
I kneel before the heart of my Beloved..within the shrine of his soul..
He no longer daisy petals shreds to ask if her love for him has been shed
We came to a crossroads and what did we see? All directions pointing.. to his heart's infinity
The peony sphere has no perfume.. until she opens the petals
of her heart
She was baptized in water by her brother's rare tears..
baptized in fire by her mother's unshed tears
Love was the priest who married them.
Phone wires pinker glow as love reconnecting flows
I want to go to God on the road of you.
Love is a purifier more sacred than pure fire.
For love the model forsook the runway
From that shallow world she did run away.
Her love awaited at the airport Monday
.. and that eve they taxi'd down the runway.
Knowing that froggie fear was engendered by horse hooves,
Pegasus grew wings.
Within small circles do spiders build webs while larger
ones foil them, so the uncircumscribed heart foils lurking
The same God shines through the prisms of all eyes.. Because
I prefer some color patterns more than others, I have
not yet achieved equal sightedness toward all God's beings
he aspired to be a venutian rather than a martyr.. to follow
the path of venus' love rather than angry mars
Waters to the most humble point descending.. but at the lowlying sea waters are ascending lifted by the love of the
light of the sun.
more precious because he'd waited so long to hear..
the most beautiful lyrics... "I love you" in his ears
The sun at their backs. Dusk's long shadow makes their
2 silhouettes one.
They suddenly knew they wanted to avoid pain and much trouble
by going through life as a doublebubble
Suddenly out of the green, pops a trillium.
Suddenly out of the blue, the ship on the horizon
Suddenly out of the purple, love's rising.
lust says the whole is not as great as the part
love flows whole from its temple in the heart
Compass needles are magnetized to the north
but compassion unencompassed in all directions pours
In his heart bell hung a tong which struck every time
he caught sight of her.
At dawn the sunking breaks forth from the lair of mars
but in the evening he disappears behind cloud curtains
in the chamber of venus.
Love limited, love circumscribed, love lukewarm is by God decried.
A baby who lies untouched in cradle.. a child who sits
untouched in a crib.. will grow up thinking he's unlovable..
feeling he is untouchable.
Two puddles loved each other and became a brook. 2 pools
of light loved each other and became a glow. 2 hearts loved
each other and became one.
The love of the heart has surrounded the mind's knife of
criticism sheathing it with silence.
Cloud maya makes the sun appear to wink at you. But his love
is constant, not on and off.
Bethesda's waters healed because they never rejected any
sent to them by God.
Your heart is a blazing star.. sending forth infinite rays
in all directions.


Wavecarved caves in the seagirt rock.. have wanded it into a seagulled rookery..
Rain at sea... redundancy
We gave him a pitcher. He gave us the sea
The tide sent into the cleft of rock Neptune's polyfingered hand of welcome
As the sea does each drop, all rivers ingather
so flows every soul to God Mother Father
Rocking cradle of the world.. sunset stairway to the stars.. only by great masters trod... only written on by God
The rain in Maine falls mainly on the main.
That sand not soon turn the beachfence into driftwood
the sculptor designed a metal seat.
From the shore.. one looks upward
to the sanddune grass..10,000 green brush blades
trying to paint the blue sky jade*
Faster than any stylus squiggling.. can write the sun
in the water wiggling... but when the sea is perfectly still..
it appears it was water which held the quill
Receives all arrows the universal quiver
as the sea receives all lonely rivers
Daily the sea with tidal milk waves
nurses in love her hungrymouthed caves
Today in their palate of many hues
the sky and sea have 20 shades of blue
Little petstore goldfishes.. suffocating in the tiny plastic bag.. God set you free..into the sea

Gentler than land's are the seasons of the seas.

Kidnapping karma has stolen me from the blue vistas of
the sea...I weave now the plans of return.
Surfers delight in the motion of the angry waves of the ocean
as neptune, king of the sea, delights in their mars
Shadows of fishes play in the shallows above varying
shades of abandoned shells.
Within a wavelaved rock fissure, God hid the fish from the kingfisher.
The rowboat's wake intersected the path
of the morning sun upon the water... effort was squared to
The sea mirror was framed by lobster traps..
until she rose and smashed them
a clamshell holds seaswell..
reflected in captured tide.. does Jupiter abide
Waterfall mist asked the sea 'when shall I
return to Thee?'
As artists long for blank canvases, as sealovers
yearn for the blue space of the skysea,
the Spirit longs to be uncluttered.
So many shades of blue from royal navy to aqua hue.. without
the horizon ship one could not tell sky from sea.
Seacradle is fishes rocking among the rocks
but she is slapping at fishermen's docks
For the sun wearing daily a fresh foam frock
helping God on all hearts to knock
The full moon lifts seawaves in joy, but only the sun
can lift water drops out of the sea.
Blackberried tarts on white lace doilies are the seafoam
framed ocean's dark rocks
Ships in bottles cannot sail, but messages unsealed from
bottles do, and their words are meant most for those who
find the script.
More than the stable shore God hallows the waving sea's shellshod shallows.

