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The Legacy of 1968 - The Indymedia Story TONIGHT!

Monday Love Crew | 05.05.2008 13:45 | London

Tonight at the Roxy Bar & Screen, a Monday Love Party Special

7pm - The Indymedia Story, from the Zapatista to G8, Genoa and beyond, how Indymedia came to be, and how it is evolving.

Live music from SoulJah of the underground, Lee Harris, and DJs all night


The Roxy Bar & Screen
Monday 5th May at 7pm
Roxy Bar and Screen
128-132 Borough High Street
London SE1 1LB

Monday Love Crew
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05.05.2008 15:25

of its subject matter, the cinema presents heroes and exemplary conduct modeled on the same old pattern as the rulers.'

Guy Debord

Critique of Separation (1961)


The legacy of 1968, anticapitalism and Indymedia?!

05.05.2008 16:42

It's interesting how it suits certain individuals to pull this out of the bag, ie. references to revolutionary struggles and direct assualts on capitalism, but when it comes to running imc uk, I really wouldn't be comfortable with name checking these struggles.

Now i suppose you're gonna ask me why, but i think a lot of you know.

disillusioned imcista

Things are moving on from us being in the ghetto,reason to celebrate!

05.05.2008 17:32

please stop whining, we need proper revolution, do you want constant strikes & & riots that end up pissing everyone off or tactical ones & change?, does change come through riots or education?. NVDA is v.useful, violence is only necessary in self defence. Yes if attacked by fash we must be totally full on.
Join a cooperative or good union & help change society whilst we still have a chance


Film Looks good, viva 68, heres to the future

05.05.2008 17:34

Looks good, viva 68, heres to the future


A song about the events of 1968

06.05.2008 10:08

In 1983 a band called The Alarm wrote a song about the events of 1968 called "68 guns". Here it is:

Musical historian

The future is coming

06.05.2008 11:08

Now I think I'm going down to the well tonight
and I'm going to drink till I get my fill
And I hope when I get old I don't sit around thinking about it
but I probably will
Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture
a little of the glory of, well time slips away
and leaves you with nothing mister but
boring stories of glory days

the past is gone