Re : The rumours etc around Camden campaign / Candy Udwin etc.
London Against Camden Danger Lab {Mandy} | 13.05.2008 19:49 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Social Struggles | London | World
While we will reserve judgment about what is going on, Candy Udwin did in fact advise people that "they wouldn't be speaking to the Camden New Journal any more" and did describe the animals trapped in a Barnet lab as "just a load of rats" at a recent meeting. She did also try to persuade people at the meeting to accept the lab in Somers Town "in return for flats at the National Temperance site".
While I wouldn't describe her as an "infiltrator" there have been concerns over the campaign. However we are not part of the same campaign and while we have attended the Somers Town Peoples Forum meetings we are separate group.
Members of the Somers Town Peoples Forum are from different parties, persuasions and backgrounds and we have no comment on the rest of the group.
It is true that Candy Udwin did also describe some rather brilliant journalism on the lab in major newspapers as "sloppy journalism" and tried to convince campaigners that the lab will only be "testing flu" and "nothing dangerous" which we do not believe for a minute.
Personally I am happy with the way the Camden New Journal, The Evening Standard and other newspapers have reported on the lab. The Camden New Journal printed an editorial comment against the lab and printed half a page on our campaign letter alone. There is no way we would accept the lab being built in Smoers Town "in return for flats on the National Temperance site". That is tantamount to someone stealing from you than offering you a "deal" on giving back a small portion in return for keeping the rest.
Members of the Somers Town Peoples Forum are from different parties, persuasions and backgrounds and we have no comment on the rest of the group.
It is true that Candy Udwin did also describe some rather brilliant journalism on the lab in major newspapers as "sloppy journalism" and tried to convince campaigners that the lab will only be "testing flu" and "nothing dangerous" which we do not believe for a minute.
Personally I am happy with the way the Camden New Journal, The Evening Standard and other newspapers have reported on the lab. The Camden New Journal printed an editorial comment against the lab and printed half a page on our campaign letter alone. There is no way we would accept the lab being built in Smoers Town "in return for flats on the National Temperance site". That is tantamount to someone stealing from you than offering you a "deal" on giving back a small portion in return for keeping the rest.
London Against Camden Danger Lab {Mandy}