In the kinder world there surely no longer shall be
shellfish shiv'd to shed their sheltering shells from the sea
Waves will rise in joy, they know soon
toward the full moon of the longed for monsoon
Message in sea's bottles. Tidings in the tides. Time's
rivers to the timeless sea glide. Every being will with God


In the predawn violet... as they wake the violets... of the unsung.....birds sing...
When God greengrows it's rarely in rows... awry the rye rises...unruly the rose
Each night the tree of nut out of naught knits neat nuts
and will time soon not sever the nut tree knot?
The bee's favorite couplet: sunupbrimming buttercuplet
From the plane, one sees above the clouds' chemtrails
.. lines of Sanskrit...
as he walked along, he saw a
slain dandelion with grey locks
and blew the down of the mower victim
that there be new fluffy flower flocks
The tree branches God has joined together let no one cleave asunder. The animal limbs God has joined together let
no meatcutter cleave asunder.
April is aproned with apricot blooms.
Because the wind rustled blooming fruit trees
they released their fresh fragrance into the breeze
Only the jasmine plant has a right to string garlands of
its blooms.
April is the most fragile month, when tender jade tenrils
can be crushed by unconscious boots
Why has God his dew morngift sent?
For cider, butterfly drinks,
for lilac and jasmine scent
The fen way becomes a fern way, finely traced fans of
jade.. waving in the wind.
The fruit tree oer the brook drops her free food into the
waters... the fish bob for apples
Those depressing stormclouds grey... wand the world to green
The orange tree... a green galaxy with many blazing
saffron sunorbs
The morning sun does the throat of lark spur and blue the meadows
with sweetest larkspur
While elsewhere the sun, universal lover,
has knit a new cover, of purplest clover, all the field over
Most can from the apple tree pick spies
but only God can pluck blazing stars from the skies
Like the beloved in a canoe paddled by her love is
the willow tree trailing her lacy fingers in the lake
When the naturalist who defines plants as wild edibles
comes around, do the plants shiver and shake, quiver and quake?
Some find peace most in the mountains. Some find peace
most at the sea. And some find peace most
in the mountains oer the sea.
Only newfallen laurel leaves in Wilbur's laureate wreaths
for he takes only what Mother Earth gently bequeaths
Within each acorn cloak are infinite oaks.


Animals love vegetarians. Plants love fruitarians.
How do the words of the Peaceful Master become the tirades of warmonger pastors?
Neath obsolescent mower it used to be that Crickets make a final peep. Fireflies' lanterns snuffed beneath the skies. Bumblebees' pollination stops Caterpillars do not become butterflies
Weeding whispered the Great plant racism
Oh a thingyroach is better luck than a cricket upon the hearth.. for she magnetizes to your home those who love every heart
Because of her the world will sooner bring.. a world of no more suffering.. where none are swallowing
a chicken's or a swallow's wing
The fire in the mob's hate torches does not always color within the lines.
It is not recorded in the words of Tennyson
that Ben Franklin got sick when he ate venison
Above.. the starstrewn sky
Below.. a landmine littered earth lies
A gentle cow reading Leviticus found that cloven hoofed animals
are forbidden for food. She took an ax to each of her four.
Trillions of animals' agonized cries
through the years echoing in our ears
Babe issued a press release.. "they tell fibs
.. I have no ribs to spare.. no spare ribs"
At a defense contractor luncheon, the eagle ice sculpture drips water from his melting beak. Frozen form
becomes all form. The waters of peace are flexible.
We have nothing to offer you say the cows of their gravy
but our blood sweat and tears.
Peregrine falcons have sent pigeons
prematurely into realms stygian
Kneeling to God, all weapons' Wielder, he becomes a
weapons yielder.
The boats which to their slaughter ship sheep are never shipshape.
In India the bloody footprint of Alexander's throne lasted as long as a twig cleaves the sea into which it is thrown.
Spaniards are ending the waving of red flags toward crucified
bulls, as everywhere the white flags of mutual surrender to
God flap, and the wind rustles the pink flags of thyme...
all flags of earth peaceful in time
Up peep and pop the poppy pods.
Does their scotching and scorching please Papa God?
To sweep Buddhist monks use feather brooms
for the bee-abandoned fallen blooms
Little chick fertilized within the eggshell basket
.. Of Thee God he asked it... that none turn the lettle shell
into a marble casket
May no illegitimate
leader's illegal wars hasten any 'til death us do part'

Neither the barbs of the blackberry bush nor the thorns
protecting the rose act aggressively.
Do plants have feelings? said one and the other replied:
Wallflowers must have broken hearts.
The God indwelled beetle sanctifies the holy rose.
they cleave off innocent pigs' cloven hooves
... yet the scarlet blood does not crimson
the purple fields of clover
Factory farmed hens: unloved they are born.. nameless they
live... innominate they die
Robins need not squabble over a stick for their 2 nests..
for there are dead sticks everywhere.


