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Mayday Celebrations - Space Hijackers | 05.05.2008 06:59 | London

A short video of the Mayday Street party

A short video of the Mayday Street party organised by the Space Hijackers. see you all there next year.


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Excellent stuff!

05.05.2008 10:29

Well done, Hijackers!

What's the music?

Lord P of Sealand

Enraged by the machine

06.05.2008 07:35

What's the music?

Look at the description of the video.

The music starting with "No matter how hard you try you can't stop us now" would not sound out of place if it was stated by the demonic-style political masters in power.

Brian B
- Homepage:


06.05.2008 07:59

Jesus. Things ain't what they used to be. Is the soundtrack meant to be ironic?

John Northern


06.05.2008 17:33

Silly me! Staring me in the face!

Thanks for pointing it out :0)

Lord P