Somebodys Pet Website
James Jones | 09.05.2008 02:08
Every one has a voice now.The internet gives that appearence.But the sheer volumn of words written are over whelming readers.Too much information on the one hand and insufficient detail about it on the other.It is now known that the information in a cartoon depiction carries more publicity power than a thousand words.It also has the ability of no language barrier.But even still words can depict the power of a cartoon to those who have not seen one.Take for instance this one.The head of news international is someone many people will have a minds eye view of.The cartoon I have seen that I know no one else has is this .He resembles the thing that pops out the mouth of the alien on the film alien.Think about it.Websites like this when they began were the power no one had.But those days are gone.Now it's too much power used wrong.For every thing said there are a thousand different responces to it.No consistancy.No uniform general forward way of consentual agreement.For every poster there is a anti poster.For every comment there is many anti comments or pro,depending on the day and who is actually online.The big world of the internet has been reduced to a small sphere of a few websites per head of population.And the new isp situation of lan as to wan is making it smaller.
James Jones