She no longer feels sad that her body is bound by gravity .. as she wings the hearts of millions.
Icicle rows dripping in the light.. lines of exclamation points!!!!!translucent with sun joy
Spring willow streamers... the tree cheerleads the birds in branch bleachers
Into shards the dreams have shattered.. the pain
in the dream... has not mattered.
From the chalice of his heart I drink love and joy. It is
the only draught which quenches my soulthirst.
The sight of him! long needles of light knit.. of a sudden
weaving wings for my heart!
As the pure bright mirror transmits the morning sun
we need not understand God.. but only pass God on
The morning birds' melodies.. the woodpecker does counterpoint
How is it that his ceaseless drill... shatters the barriers to
Bursting blooms of bluebonnet to the sun sing silent sonnets
A beetlebored bamboo flute.. Yonder wind plays upon it
Around the corner from the flesh food coroners,
August field's coronation of a cornucopia of corn
The touchdown points of the rainbow are obscured
by grey fog, but as blue and sun appear, the fog has been
absorbed.. into new figs.
Laundry dances in the wind on the clothesline... empty scarecrows... of whom no bird is frightened
Spring rains raise the wells
Every one does upwell
.. merging as they overspill
A new joy river they do swell.
Saddened by the plaintive sounds of the mourning dove,
he decided to be silent or cheerful when he spoke.
Feared lightning became the silver lining
of the cloud of good change.
Water spiders, skaters ..gliders, blissdarting shooting stars without
external guiders
October when each leaf is a stained glass aperture
in the cathedrol of autumnal light
Squirrels spiral up the church spires
and down again to the spirea
Alighting and taking off from the tiger lilies and phlox and sunflowers are hummingbirds and butterflies and bees,
with no air controllers and no accidents.
Sunwands turn rain droplets into blackberry drupelets as enkindled okra seeds acknowledge heliocracy.
White morning glories translucent in the sun..bloom fabric
stretched on its ribs like Japanese
rice paper lanterns shining with light
The fields are filled with crystal balls of morning dew,
each revealing your destiny: the morning sun
As a shaft of light sweeps down a sootfilled chimney
is God's delight available to all.
When the couple midnight swam in the quarry,
waving were the skies' reflections starry.***


Reborn... Sappho... wears monks' saffron.
How awesome How sublime That out of muck and mud and slime God makes lemons God makes limes.
Glass shatters.. neath sunfire.. each shard reflecting his orb entire
The Great Lord can behind him twirl... vast universe' gyrating swirl... that his rebellious insurection
.... become his glorious resurrection
No lid for the cups of sunlemony buttercups..
they just infold to escape night cold..
but in the morn... once again unrolled... their cheery gold
One upright pier pillar after another yields in the night to the hegemony of the tide.
Those who took opposition roles...
were midwives of her strengthened soul
The sun arises and rouses the rose. In raspberries,
His arisen rays are rose.

Transmuted scorpio's sanctuary is the Spirit Eagle's aerie.
Every dawn a straight rainbow of promise is on the horizon
...heralding each heartsun's rising.
As resoldered metal is stronger than when first forged,
so the resurrected are paradoxically more perfect than
the Godcreated original
The soul's essence is ever in God's presence, and unharmed by the fires of creation or the ashes of cremation.
He was so loved by all creatures that when it rained
a cloud served as his umbrella.
Filling every inch of the line of floodcracked cement
is a thread of velvetjade moss
In the empty chalice of the rivercarved grand canyon
dawn has drawn with gold pink orange light crayons.
Candle flame fear not results if you ignite
the snuffed candle's reborn light.
As a clock with no hands can register time as the sun
plays across its face, so Spirit needs no body in order
to manifest its power.
The apple tree's each barren branch.. burst to
wands of blooming blanch
At the base of the birdfeeding pole, a perfect circle frames
it... the lace trace of birdprints, as they ate the
seeds which had a precipitous fall
God the Divine Genie is waiting in the bottles of all hearts
to answer wishes.
On Ararat rests the ark. A rainbow is born in the dark.
Out of silence bursts the joyful song of the lark.


The South Wind has for the evening donned jasmine scent
The wind weaves many white caps so quickly for the blue sea
Mother Wind moves the water rocker
to and fro on the stormy sound's deeps. On the boatcradle by lapping waves she is softly lulled to sleep.
Will, your winded wings will win.
Clouds' whitewaterweave covered the sky.. and yet
everywhere there was a patch of blue.. it was a different
hue... here aqua.. there cerulean... or teal or indigo
The east wind blowing westward marries the falling rain
turning her attention elsewhere
Crosswinds quilt the Connecticut River ever so slightly
but stil the waters flow to the sea.
As gauzy veils lie on the shoulders of the slender, as avalanche clouds pour through tall firs, as morning mist
rolls through ship masts, do monsoon clouds flow
over the peaks of the Himalayas
Froggie croaks on his rock dais encircled by dizzy daisies
throughout summer days. The wind makes them wave in applause.


From the Bubble Blower, the moon rises and floats
Foamwake disappears from the whale tail.. dries up.. the snailtail
Hawaiian breadfruit... shed your Joseph's coat of many colors..
your 1000 panes of stained glass mosaic.. and become 10,000 breadfruit trees
10,000 brush strokes of the master artist... equal not the perfect paintings of the pure mirror
Fall's leafless orange berried bush foiled by blue sky.. a pointilist painting
The goddess of the sun retires for the night through clouds spreading her fan made of rays of light
Cut the Diamond river swords through the whiteblanketed greensward
The fragrance of a rose does enthrall
every Rao, Smith, Ali and Rosenthal
The white rose of Uganda has the same aroma
as the deep purple rose which grows in Roma.
Beautiful the scent of the tobacco flower
but the leaves which helped weave the fragrance
are excluded in many places. Is she advertising smoking
by releasing her aroma to the air? Who can divorce her
from slaveowners?
God who painted living oysters' shells with crushed pink pearl
wants them left alone
It is the Lord's leela, He who lets
unscroll lilies and lilacs and violets
Fernfurl, chrysanthemumcurl, lilyswirl, wisteriawhirl
and sunflowertwirl
With early stars have fireflies
asterisked the evening skies
The greenleaved grapevine does a tightroping straight
line... along the windstirred clothesline
and a wavy Miss Penn banner on the young pine
The old ailanthus many humans found peccable
but the woodpecker delighted in her status peckable
The wind paddled the puddles, the lily padded ponds, and played the pea'd pods and
pansies pied.
lily pad plates... spheres with rims.. raindrops fill
them to the brim
A grey cloudcloak mutes the crimson leaves of oak.
Scarlet embers shrouded by grey ash and smoke.
Did not the apple blossoms fall, there'd be no cider in the


