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Welcome Mr Barnbrook!

Demo-cracy | 05.05.2008 10:31 | London

Please give a warm and civilised welcome to our esteemed London Assembly member....

At the London Assembly's AGM, this Friday 9th May, at 10am at the City Hall.

According to, the AGM is "open to the public."

Be rude not to say hello wouldn't it?



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And bring confection!

05.05.2008 11:17

I might just have to bring a custard pie along with me (in case I get the munchies, of course!)


Raises an interesting question

05.05.2008 11:22

So Barnbrook and his blackshirted BNP have now been "democratically" elected by Londoners in sufficient numbers to get a seat in the London Assembly. To what extent does our protest at his (and their) fascist politics of hatred and subjugation become a case of our supporting democracy only when the outcome suits our purposes? This is very similar, in principle at least, to what we jeered at America and Israel for when Hamas was elected in Palestine and Israel and the US refused to recognise them as legitimate.

Just a thought to mull over - but shouldn't give us pause from "welcoming" him to London!!


hey cadbruy

05.05.2008 14:01

its not anti-democratic to be against fascism and racism. just because people were tricked and manipulated into voting for branbroke doesnt mean that you cant show your disgust at him and his politics, thats like saying its wrong to be against the labour arty and blair because they were voted in. the 'democratic' process we have in the uk is far from democratic, and the bias that the media has shown in the mayoral elections has been incredible. but the fact remains that it isnt anti-democratic to be against racism, fascism and any other way they try and divide us up.


haha coming from a fash terrorists pete, you would be lucky

05.05.2008 17:20

haha coming from a fash terrorists pete, you would be lucky, most of the met arent idiots though they have most pressure to do dodgy shit than any other force. Go back to your hole, BNP are just a twisted protest vote. Of their officials in london Ive heard of they seem to be posh climate change deniers & crazy american bankers who seem to have been conned by Griffin & believe in pc fascist "diversity". You have had it easy troll boys, go back to your holes



05.05.2008 17:22

If Barmbrookes wife is a copper how comes she hasn't been sacked for being involved with a subversive, as the nazis are known by MI5. How the fuck can she be in met pol anyway considering london is a multi ethnic society.??????????


give his ex a break...

05.05.2008 19:51

I don't normally quote from the daily mail but here goes:

Poor woman left him when he lurched to the right. I think she deserves the benefit of doubt. Her actions are hardly those of a supportive wife.

Spread love, not hatred!

mr angry

Makes one wonder...

06.05.2008 08:29

If his soon to be ex-wife (who can be easily identified by the detail in the Daily Mail story) isn't just a copper but also a spook. It's not unknown for the police and security services to infiltrate groups they see as subversive, and it would explain why she still has her job - most coppers would be sacked for even voting BNP, nethermind being married to Der Führer, as he seems to see himself.

Anyone see his speech on being elected to the London Assembly? Where does he think he is - Germany ca. 1930? Nick Griffin must have cringed as he saw that.


The great "British" Nonce-worshipping party all true British people hate,

06.05.2008 10:36

union jack britpop guitar naziblaster
union jack britpop guitar naziblaster

I feel sorry for the female copper, even after what they have done to me sometimes & even if she is a spook which is doubtful

Here they come the fatty boneheads,they aren't proper skinheads,
The great "British" Nonce-worshipping party all true British people hate,
Led by Colonel Gaddaffi's mate who enjoyed tea&hobnobs at oxford with Abu Hamza,
Mr Nicholas Griffin the apple of his Tory councillor daddies eye,
How dare they hide behind the british flag!
How dare they hide behind freedom of speech!,
How dare they hide behind democracy our grandparents fought for!,
Even the dregs of Mordor wouldn't murder kids,
Hitler said he wanted peace, that he loved children,
just like Stalin & President Truman who nuked Japan after war was won,
But even Stalin &Rockefellers boys didn't systematically murder children,
Griffin & Collets God Mr Hitler won the prize for worst pervert of them all,
They pretend to have changed, but we know their game,
They pretend to be honest, don.t make us laugh,
If they really cared about Britian they would change their evil ways or kill themselves
