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Support RAF Newton ecotown & Local business

Green Syndicalist MEMBER IWW,ICA, | 08.05.2008 20:00

Why are Rushcliffe council not listening to millions of voters who would love to live a ecotown rather than the minority of nimbies.Lets cooperate& Go green for victory! global warming& climate chaos is increasingly happening! A true ecotown would use local business,local resources+ workers & would be a real boon for the local economy

Far more empty homes need to be recylced as well of course, but we do need new homes too built using cement no becoming commercially available that absorbs Co2. I was part of the lobby & protests that successfully stopped the assylum centre & my grandfather was a antinazi Austrian Pathfinder squadron leader with the Polish RAF based at bases in Nottingham including RAF Newton during world war 2.

Nimbies against it are currently led by the actor who played bergerac the tv series that was using the childrens home in Jersey that at the time had children literally being murdered & tortured in its cellars.

Green Syndicalist MEMBER IWW,ICA,
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What is eco about the town?

15.05.2008 10:25

Does Green Syndicalist have any further info about the actual development? It would be interesting to look at the plans. Are the houses going to be affordable for example. Are there going to be adequate public transport links for this out of town development? Will there be space provided for community gardening?

Green but synical.

havent seen plans yet, aim is for it to be integrated & enviro, we need to make

16.05.2008 17:20

sure it is. If anyone is near County hall they probably have plans there. Nothing has been finalised though, but if we can get at true ecotown supporting local workers that would good

green syndicalist