61 died that day in the 1st infantry in Vietnam. Rows of bodybags, the fruit of war.. drying in noonday sun.
Oh God to You we give thanks... that in time Polish horses... defeat Nazi tanks (to Alex Hershaft)
How many have been frozen bombed starved or blown apart by Hitler, Bush, Genghis Khan, Churchill, or Bonaparte?
Weary ants rest on the pillows of soft girl thingywillows while a family of ducks floats on seabillows
Pansies fringe the rusting panzers
Ivy and violets vy not with the violent.
As the unchanging blue waters of the lake reflect
the gold, crimson, pink and saffron of the changing fall
so the peaceful soul absorbs the ups and downs of those
in crisis
Above a battle grey with smoke and crimson with blood in silent
contrast break pastels from the palate of sunrise.
The groves of life randomly grow
but Arlington's deathbloom
graves... are set in rows
a deep pool at every waterfall base
.. postcrisis waters of God's resting grace
Shakti has become shanti Power has become peace
God will rearrange the stars into a special script for you...
a fortune cookie strip of joy. a secret message, a puzzle
There are the stars of purple framed night
streaming peace, pouring light
Some call occupying oil, pharmaceutical and war profiteer cartels
"the US" but we the people of America
from Sacramento to Schenectady
reject such syndecdoches
One by one in many countries they break through the ice of fear.. cups of crocuses .. stand up in caucuses .. East to West from Africa to the Caucusus and show their eternal allegiance to the maker of their sun: Creator of all of us.
Those who wend their way on the opposite
side of the road are not our foes. Each stays within the
lines as peace on both sides goes.


Out of the sea the sun aborning Not adorned but all adorning
With His awesome light of morning Says to you "Come! My Mavoorning!" (to Ethel Lynch)
O God Dweller in the Heart of Every Being, release now and forever the joy latent in all
Jack in the Pulpit has taken up silence.. to his new sermon none said 'ahem' ...many said 'amen'...
Pen chisel carves tunnel out of feelings' mine cavein
God and humans both know of love unreturned. The difference is: about this God is unconcerned.
Held the dew the concave butternut better than the convex buttercup
Dawn drawn dandelions sun-summoned... spread gold parasols
... another sundown will bring.. a diaspora of dandelion down
From all eyes shines God's light ... from every human, bird, fish and mite
The mind of a genius is a sky piled high with lightning
forked thunderclouds. The desireless mind of a master is blue with nary
a cloud.
She was not forced to walk the plank into the ocean of her Self
... she was ready to jump
Deity winds blow into the Lungs, the Temple of Breath
Sipping from a teacup he mulled over the day's deeds
... from a teacup brewed from red clover seeds
Trees of January like Job continue to lift their arms in prayer
though they are powerless, unable to speak or move, their leaves stolen.
He took off his boots, but still the discalced elephant
caused harm and so he decided to meditate in the pond.
As a telescope turns the pinprick of light
into the jewel of Jupiter, meditation gives tangible
proximity to God who indwells all
He feared when he died he would slide to hell
down a slippery funnel but God told him he'd rise
to him... through a lightfilled tunnel
the bees' buzzing omkar to blooming little stars


Arun arose awash in rose.. spreading His rays oer Aaron Rosen
All Beings His chosen
A spiral swirl of windwed weed Each tiniest wheat-huedneedle
caught a globe of dew.. a crystal rosary
of 59 beads already goldchained inside
Tree of Olive... Altar of Allah.. on it He has grown... olives for all
In kind Budapest.. the small and powerless are safe... for
in the eyes of Buddha.. none is a pest
Cattails weave escape ladders for drowning bugs
while a friend's safety net of words.. enough to catch a falling star
Of a purple eve, the goldglowing church tower clock, both hands at six, in the rain slowly drips on thirsty flowers below.
Snow silent swift skydown softly sifts.... and turns cloud gifts... into earthblanket drifts.

Through the night...miracles we did not see
.. icebergs of resistance slipped silent into the sea

Past lives' whispers turned to buttons keeping
my clothes on me.
Do rain arrows come from the rain bow?
As angels' inspiration descends it becomes clad in words.
The low river from afar is invisible
but its green line of disciple willows is visible
The woodpecker was able to make in the tree a nave
.. but only the sea's waves can carve sea caves
Jesus said to 'consider the lilies of the field.. they toil not nor spin'. It is the sun which them spun.
At the end of the season cornfields are downmown
The raintree remains secure in his throne.
The limehued silk of the corn.. each strand wand catches
the dew of the morn.
As the river roared through the granite chute, it
fell onto 7 granite bowls... 7 pools below 7 falls..
as shakti flows into the crown and then every other chakra
In earth's theatre, waiting in the wings
as he slowly sheds his angel's wings
sacrificing freedom, a great soul ..
becomes a lovechild God you to bring
The raindrop slides down the lily leaves, taking none
of the jade from their green sleeves


They called the wind lackadaisical
but because she in freedom blows
the world will never ...........lack for daisies
They thought the moon needed cloudwings to fly but the next night they saw her soar alone in the sky.
Herr heron no longer the freed herring hearing
Watching raindrop beads spark seeds into weeds..
was his creed.. and not what any other had decreed
One said that marriage is a tree.. do not break its boughs
Another said: as a river flows beyond banks, the past's vows.. to the present bow..

