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War criminal placed under citizen's arrest

U.R So-nicked | 11.05.2008 19:46 | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Terror War | London

Sir Richard Dearlove, Master, Pembroke College, Cambridge University and Chief, Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) (1999-2004), and author of the infamous Dearlove Memo [2]had his lecture at Chatham House in London[3], interrupted by members of We Are Change UK. After disrupting the talk through a window with a megaphone, the activists attempted to effect a Citizen's arrest on Dearlove.

The face of a war criminal
The face of a war criminal

The action was captured on video and can be viewed at

In November 2007, the same group disrupted a Dearlove lecture at the LSE[4]and the video of that action can be viewed at


U.R So-nicked


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12.05.2008 11:55

Well done! What a horrible man. He looks sick.
