SFC Donald Buswell | 04.05.2008 22:07 | Globalisation | History | Terror War | London
Four veteran military professionals continue to update the public about the Mayday Alert, which is becoming the most discussed false flag analysis in recent US history.
By Dr. James H. Fetzer
Major William B. Fox
Captain Eric H. May
SFC Donald Buswell
May 4 -- Last weekend we co-authored "MAYDAY ALERT! -- Terror Drills Could Go Live!" In it we urged the American people to be aware of the dangers inherent in National Level Exercise 2-08. NLE 2-08 began May 1 and will continue until May 8. In it, Bush administration officials are simulating WMD attacks in the Pacific Northwest and a natural catastrophe in Washington, DC. NLE 2-08 will culminate with a rehearsal of martial law.
We are humbled by the efforts others have made to get the word out. According to Google, there are now 6,500 postings of the Mayday Alert on the Internet. That's reassuring, since it means that countless Americans are discussing the possibility of military exercises being used as camouflage for "false flag" attacks against them by the Bush administration.
Seattle, the city most affected by the exercise scenario, has been well served by its Seattle Times, which published a much-needed validation of local patriots' concerns with the Mayday article by reporter Haley Edwards, “Federal government’s 8-day terror drill to test disaster preparedness" The article presents the case that the US 9/11 and UK 7/7 terror attacks were actually false flag operations disguised as terror drills, and were carried out by the US and UK governments.
At critical junctures in the past, newspapers have shirked their duty to investigate and report stories of vital interest to the public.
In the summer and fall of 2007, Portland's The Oregonian ignored widespread public distress about Noble Resolve and TOPOFF, a pair of terror exercises simulating nuclear attacks on their city. At the time, Oregon Congressman Peter DeFazio, refused access to Bush administration martial law plans, was making the sobering comment that maybe the public was right in thinking there was a conspiracy. After public fears grew to a fever pitch, The Oregonian ridiculed its readers for being afraid.
In January 2006, Captain Eric H. May led a widespread Internet public affairs campaigns to alert Houston area oil town Texas City to a false flag nuclear attempt against their BP refinery. At the time nuclear exercises being carried out at Ft. Monroe, Virginia. On February 1, the day after the nuke drills started, a federal nuke team mysteriously appeared outside Texas City. Their appearance was not part of the exercise scenario, and corroborated the allegations made on the Internet. Galveston County Daily News reporter TJ Aulds tried to explain it all away with "Nuclear attack warning story dismissed" Afterward Aulds and his newspaper refused to discuss or develop the story further.
The perils in the Southeast Texas oil patch may not be over. Alarmingly, this week Houston police gunned down Ronald Vincent Carnaby, a mysterious intelligence operative with connections to the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security. Today we read Internet reports, as yet uncorroborated, at his death may be connected to a pending false flag attempt against the BP refinery in Texas City. Too many Texans, like too many Americans, are living in dread of their government.
A month ago W. Leon Smith, publisher of The Lone Star Iconoclast, called for a Congressional investigation of the substantial evidence -- much of it published in his newspaper -- that repeated Houston-area petrochemicals explosions are not coincidental. They suggested the disturbing possibility that they were caused by the Bush administration and its Big Oil allies to boost the price of petroleum in his editorial "Time to Investigate Houston Is Now"
We emphatically endorse Mr. Smith's message to Congress. Investigating possible executive branch abuses is not optional for American legislators -- it is their constitutionally mandated duty. Reporting the news is not optional for American journalists -- it is an ethical imperative. It is long past time for serious questions to be asked, answered and acted upon.
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Dr. James H. Fetzer and Major William B. Fox are former Marine Corps officers. Captain Eric H. May and SFC Donald Buswell are former members of Army intelligence.
By Dr. James H. Fetzer
Major William B. Fox
Captain Eric H. May
SFC Donald Buswell
May 4 -- Last weekend we co-authored "MAYDAY ALERT! -- Terror Drills Could Go Live!" In it we urged the American people to be aware of the dangers inherent in National Level Exercise 2-08. NLE 2-08 began May 1 and will continue until May 8. In it, Bush administration officials are simulating WMD attacks in the Pacific Northwest and a natural catastrophe in Washington, DC. NLE 2-08 will culminate with a rehearsal of martial law.
We are humbled by the efforts others have made to get the word out. According to Google, there are now 6,500 postings of the Mayday Alert on the Internet. That's reassuring, since it means that countless Americans are discussing the possibility of military exercises being used as camouflage for "false flag" attacks against them by the Bush administration.
Seattle, the city most affected by the exercise scenario, has been well served by its Seattle Times, which published a much-needed validation of local patriots' concerns with the Mayday article by reporter Haley Edwards, “Federal government’s 8-day terror drill to test disaster preparedness" The article presents the case that the US 9/11 and UK 7/7 terror attacks were actually false flag operations disguised as terror drills, and were carried out by the US and UK governments.
At critical junctures in the past, newspapers have shirked their duty to investigate and report stories of vital interest to the public.
In the summer and fall of 2007, Portland's The Oregonian ignored widespread public distress about Noble Resolve and TOPOFF, a pair of terror exercises simulating nuclear attacks on their city. At the time, Oregon Congressman Peter DeFazio, refused access to Bush administration martial law plans, was making the sobering comment that maybe the public was right in thinking there was a conspiracy. After public fears grew to a fever pitch, The Oregonian ridiculed its readers for being afraid.
In January 2006, Captain Eric H. May led a widespread Internet public affairs campaigns to alert Houston area oil town Texas City to a false flag nuclear attempt against their BP refinery. At the time nuclear exercises being carried out at Ft. Monroe, Virginia. On February 1, the day after the nuke drills started, a federal nuke team mysteriously appeared outside Texas City. Their appearance was not part of the exercise scenario, and corroborated the allegations made on the Internet. Galveston County Daily News reporter TJ Aulds tried to explain it all away with "Nuclear attack warning story dismissed" Afterward Aulds and his newspaper refused to discuss or develop the story further.
The perils in the Southeast Texas oil patch may not be over. Alarmingly, this week Houston police gunned down Ronald Vincent Carnaby, a mysterious intelligence operative with connections to the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security. Today we read Internet reports, as yet uncorroborated, at his death may be connected to a pending false flag attempt against the BP refinery in Texas City. Too many Texans, like too many Americans, are living in dread of their government.
A month ago W. Leon Smith, publisher of The Lone Star Iconoclast, called for a Congressional investigation of the substantial evidence -- much of it published in his newspaper -- that repeated Houston-area petrochemicals explosions are not coincidental. They suggested the disturbing possibility that they were caused by the Bush administration and its Big Oil allies to boost the price of petroleum in his editorial "Time to Investigate Houston Is Now"
We emphatically endorse Mr. Smith's message to Congress. Investigating possible executive branch abuses is not optional for American legislators -- it is their constitutionally mandated duty. Reporting the news is not optional for American journalists -- it is an ethical imperative. It is long past time for serious questions to be asked, answered and acted upon.
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Dr. James H. Fetzer and Major William B. Fox are former Marine Corps officers. Captain Eric H. May and SFC Donald Buswell are former members of Army intelligence.
SFC Donald Buswell