Spring melts snowflakes. Joy pops balloons. Roots burst
the vase. Love breaks the cage.
Dracula was free to think God's gladiolas gaudy.. and to dislike
the morning luster.. of a seabubble cluster.
Some like earthworms eat dirt and die.
Others like caterpillars become butterflies.
Bell tongs chime... bird flight time
If there were left 1 sheet
of Shakespeare's original words
Picasso would it erase that he could ink the space.
Those who ordained that a fork goes to plateleft
are the ones who use it as a fleshspear. Their rules bind
A Dragonfly on daffodil alights.. having donned a more dazzling dress
as well as the gift of flight


a child's cries in the store
disappear with a cruel parent walking him out the door
but ....the cries remain in the heart
Humane slaughter.. an oxymoron.. from those who don't
know.. oxen aren't morons
As small flowers bloom at the tips of glaciers so do
children unluckier than I survive around cold parents.
Crocodiles shed crocodile tears which blend invisiblly with riverdrops when they are underwater. They cry perhaps when they are hunted.
Margaret, when we see the Pieta, we think of you. But the
frozen marble of pain has turned to rising joy.


Shelter workers.. so patient.. for elephants in folding their tents.. take a little longer
Oh Clara T.. a mind of perfect clarity.. heartfont of pouring charity .. as in the woods of Cherokee.. grows
allfruit giving cherry tree
Kudzu, unthanked, hangs her tapestries..
on every telephone pole and happy tree.
Fir sentinels stay and stand tall
guarding the space where the waters fall.
She is a projected table rock in a waterfall..
always pouring out what she receives
Santa's sleigh silhouettes the moon
above sylvan
framed snow.. the moon's silver slivers are everywhere
The torch never diminishes its own fire.. when enkindling
other torches through giving entire


Four Flowers: The sun in morning glory arose with his goldenrod wanding violet to rose
You dwell where dreams immortal are ushered through
materializing portals
When day's azure blues become eve's purple hues
then violets are not blue.
That flourish the forget me nots
God fastens roots to stems with knots
and ties the fragrant honeysuckle
to her twigs with seamless buckles.
How did the sweet rain transubstantiate to juice of pear?
We want all others to love him because we love him.
The large mango seed makes an orchard mangotreed,
but the tiny acorn unfurls into much larger and thicker groves.
Now the Red Sea of clover is Bee-cloven
But back to Queen Lover flies bee Beethoven
Devoured by silkworms are jade mulberry leaves
... silkworms boiled alive for silk sleeves
.. worms and leaves.. for Spirit their bodies leave
Birds sing the anthems of Spring. The faithful wind flaps
the flower flags.
Gold centered pink daisies.. their buds little balls of
pink yarn.. used to weave the pink clouds of the rising sun
polymorphous water.. reborn as rain ice snow fog and mist
dew puddles brooklets
ponds, lakes, bays, rivers, foam, spray, seas
What is the shape of thunder? a cloud
How amazing that Goddesigned slices of limes and lemons hold each limedrop or lemondrop
jewel in its chamber until it is squeezed. Some of God's
gifts await in the wings just the slightest effort on our part.
The bubble bursts into seaspray.. and then lifts off on
solar rays
If God made too lovely the cocoon, would the caterpillar
want to leave his room?


Ominous night has silenced the mourning dove but not the nightingale
The river encountered a boulder of will.. and in flowing
around him changed her destiny.
It is not a shark fin but the triangular sail of
a toy boat.


You are the nectar the hummingbird the clover. You are the bloom,
the bee,the Oerhoverer.
You are the beloved the Love and the Lover.
a tree stormbent horizontal.. had 7 parallel branches growing
straight up... like a parent who sacrificed for her children
saints know the love of 1000 followers does not equal
the love of God.. mothers know the love of many biological
or adopted children does not equal that of the beloved husband
Eve angel does not evangelize. Mystic power flows from
the lovelight in her eyes.
The fact that we love our own mothers.. does not mean
that we hate others'. We love our own lands and
faiths but we do not hate others'.


Before the dandelions gold can their tents have unrolled
the black umbrella tents must unfold

To all beings manifests The mango tree... her manna gently and gradually... Some rest as gifts in high grass baskets.
He has changed.. he has grown... no longer bud tightly closed.... but Love Fullblown
We too can turn water into unfermented purple wine
by watering now our greenleaved allgiving grape vines.


Willow branch fingers trace in the pond painting the water.. sunset gold
As fog fragments and imagination's figments
swell trees and do new figs mint,
so every good wish is answered by God...
(yet 'the chains of gold bind as much as the chains of iron')
Where aqua sky meets deep blue sea, the hearth of the
orange sun was in the west. Through the night miraculously
the entire fireplace was moved to the east, as resistant
thoughts can join winners between dusk and dawn.
Rotting fruit contains living seeds which shelter infinite
Bright sunwands as they unfurl cause the chrysanthemum to uncurl
.. so cause loverays unbidden to ope heartchambers long hidden
During rain or after sunset, sunflowers have their heads down..
but mostly they keep their sunnier sides up
Because the water trough has several leaks
the apples on the tree nearby have rosier cheeks
Santa may have 1 sleigh, but Abba's sleighs are infinite..
endless is the pouring of their gifts.
It was not a peace officer's rooflight but the sun flashing
hello in the rear view mirror, saying the past of everyone
is holy.
Look! how the roof leak has grown the lilacs!
A patch of moss marred by a moose.. where
the rain pooled in his print, mice make merry
The darkest before the dawn does the dew and daddies the
dormant doorman.
The cornucopia within cornstarred cobs and cones of pine
Out of great Nought, visualizing thought, electric blue prints
.. manifest for each
what she or he sought
Every raindrop is a crystal ball
foretelling thoughts of perfect rainfall.


The scarecrow said the posies were sham poseurs .... night
brought them repose from his critique.. dawn made them re-posie


The mirror finds many personalities projected onto her
by passersby.

Onto us God's projection of His own perfection
melts away our thoughts of rejection.
Younger souls project darkness onto what old souls do
as waters reflect in darker hues, the aqua of sky


Oer a traffic light of green and red, a birdie flies diagonally
Not the will's resistance to surrender to God, but the Spirit's desire to flow into Love, as a stream merges with a river and the river with the sea
The bee does not fly with honey on his wings.. matter is irrelevant where the spirit rings
As mater births son, so all material eventually brings forth Spirit
To fight trophy hunters the hippos formed
an hippocracy.
They work to end the slaughter and lawmakers' hypocrisy.


I choose not a campfire's sparks but the sun
I chosoe not a puddle but the deep blue sea
I choose not balloonjailed air but the wind
and for my friend I choose thee.


Common ground .. is holy ground
As most countries have thrown out monarchs, so Americans
will throw out nonarchs.*
Know Him who ordains all fountains
Know Him who maintains all mountains.
The raindrop is separated from greathingyer, but the seabubble
is part of the sea.


A champion racehorse at the winning line, unattached, eating the blooms of his victory wreath
The apple tree's blooms spun by sun looms dropped for fruit to make room .. swept away by wind broom
Wishing order he'd been a cuthappy lust-er but entranced by tiger lilies' lustre he began to leave alone God's surprising little clusters
The iced sculpture fish has melted into his completing water.
The conductor must choose between the proferred bouquet and
the baton, between the past and the future.
A white heron flock flies across the jade cypress swamp canvass. A script of winged words triumphant.


Lies have waning wings of wax. In the sun they do not wax.
Pinocchio's nose, we are told, grows longer with each lie
.. but it also grows sideways for hypocrisy and upward for
The boats which to their slaughter ship sheep are seldom shipshape.


Little Tree, Little Tree, I wonder where you are
to thank you for the sweet pink fruit you did weave
from distant star.
Birds chirp and cheep above the school chapel, for Chips
no longer serves chops to the chaps.
Tiny wisps, the many teats on the grey cloud..
who nurses the trees as she passes out of form.


The rising moon ball... tossed by the uncaptive Matterhorn seal.
Begins to emerge the bubble From the bubble blowing spear
Not til it leaves.. without fear will it be a perfect sphere
spider web brothel cannot hold
the fallen petal's fading gold
nor icepalace' freezing chains
longer freed waterdrops hold
The most radiant area in a master is the halo around her or
his head. But in an icicle it is the base from which it
slowly drips, each diamond drop jeweling in the light.
Lust, the false love, handed her a hemlockian cuplet
which her heart distilled into a couplet.
Before the rumbling thunder comes the crash of lightning...
with light the sky whitening as it is cloudburden lightening


As joyfully as steam spirals above a cup of berry tea
do souls leave their bodies and fly to the Lord
As softly as windblown dandelion down lifts from its
pedewstal to souls slip from earth's chains.
Sufis and suffragettes have focused on preventing
the suffering of fish suffocation.
It snows at sea.. melting designs... leave form... for All
A speeding driver smashed the little skunk's body. He
was placed at the roadside under a flowering peony. His
unique smell entwined the fragrance of the bloom, but his
soul slipping away was more sweetsmelling than all flowers.
Death is the release of the bird of the heart from the cage
of time.


Basho taught us the pond has no sound no refrain..
until violated by a frog, a stone, or fingers of the rain
As one honking horn disturbs hundreds of ears,
so one angry word shatters peace into pieces.
Dawn's breaking quiet begets bees' buzzing riot.
3 quiets merge.. the silent snowsift .. night's fall swift
and the stillness of the wilderness
God has said to revile none.. rather to revel as He
God as Love indwelling each reveals
The pain inflicting doctors who play at science debark

their captive dogs so that they may hurt in silence.
Yogis sometimes roll up the red carpet of welcome, the speaking
Bright orange trumpet flowers grow like clapperless bells..
as saffron clad monks prefer silence
The boat leaves foam wake. The canoe, ripples. But geese
leave no trace as they fly.
Misogynists wish women to be tongueless belles, as silent
as the meadow's tongless bluebells


The clarified waters of Snowdrop Lake are
made of melted hexagonal snowflakes.
The heart unfrozen with new love flows
as new soulspace does forgiving make.
As a sword has the illusion it slices the sun's beams
so do the unforgiving have the illusion they have been harmed.
Melt away now Valjean's pursuers,
who had chased him through Parisian sewers


He who gilds the fringed coast Of all buttercups the toast.
More ancient than all.. yet evernew His ray host.
The forces of night .. their vanishing might
.. melt away.. in dawn's vanquishing light
The sun's allgiving gold cheer.. has become the allgiving tree's purple cherries.
Popping oer the mountains the dawn sun arose, unrolling through
windows welcome carpets.... of red rose
It is not the sweet nuthatch
but the sun
which hatches the nuts
of nut trees everyone
The sun thought about another's criticism that he lacked focus.. but then began again to shine in all directions
moondown is sunup
Night can no longer suborn
first light's gathering morn!
The sun diamond stipples the ocean's wind ripples.


Mother Earth has knitted strong knots in the faithful blue
forget me nots.
From your infinite eyes we drink Stars within skies of
blackest ink
Please don't eclipse us when you wink.. but hold us in
your eyes, Black Sphinx
He remembered that pricks of the branches of the mistletoe tree can draw blood.
As fragile Queen Anne's Lace stretches in the sun among
rocks, she lived happily with her husband and his parents.


Has made manifest, God, Weaving Master
the unfolded fan spheres of each purple aster
Her sermons on peace, silence and beauty

are more powerful than those of any pastor.
Healing are God's projections of God's own perfection
How perfectly level is the lake and the mist above it
and are the bottoms of the clouds above both
When raindrops slowly slide off of the rose
they take with them her fragrant ambrosia.
the sun leaves no residue when
in rising he melts the dew


Enpine the cone! Enoak acorn! Enpear the seed that inner
sun be freed!

The universe falls in line .. behind the will..
of a Godaligned spine

The stars change their courses and revolve
around those connected to omnipotent resolve

As sailboats have masts, the spine of will is in all masters.

The sunflowers are sundials swirling
while in the dell, daffodils
His light spin and spill
When her spirits were down because she thought her will low
she daw how easily rivers of grace were drunk by the willow
The dousing wand. The lightning rod. Conductor's baton. Will's aligned spine. They find the water, invoke the lightning attract the music and summon angels' help.
In a protected wood is a granite rock with white morning
glory vines streaming down all sides... like a mountain peak
with many falls. Someone asks the dreamer to cut the vines
and she refuses.


Oh Martin Sometimes your voice was the thunder Sometimes it
was the falling rain. Always it burst our hearts asunder..
and made them beat... empathic in pain.
A bee willing to hang upside down in drooping blooms
will harvest more honey. But the converse is not true..
those who work the hardest are not those who make the money.


11 point maple leaves fall, and then 6 pointed flakes of snow..
but coming in a few moons.. the unpointed raindrops of spring.

As dim cellar caged yams send out pink roots into the dark
unknown, so do souls facing change stretch in trust to the
The blueberries have become the bear.
He missed even the mire of the moors
when his dory was in strange moorings
Past Monday morns as the moon melted, he went to a job
he hated. But now he is his own master.
The maple donned the orange of October sannyas, but
in the spring returned to green.
An aqua oval of smooth form rests on jade moss
velvet as if a piece of azure sky had fallen on its pillow.
Suddenly it shatters, perfection robbing, to birth
the sweetest baby robin.


The most beautiful places are the emptiest spaces

Birds are happy with the branches of a dead
tree on which to rest...dead sticks with which to build a nest.

In the sea, a zillion strong singing his own song,
each sweet sponge.

Archivists are wavecounters.

Bamboo curtains spreading their jade fire privacy so quickly.


He disproves his atheism, for he is a walking God.


The guru chick showed Michelangelo how to chisel
out of a marble egg prison.

The zealot in the woods is teaching morals
to the sorrel and to the mountain laurel.

Because they the most fragrant field flowers did become
it is to them that herself the queen bee comes


Like bells on a sleigh harness are pepper seeds strung
in the inner chambers of the belltower.
The birds have retired for the evening
but on goes the frog chorus played tirelessly for us


The artist paints the lily.. water colors dry on the canvas
.. but the lilyroots remain wet
The present's fleecy cloud wrapping is removed revealing
the jewel Sun streaming His own ribbons.


The dawn birds sing before come the earliest beams
God's messengers come before He who all...... redeems

As in unmowed green pastures
grass is starred by wild asters
so the word of the peaceful master
will win oer silent priests and pastors
Before sparked the seed which Jesus said must die to live,
the hexagonal snowflake of form had to melt into formless


Do not dismiss the puddle. She can transmit the light
of the morning sun.


Cluster is to Nancy L
* nonarch refers to the unelected members of the US Supreme
Court (most democracies believe that elected high court
justices are an indispensable part of democracy)
The horse poems are not intended to endorse the slavery of
horse racing, or other exploitation of horses for human pleasure
Emma Wood said "animals love vegetarians"
Oerhoverer is to our mother. Polish horses is to Alex Hershaft
founder of
Pitcher to C Lassell
Sea Receives lonely rivers to E Hubiak
Rocking Cradle of the World to D & P Wilson
Rookery to W Rave ... It Snows At Sea to J and D Shriver..
Swallow Wing to Nita Nickol
Clothesline Exclamations to L Umana
Crossroads to A D'Alessio
Enpine the Cone to B Barr
Stylus Squiggling.. to Mark Braunstein
Not bound by Gravity is to Sandy Patti
Mavoorning is to Ethel Lynch

White cap weaver is to F Rakitovan

Rosary poem to C Marshall
Pass the sun on is to my cousin thingy
I choose thee.. is to J Freundschuh
Other poetry sites (com?) thingyinson many poets Belle Nabor

For a brutal picture of horseracing go to Chai Online
which is working to end Israeli horseracing
For information on freeing Canadian seals, Spanish bulls,
Chinese bears, Norwegian whales, Japanese dolphins,
American cows, French frogs, Russian sable, Vietnamese cats,
Saudi camels, S African elephants, Korean dogs, British lab mice, New Zealand sheep, Australian kangaroos,
etc. go to

*nonarchs.. the nine unelected (of whom 89% are male)
on the Supreme Court, which has always been a rubber
stamp of the rich

(alternate version:
the rising sun arouses the rose)

shadows of fishes is to JPB


Fast weaving privacy screens, bamboo curtains
.. making the world beautiful.. it is certain
The sun paintbrush dapples the woods into apples


The clover lamps with their curved necks
hang oer a London sidewalk's cobbles shedding purple light
in their tiny world


To parched peach tree roots unbidden
come silent streams.. underground, hidden

Almighty is He who ignited the luster in each and every
graped cluster.*
He had a Harvard MBA degree and degree by degree
overcome by greed he had become Legree'd. Yet one sudden
day he saw.... that he and God were We'd.


The ice sculpture fish has melted into his waters of completion.
Melted the ice sculpture quince.. and flowed into
roots.. swelling new quince.


His empathic heart is always giving command performances
Until we saw Linda G's sanctuary, we never thought
Noah's Ark... could be as clean as a sunwashed barque


Posies were reposing.. as rosies rose to rerosing


Many are the harshly shod footprints which have trod
smashing little ones between the booted and the sod


One has to choose tween bomber pilot's wings
and the whirring help of angel wings


Electrically thoughts magnetize matter's tiny particles
as the skeleton of a sunken ship attracts barnacles.


A wee teardrop reflects a star. The tears dry.. remain the stars.
Meet the sea the icebergs melted
.. and now reflect the sunrise molten
the bee the purple blooms did rape .. and now there
are sweet violet grapes


Why worry if the fleas bite us? It reduces cholesterol and
cures our phlebitis.*


Cave carver tide.. a patient sculptor who abides


With his own soul's will lightning he is charging his
body into lightening

* Everyone has her or his own image of the Higher Power,
God or Goddess, Ishtadevata (favorite form of God).
It seems cumbersome to He/She all the time in reference
to God. Please forgive the male pronoun. 20

© Saiom Shriver

This file in its entirety is dedicated to my family and my friends. Cluster is to Nancy L 2 dynasties of love is to NA and JBA The horse poems are not intended to endorse the slavery of horse racing, or other exploitation of horses for human pleasure Emma Wood said "animals love vegetarians" Oerhoverer is to our mother. Polish horses is to Alex Hershaft founder of Pitcher to C Lassell Sea Receives lonely rivers to E Hubiak Rocking Cradle of the World to D & P Wilson Rookery to W Rave ... It Snows At Sea to J and D Shriver.. Swallow Wing to N Nickol White heron flock is to Denzel Washington Oprah Winfrey and all involved in The Great Debaters. Clothesline Exclamations to L Umana Crossroads to A D'Alessio Stylus Squiggling.. to Mark Braunstein Not bound by Gravity is to Sandy Patti Mavoorning is to Ethel Lynch White Cap weaver is to F Ratnikova Rosary poem to C Marshall ---------------

The phlebitis poem is to Richard Nixon whose Watergate frame was arranged by the CIA Henry Kissinger and Mark Felt of the FBI not because of the mass killings in Vietnam and Cambodia but because he had told Billy Graham he would end unfair control of the US media His empathic heart.. is to P Borlo Recommended postpoems sites include those by wemni, kittymonkey, patriciajj, serenemoment and many others Will, your winded wings will win is to Woodford For a brutal picture of horseracing go to Chai Online which is working to end Israeli horseracing For information on freeing Canadian seals, Spanish bulls, Chinese bears, Norwegian whales, Japanese dolphins, American cows, French frogs, Russian sable, Vietnamese cats, Saudi camels, S African elephants, Korean dogs, British lab mice, New Zealand sheep, Australian kangaroos, etc. go to Cluster is to Nancy L The horse poems are not intended to endorse the slavery of horse racing, or other exploitation of horses for human pleasure Emma Wood said "animals love vegetarians" Oerhoverer is to our mother. Polish horses is to Alex Hershaft founder of Pitcher to C Lassell Sea Receives lonely rivers to E Hubiak Rocking Cradle of the World to D & P Wilson Rookery to W Rave ... It Snows At Sea to J and D Shriver.. Swallow Wing to Nita Nickol Clothesline Exclamations to L Umana Crossroads to A D'Alessio Stylus Squiggling.. to Mark Braunstein Not bound by Gravity is to Sandy Patti Mavoorning is to Ethel Lynch White Cap weaver is to F Ratnikova Rosary poem to C Marshall --------------- Recommended postpoems sites include those by wemni, kittymonkey, masapoet, patriciajj, serenemoment and many others For a brutal picture of horseracing go to Chai Online which is working to end Israeli horseracing For information on freeing Canadian seals, Spanish bulls, Chinese bears, Norwegian whales, Japanese dolphins, American cows, French frogs, Russian sable, Vietnamese cats, Saudi camels, S African elephants, Korean dogs, British lab mice, New Zealand sheep, Australian kangaroos, etc. go to The writer was unusually blessed by God in the parents given to her *Each is All a statement L Hill's teacher made to him * the bees in the field to D & R H and is based on Ram Dass' remark: "When the flowers blossom the bees come" Only fallen laurel leaves.. is to Richard Wilbur who awakened my love of poetry * Because quarries have sharp rocks and sometimes hidden currents, please be cautious

(the champion racehorse line is not an endorsement of
the cruelty and corruption of the racing industry which causes
horses to burn to death in fires, have their forelegs
hang by a tendon after an accident, be whipped by ambitious
jockeys, be shipped from home to home)

Saiom Shriver
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14.05.2008 18:24

For this, are you ill ?

Big Hilda